Return To 1977 Chapter 81: Chaos at the gate opening

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

After returning to Fululi, Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan did not directly enter the Hong family’s door.

Instead, he first went to Chen Liquan’s house in the West Courtyard to get Quanzi’s mother’s bankbook, then went to the bank and took out all the money. Then add the 400 yuan given by “Zou Toad” and the 100 yuan given by You San’s “share of money” to make up a round number. They then returned to Hong’s house with their money and things.

As for the gold watch, Hong Yanwu felt that it would only cost a hundred or so yuan to sell, so he persuaded Chen Liquan to keep it first. At this moment, all the property the two of them have is the remaining eighty yuan of You San’s “share of money”.

After all, for such a big person, his body can never be clean and shiny. Also considering that I have to go out to do errands, some social expenses will inevitably be incurred. So Hong Yanwu didn’t hand over the little money. Instead, he and Chen Liquan split the “leaves” in half.

As for those tickets that also came from You San, because he couldn’t tell where they came from, he naturally couldn’t give them to his family, so he had to keep them in his own hands for the time being.

In this way, at about six o’clock in the evening, Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan happily walked into the main room of the Hong family with a thick stack of large dumplings and a flat jadeite bag wrapped in yellow silk.

But they were full of joy. Unexpectedly, as soon as they opened the door and before they had time to take out their things, Wang Yunlin came over to greet them.

Wang Yunlin didn’t look to see if Hong Yanwu had returned with Bian Fang, but looked at her son’s face. She looked hard, as if she didn’t believe it was Hong Yanwu’s face. It seems as if it is very impossible and unbelievable that his son can return home.

At this moment, Hong Yanwu’s emotions of returning home were completely gone. His heart was extremely sour. Without saying anything else, he knew that his mother had been worried about him all afternoon.

“Mom, I got the things back. Take a look…”

Sure enough, when she saw Hong Yanwu taking out the Huang Lingzi package, Wang Yunlin not only didn’t look happy at all, but became even more frightened.

“You…really went…did you hurt anyone? Did something happen?” Wang Yunlin did not pick up the package, but asked anxiously while closing the door in a hurry.

“Aunt Hong (in the old days, women took their husband’s surname, so people of Wang Yunlin’s generation were often called by their husband’s surname), don’t worry, I went with Xiao Wu, and there were no sequelae at all. Xiao Wu’s today Things were done quite beautifully…”

In the end, Chen Liquan took over the conversation, and then told Wang Yunlin everything about today.

Chen Liquan is a well-known honest person in the whole alley. Unlike Hong Yanwu, who always lies when he opens his mouth, he gets nervous and stutters when he lies. So after seeing his frank description, Wang Yunlin still believed him.

Hearing that Zou Shuncai had fallen into such a state, Wang Yunlin finally breathed a sigh of relief. When she looked at her son, her eyes changed from worry and fear to relief and joy.

That night, not only was Wang Yunlin particularly touched by the 1,000 yuan raised in Chen Liquan’s name, she was extremely grateful. And being able to see the lost and recovered ancestral objects again really made Wang Yunlin cry with joy.

Because Wang Yunlin repeatedly stroked the jade square and was reluctant to let go for a long time, Hong Yanwu was curious and asked about it, only to find out that the jade square was the only thing his grandmother left to his mother.

This inevitably makes him feel extremely pitiful for his mother, because although there is hope for the cost of his father’s medical treatment, once this thing is sold, it is very likely that his mother will never see this object again in her lifetime.

For the first time, Hong Yanwu felt a mixed sadness. From the bottom of his heart, he really hated his own incompetence. If possible, he really hoped to find other ways to raise money for his father’s medical treatment so that this thing could stay with his mother forever.

Just like that, looking at his mother who was alone in the memory of the past under the lamp, and listening to his father’s screams caused by pain, he also fell into a daze in an extremely contradictory mood…

Monday, March 24, 1977.

This is the third day after Hong Yanwu came back.

Wang Yunlin used a public phone to ask for leave from the factory early in the morning. She will take Bian Fang to various places to inquire about prices today. Chen Liquan took the food left by Wang Yunlin in a lunch box and went to work as usual.

