Return To 1977 Chapter 79: Bluffing

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

As soon as Hong Yanwu finished speaking, he picked up a teapot placed on the desk beside the wall.

Zou Shuncai’s most sensitive nerve was touched, and he immediately jumped up and rushed forward, trying to **** the things back.

Hong Yan stood up fiercely, stepped forward and kicked Zou Shuncai to the ground with just one kick.

But Zou Shuncai then hugged Hong Yanwu’s legs without waiting to stand up, trying to knock him down.

Hong Yanwu didn’t panic, he just pinched Zou Shuncai’s fingers gently, then twisted the knuckles again, and the old boy let go of his hand with an “ouch”.

Hong Yanwu didn’t give up and secretly increased his efforts. As a result, Zou Shuncai let out a sharp scream and his big head hit the brick floor with a “thud”.

Okay, here’s another one!

“Quanzi, smash it!” Hong Yanwu handed the teapot to Chen Liquan expressionlessly.

Chen Liquan didn’t waste any time. He took the teapot and threw it to the ground. There was a crisp sound and the teapot powder shattered!

“It sounds good, here are a few more!”

The matched teacups were not spared and were knocked to the ground by Chen Liquan’s arm.

“Crash”, this is called crispy!

Zou Shuncai almost died of heartache. “Ouch, don’t smash it! It’s going to kill me…”

Hong Yanwu signaled Chen Liquan to stop temporarily. “Let me tell you, I really don’t believe there is anything that can’t be smashed without breaking. What do you call a stinky toad? Have you figured it out? Where are the things?”

“You two young masters, there really isn’t any, I…I can’t get it…”

“Quanzi! Another big one!”

As soon as Hong Yanwu shouted, Chen Liquan picked up a blue and white general jar. Without hesitation at all, there was a “bang” and the ground was covered with scum.

“Oh my god…”

This was so life-threatening that Zou Shuncai burst into tears.

Actually, Hong Yanwu felt a little distressed when he saw it. He said to himself, “Quanzi, you are really good at picking things. Just this thing, in the future, it will cost you tens of millions.”

Although he thought so in his heart, Hong Yanwu had to remain calm in public.

“What’s the matter? Just show your attitude. It doesn’t matter, we’re not in a hurry. If you still say no, we’ll smash them one by one slowly. Anyway, you have a lot of stuff in the house, and you’ll have a chance to figure it out… ”

“Grandpas, in my situation, if I really had that thing, I would have exchanged it for money long ago. These broken pots and bowls are really not worth a few, and it’s not worth the effort you put into it… Even if you both have good deeds, please leave some food for me.”

Seeing that Zou Shuncai still wanted to fool him as a “stick”, he refused to spit. Hong Yanwu felt it was time to wake him up. So he used his feet to push aside the debris and found the base of the blue and white general jar. When he saw that there was no year mark, he put it on the table.

“Isn’t it worth a few? It’s just a private kiln…Quanzi, if you don’t feel bad for the old guy yet, you can find something with a year mark written on the foundation and utensils and smash it!”

When he heard this, Zou Shuncai almost jumped up from the ground as if he was on fire, and quickly kowtowed to beg for mercy.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t! This young man, I am blind and ignorant of real people! But your Bian Fang… has indeed been handed over to the public. Even if you beat me to death, I can’t take it out. Otherwise In this way, if you see what is good in my house, you can take a few pieces and it will be regarded as a bargain…”

Because Zou Shuncai had withdrawn another film, Chen Liquan couldn’t help but look at Hong Yanwu again. His eyes were obviously moved.

But Hong Yanwu knew better and sat back on the stool with a dry smile.

“Are you kidding? What is that thing in our house? Of the gadgets in your house, how many can surpass those of the Ming Dynasty? Even if you give them to me, they may not be worthy. How many should you choose? You can’t beat them. You need a good abacus! If you really want to pay it forward, don’t talk nonsense. If you pay me five thousand yuan now, it will be an advantage for you!”

“Five thousand yuan! Ancestor! Are you crazy?” Even though Zou Shuncai had seen a lot, he couldn’t help but be shocked.

Chen Liquan was also surprised. This was the first time he heard this price.

But Hong Yanwu remained calm and continued to speak slowly.

“What’s the matter, is that too much? Then hand over the things…’Zou Toad’, I know you are a master who has become a master. You probably think you can fool me, and you can fool me, and you can fool me. I was probably thinking that maybe I would give up after I smashed a few pieces and still couldn’t find out, and then you could just pretend to be a coward and it would be cost-effective to keep the flat square. But I also told you that I came here just to follow you. You’re going to fight to the end. If you don’t get it right, I’ll really smash them all. You can think about it slowly, but then I’ll just smash the rarest ones. You’d better admit it. The later you figure it out, the more you will suffer…”

Chen Liquan understood at this time, and he was also angry that Zou Shuncai was being clever and treating them as fools. Next, he deliberately brought over the most beautiful and fancy enamel jar.

