Return To 1977 Chapter 80: Empty bottle

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I found the jade flat square!

It’s not hidden anywhere else, just on the ceiling.

What fell from the ceiling was a large, locked camphor wood box, with the contents inside weighing over a hundred kilograms. Such a heavy thing was hidden on the ceiling by Zou Shuncai. It is no wonder that he added several log piles for support in the house.

It’s purely a coincidence. If Hong Yanwu hadn’t kicked him out in anger, he might not have been able to find this treasure today.

But on the other hand, it is indeed quite suspenseful.

Those are not just a few bricks. If such a hard and heavy box were to hit the Tianling cover all of a sudden, even Hong Yanwu would probably not be able to bear it and would have to lie down on the spot.

But luckily, isn’t there Chen Liquan in the house? He had already mastered the “Fire Burning Body” with Master Yu. As soon as there was a sound on the room, he felt that something was coming down from above.

So when the box was completely smashed down, he realized something was wrong and had already jumped to Hong Yanwu’s side.

In the end, just in time, just before the box was about to hit Hong Yanwu, Chen Liquan reached out to grab it, and with the strength of his arms that was enough to juggle hundreds of kilograms of stone locks, he finally narrowly caught the box.

When the box was placed smoothly on the ground, the dust that had been shaken off from the ceiling had not yet finished falling to the ground. Looking at it at this time, Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan both had dirt on their heads and faces. Living Stove King.

Hong Yanwu cursed and spit a mouthful of phlegm on the ground angrily, but he had not yet attacked Zou Shun. Zou Shuncai said “Zi Liuer” and he collapsed from the bed to the ground.

What’s wrong?

Hi! This old boy is scared!

Actually, Zou Shuncai was not afraid that Hong Yanwu would anger him. The key was that the stuff in that box was too important.

It goes without saying that the box is full of good things that he has collected with great difficulty. He was originally afraid that he would be remembered if he was unlucky, and he was on guard against someone coming to blackmail him, so he figured out this trick to hide it in it.

If Chen Liquan really didn’t catch it, it would be all over. So when it comes to the bottom line, it is Chen Liquan who should be grateful the most.

After breaking the lock and opening the box, he felt that the whole room was lit up, and even Hong Yanwu was startled.

There is really a dazzling array of things in there. You can find whatever you want. They are all exquisite little artifacts.

There are calligraphy and painting scrolls, pure gold music boxes, jewelry boxes inlaid with mother-of-pearl, ivory chopsticks, glass snuff bottles, woodcarving pen holders, celadon brush washers, Sanheliu’s grasshopper gourds, pastel pigeon whistles, bird food jars… …And at the bottom of the box is Hong Yanwu’s mother’s flat jadeite square. Even the yellow silk wrapped outside is still the same as before.

“Okay, the stuff in this box is far more than 5,000 yuan. They say that toads that have become sperm love to collect treasures, ‘Zou Toad’, your house is really a toad’s nest. Old guy, now you What else can I say! I think I really need to tear you apart like your toad’s nest to see if there are any good things left…”

Seeing Hong Yanwu approach with a ferocious expression and gritted teeth, Zou Shuncai shivered like chaff again, and even his voice was filled with desperate fear.

“I am a bastard, I am not a human being, I was blinded by lard! I have four hundred yuan, four hundred yuan in cash, as long as you spare me, stop smashing things, and leave the box to me, I am willing to give away the money. I don’t even have a home, and only these few things I like are left. You are my ancestor, have mercy on me…”

On the way home, Chen Liquan put his right hand in his trouser pocket and kept rubbing it, refusing to take it out.

Hong Yanwu was happy when he saw it.

Others don’t know, but he does. The reason why Chen Liquan was reluctant to extend his hand was actually because he had a gold case pendant watch from the late Qing Dynasty in his pocket.

“Vacheron Constantin”, artificial kinetic energy, with dust cover and original gold bracelet.

If there is anything wrong with this watch, it is that it is a watch used by Sushun, which is a bit unlucky. But if that were not the case, Zou Shuncai might not be willing to give it.

It turns out that Hong Yanwu thought about it again and again and finally agreed to Zou Shuncai’s conditions. Apart from his own jade flat square, he didn’t take anything else from Zou Shuncai, and only received the 400 yuan in cash as “compensation”.

Only before leaving, because he saw that Chen Liquan was holding the watch in the box and was reluctant to put it down, he suddenly changed his mind and asked Zou Shuncai for the watch as a companion.

Zou Shuncai was naturally afraid of making the evil star angry, and if something happened again, he had to grit his teeth and reluctantly agree, but his expression at that time was as if a piece of flesh had been cut off.

“Xiao Wu, this watch case is really smooth and comfortable to touch. I see there is another white piece in the box with gems on it. Why didn’t you take it just now? By the way, these gadgets are not It’s easy to take away. You also said that the box contains more than 5,000 yuan, so why don’t we take more?”

It was precisely because he found Hong Yanwu always looking at him with a smile that Chen Liquan felt a little embarrassed, so he asked this question. But Hong Yanwu’s next answer surprised him.

“Quanzi, if you had a bottle of Erguotou you just bought and someone asked you to throw it away, would you throw it away?”

“What are you doing? That’s not stupid.”

“What if it’s half a bottle?”

“You can drink even half a bottle, the wine won’t spoil if left alone…” Chen Liquan opened his eyes wide and turned to look at Hong Yanwu in confusion.

“What about the empty bottle?” Hong Yanwu remained calm.