As for Hong Yanwu, he also had his own things to do, which was to go to the Fifth Division of the Public Security Bureau to inquire about how to transfer his household registration from Chadian to Beijing.

The Fifth Division of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, also called the Labor Reform Office, was the predecessor of the later Beijing Labor Reform Bureau.

Someone once joked that among the “directors” in our country, there was no one like the director of the “Fifth Division of the Beijing Public Security Bureau”.

This is because during this period, the total number of people under the jurisdiction of the reform-through-labor office, including reform-through-labor, labor education, employment, cadres, and employees, was more than 100,000.

Why are there so many people?

It was also because the policy of reeducation through labor at that time was “only in, no out.” The public security organs are not only responsible for arresting people and supervising reeducation through labor, but they are also responsible for arranging work for “reeducation through labor” after release.

That era was when employed people were most dissatisfied with the “employment policy.” This is because over the years, more and more prisoners and ex-prisoners have completed their sentences, and almost all of them remain employed in reform-through-labor units.

It can be said that the small Public Security Bureau No. 5 carries a heavy burden. As the number of “employed people” increases, the “indigestion” of Section 5 of the Public Security Bureau becomes more serious, and the treatment of these personnel becomes worse and worse.

For example, in the early years when Chadian implemented the “employment policy”, employed people were still called “employed workers” and could join the trade union. Those who did outstanding work also had the opportunity to go to Beidaihe for recuperation, and their wages were generally four More than ten yuan.

So most people are relatively stable, either bringing their children over, or finding a partner to start a family in the countryside.

But such good times did not last long. Within a few years, “employed workers” were renamed “employed persons.” Not only were the trade unions abolished, but the wages of newly employed workers were generally only thirty-two yuan, and those with low wages could only get twenty-five yuan.

Especially after the “movement”, “employed people” have become the targets of the dictatorship. They are not allowed to go out during annual leave. They are only given seven days of personal leave a year to go home to visit relatives, and they are escorted with guns when they transfer. At this point, the “employed people” are “people who have food but no use, and people who have use but no food.”

So at the end of the “movement”, when the high pressure gradually eased, many escapes occurred among “employed people”.

Some people go to border areas to work as long-term workers, and some people go to coal mines to work in coal mines. More people who are unwilling to endure hardship, just like Hong Yanwu, “float” outside and live by various evil ways.

Once these people were arrested and entered the study class, when they explained their motives for escaping, they all spoke of the difficulties of survival in employment, saying that as long as they could solve the problem of food and clothing, they would not escape.

But in fact, without policies, no one in the entire Public Security Bureau can solve these problems. Therefore, for those who have committed new crimes that are not too serious, the final treatment often has to be done by the correctional officers, who can hardly justify themselves by explaining some rationale, and then let them go.

In this way, the employed people continued to run away, were caught, then released, and then released again, which became a vicious circle. This was probably one of the more important reasons that contributed to the chaos of social security at that time.

The change in the situation began with the collapse of the four-member gang. As some veteran public security cadres who were affected by the attack gradually recovered, the higher authorities have begun to think about changing the unhealthy status quo. So in the year when Hong Yanwu returned home, the Fifth Public Security Bureau began to gradually open up the gate, allowing some employed people with practical difficulties to move back to their hukou first.

It should be said that this is good governance, which is a good thing for the country and ordinary people. But we should also understand that it is unrealistic to solve the specific difficulties faced at that time, the chronic problems caused by so many years, and the problems of so many people at once.

So when Hong Yanwu came to the reception room of the fifth section of the Public Security Bureau, what he saw was an extremely chaotic scene.

The five reception rooms were crowded and packed with people, all of whom were “educated” family members who came to ask for their hukou. And most of these people are old men and women with white hair.

In those days, few old people were literate, and the chaos of vying for bus seats and queuing became commonplace. So these people neither know how to line up in an orderly manner, nor how to speak softly.