“If you insist on me throwing it away, then I will throw it away. Anyway, selling scrap products only costs two points, and we have no shortage of soy sauce bottles.” Chen Liquan still didn’t understand. He tried to figure out Hong Yanwu’s expression as he spoke.

His expression made Hong Yanwu laugh.

“Quanzi, you really know how to live a good life. You are reluctant to throw away anything useful… However, this can also explain a truth. We don’t feel bad about empty bottles, but as long as there is still wine, no one is willing to throw them away. What I actually mean is that ‘Zou Toad’ is like this wine bottle. Today we have found it for him. The jade flat square was recovered, along with a gold watch and four hundred yuan. I beat him and smashed several of his belongings, which made him lose face in front of his neighbors. He might have to move in the future, so now he is like a half-empty bottle…”

At this point, he hesitated again before continuing.

“Don’t forget, ‘Zou Toad’ is already homeless, and he is living with the few gadgets he got. And I don’t think he is doing it all for money. He treats these things like He’s really obsessed. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have only these few hundred dollars at home, and apart from the last one, the ones you smashed today are not really precious, but he still feels as if he is dying. . So I think we should give him the remaining ‘wine’. Don’t you think that the old guy will become an ’empty bottle’? My son’s hope is gone, I’m afraid I really dare to ‘throw’ him…”

“Well…I kind of understand what you are saying. This is called ‘Broken Pot Breaking’. But ‘Zou Toad’ can’t beat us, what else can he do? I can give him **** in one go. Take it out.” Chen Liquan thought for a moment, then asked a little unconvinced.

“Quanzi, you can’t say that. Remember, the inconspicuous bedbugs really shouldn’t be looked down upon. Is a piece of mouse droppings small? It can ruin a pot of porridge. Since our goal has been achieved, there is no need to kill people. If nothing else, who would have thought that ‘Zou Toad’ could hide something on the ceiling? This old boy can take a bite out of us if he is really anxious…”

Speaking of this, Hong Yanwu suddenly thought of his past, his mouth felt a little bitter, and his tone became a little heavy.

“…Actually, I know best that people who have nothing are really brave enough to fight, just like me, like I did in the past. So I’m afraid that if I get really desperate, ‘Zou Toad’ will also risk his life. , he will report us to the police and workers’ militia, and may even do something more extreme. But if there is still hope, he has a weakness, and he will have to suffer the consequences of this matter. For example, if he “lifts” us, he won’t be able to keep his things, and he might be more at fault than us. Besides, he is also afraid of our revenge. As long as he is not crazy and has a way out, he will always be able to do it. You have to calculate the pros and cons…”

“You are smart, what you say makes sense, you know how to think, you are much better than me…”

Chen Liquan nodded in agreement at first, but after a while, he thought of something and smiled slightly bitterly.

“Xiao Wu, what do you think…people like me…are they considered an ’empty bottle’ now?”

These words immediately made Hong Yanwu’s nose sore. When he thought that Chen Liquan had no father or mother and became a helpless person, he could quite understand Chen Liquan’s thoughts.

“No! No! Of course you are not! I used to be, but not now! Yes, I have parents and relatives… But you, don’t you still have me? Aren’t we friends? We are not Senior brother? Isn’t our relationship better than real family members? You are really like a brother to me.”

Hong Yanwu’s passionate confession made Chen Liquan silent. After a while, he let out a breath.

“Xiao Wu, do you know? You have changed so much since you came back that I don’t even recognize you anymore. You can read better and write more beautifully. You also understand these old objects and a lot of truths. Even your heart is soft… If you let it go, no matter what, you will have to give it all to Zou Toad…”

Hong Yanwu couldn’t help being startled, rolled his eyes, and quickly defended himself.

“Don’t think blindly. I don’t take those things because they are difficult to sell. Regardless of their value, no one is willing to spend money to buy these things now. It’s not because of any soft-heartedness…”

But Chen Liquan still stubbornly interrupted him as if he understood everything.

“Xiao Wu, I know you best. Anyway, I know that you are different from before. But don’t worry, don’t worry. Why is this happening? If you don’t want to tell me, I won’t ask you again. I I just want to tell you that you have become better than before. I feel that I am really lucky to have you as my friend. Thank you!”

Who said Chen Liquan was careless and careless? Isn’t it quite clear to observe the subtleties?

Hong Yanwu looked at him with admiration. He didn’t know whether it was because he felt guilty or because he couldn’t bear to lie. Anyway, he was more hesitant.

“Quanzi, you are really…what should I say?”

Chen Liquan smiled slightly and interrupted him again. “Then don’t say anything. However, since you said you treat me as a brother, I have to tell you that there is one thing you did wrong!”

Hong Yanwu is a little curious. “What happened? Tell me!”

Chen Liquan did not show off any more, he said it very seriously and solemnly.

“You went to ‘Zou Toad’ today to ask for this Bianfang, probably because you wanted to treat Uncle Hong, right? Then why didn’t you tell me first that you were short of money? My mother left me five hundred yuan. You can take the money and use it. Also, let’s sell this watch for money…”

Who said that Chen Liquan doesn’t understand emotions and is a wooden person who only knows how to practice, eat and sleep? Then this person really has a pair of eyes in vain!

Looking at Chen Liquan’s sincere and sincere face, the corners of Hong Yanwu’s eyes were wet and his throat felt hot, as if he had been choked by a mouthful of strong wine.

In a kind of emotion that surged from the bottom of his heart, his eloquent skills and ability to speak lotus seemed to have been completely forgotten, so that at this moment he became extremely stupid and stupid, even a simple ” I can’t even say the word “Thank you”.

Is he Hong Yanwu smart?

No! Far less than Quanzi!


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