Every one of them kept pushing in, and finally squeezed in front of the receptionist. They didn’t care whether the other party could hear him or not, so they started arguing loudly.

There were old men who wanted their sons to go home to take care of them, and old ladies who wanted their grandsons to go home and take care of them. There were also people who complained about their grievances, asked for release, and at the same time demanded vindication. They were crying and shouting.

Amidst the chaos and commotion, several reception staff from the Fifth Office were sweating and running around in a hurry. They tried their best to dissuade one person and comfort that one. As a result, they spent all their energy and time on maintaining order and could not hear clearly who was saying what.

Hong Yanwu was dumbfounded. He never expected that this place would be so lively.

Because when he thought about it, in this era of limited information, the Fifth Public Security Bureau had just come up with this preliminary policy, and there were no large-scale specific management measures to be implemented. Even police officers like Zhang Baocheng didn’t quite understand that there should be no Too many people know this news. How could there be such a noisy scene?

Actually, this probably means that Hong Yanwu is thinking to the left, and it is also because he has been away from this era for too long and he no longer understands some things.

These days, although ordinary people cannot watch TV, newspapers and radio are mostly filled with the trends of political movements and critical drafts. But when it comes to the national economy and people’s livelihood, it is the category of news that people really care about.

For the sake of their own personal interests, people will never give up easily just because the serious media has not released it. Therefore, some shrewd people often find ways to inquire about the latest gossip from relevant people behind the scenes.

Don’t underestimate the channels that ordinary people have. Most people don’t have much ability, but who is not related to them? In addition, the composition of the cadres in power at that time was also mixed. Many of them were “rocket cadres” who came up from the bottom during the special period. These people had done everything before. Therefore, as soon as there is any movement on the upper level, it will quickly wander out from the “trail”.

In fact, as soon as the policy of being able to transfer one’s registered residence from Da was loosened, relevant news began to spread from east to west, and the news soon became a storm in the city.

Some ordinary people even knew about this earlier than the heads of the public security organs knew about it. Some people have even grasped the specific policy measures. Although there are many elements of speculation, it is hard to believe.

Because this was indeed the situation at that time. There were many things that the gossip news was more accurate than the official news. This is also the main reason why social rumors are still easy to spread and people are easily deceived for a long time even after the society stabilizes.

Anyway, Hong Yanwu gave up in the face of such a chaotic scene. As soon as he saw the situation, he understood that there was no way the problem could be solved here, so he had to squeeze out again and go home to make other plans.

The current Hong Yanwu has a good vision and knowledge. He has dealt with people in shopping malls and official circles for many years. It is about connections and relationships. He knows that an official seal is not as good as a private seal, and a poke is not as good as face. reason. So he quickly figured out the situation he was facing.

He believes that now that the “movement” is over, these people who were forced to leave Beijing for various reasons will be thinking about moving their hukou back as long as they are alive.

But with so many people, even if the policy allows, it is impossible for them all to come back at once. There has to be a question of who comes first and who comes last.

Logically speaking, the government must give priority to solving the problems of these people who have been redressed of unjust, false or wrongly convicted cases, and who have gone to the mountains and countryside. However, those who have ended their employment in labor camps or re-education through labor are most likely to be wrong in the future.

Therefore, for these “employed people”, even if there is the spirit of opening the gate, they can only do it step by step. Whoever can catch up with the first and second groups will definitely not rely on luck or performance, but on performance. It depends on relationships and skills.

Based on his conditions, the only thing he can propose is that he has a seriously ill father at home, but there are other things that are more difficult than him, so there is little hope of getting things done with this extra point. If you really want to get this done, the best way is to find connections within the Public Security Bureau and use the back door.

It’s a pity that although he is proficient in giving gifts, he is currently faced with the problem of “carrying a pig’s head and can’t find the temple door.” How can he get to know the brains of the Public Security Bureau?

Alas, it seems that we have to think about it in the long run. And you have to figure it out quickly.

Because he also knows that in seven or eight years there will be a rush for educated youth to return to the city. If we really put it off until then, it will be even more difficult to do anything, let alone change our household registration.


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