And he still remembered what Hong Yanwu just said, so he turned his head upside down and looked at the sky. Don’t tell me, it really has an annual payment.

So he turned around and asked Hong Yanwu, “Can you look at this flashy guy? There are words at the bottom, which are in traditional Chinese. I can’t read them clearly. What’s Qing… Qian (Qian), Qianlong…”

Zou Shuncai’s voice trembled. “No, no, please stay with me. Can you… smash something else? Even if you change it to a bigger one…”

Hong Yanwu also thought about it at this time. It was not his own thing anyway, so what could he do if it was smashed.

Is destroying cultural relics a national sinner?

But during the “movement”, Yue Fei’s grave was dug up, so what if he was a national hero!

So he laughed, quite relaxed. “This jar is actually a bit small. Forget it, let the old guy take advantage first. Quanzi, smash it!”


Another crisp and clear shattering sound.

Zou Shuncai burst into tears as if his life was broken.

But at this moment, with the sound of urgent footsteps approaching, Zou Shuncai’s door opened.

Outside the door, several neighbors were standing, looking suspiciously into the house.

The leaders were two old ladies, one wearing a red sleeve band. The other one was “Old Walnut Pi” who had just questioned Hong Yanwu in the courtyard.

“What’s going on? Is this ‘smashing an open fire’? Look at the **** here! Lao Zou, are you okay? Get up, why are you lying on the ground!”

“Red Sleeve Hoop” asked first, sounding like he was here to support Zou Shuncai.

Following that, the “Old Walnut Skin” also spoke.

“You guys, you were so polite when you entered the courtyard just now, why did you fall out as soon as you entered the house! Now you don’t want to cause harm to others. You are so tormented in someone else’s house because you want to ‘get in’… ”

Behind them there was an old worker with a beard, holding a shovel in his hand, and he also said angrily.

“You two are not good birds at first glance! You are so bold that you dare to come to our courtyard and do mischief! If you don’t make it clear today, be careful that you can’t get out of this courtyard!”

When Zou Shuncai saw these saviors coming, he was as excited as a chicken. Without wiping away the snot and tears on his face, he howled loudly.

“Director Bao, Sister Qin, Brother Chen, you are here just in time! If you come a little later, my family will be completely destroyed! These two boys are real robbers! Hurry, call the police and workers’ militia. ! Don’t let them escape…”

Yes! This is called three-foot waves without wind, and ripples from flat ground! Things turned out to be complicated!

Chen Liquan looked at Hong Yanwu worriedly, waiting for him to decide whether to fight or leave.

As for Hong Yanwu, in fact, as soon as he took action, he expected that the bungalow was not soundproof and someone might come to ask questions, so he had already thought of a way to deal with it. So not only did he not panic at all, he almost lost his joy when he heard the names of these people.

He himself was still thinking about it here, thinking that it was such a coincidence that these people all got together. Well, Bao Qingtian, Qin Xianglian, and Chen Shimei were all there, which was enough to sing “Shamei” “case”…

“Dear aunts and uncles, I can see that you are all enthusiastic and good people. You are here because you are afraid that your neighbors will be wronged. But don’t worry, you can’t judge what is going on just based on what you see. , let alone believe one thing or another, and instead protect the real bad guys…”

Hong Yanwu stood up calmly, his face calm. He also knew that this was the most important thing, and he had to be extremely calm in order to suppress the situation under such circumstances.

Sure enough, his reaction made several people hesitate. Several people looked at each other, and finally it was the “Red Sleeve Band” who continued to ask.

“Then tell me, what happened? Didn’t you smash the thing?”

“That’s right, aunt. We smashed things and even beat people up! But one thing is, we didn’t rob him. That guy surnamed Zou is not talking nonsense! Why don’t you let him say for himself, why did we rob him? ”

“This…” Zou Shuncai, who had just stood up, was a little speechless, but he reacted immediately. “It’s not okay for you to smash things and hit people. You don’t have the law!”

“That’s right! Why do you beat people and smash things? You have to explain clearly! This is not the first two years…” The old worker named Chen had a bad temper and couldn’t help but support Zou Shuncai.

“Why? He deserves a beating! It’s not unfair to kill him! I would like to ask, ladies and gentlemen, do you know the background of this ‘Zou Toad’? He turned out to be the head of the Baizhifang Street Office , why is it like this again? ”

As soon as Hong Yanwu asked these words, Zou Shuncai suddenly felt guilty, while the elders all fainted and couldn’t help but look at each other.

Only the “Red Sleeve Band” is probably because he is a member of the “Revolutionary Committee of the People’s Republic of China”. He seems to know something inside, and he is a little surprised with his old eyes open. “Young man, you mean…”

Hong Yanwu quickly agreed. “By the way, aunt! Do you think he can let go of his bullying of a woman so easily? Just such a dirty thing like ‘kicking down the widow’s door and digging out the family’s grave’, how could he use the power in his hands to destroy a woman?” The woman has no way to go. How can there be any reason in the world to allow him to live in peace! Yes! The government didn’t sentence him, but that’s because we are ordinary people and there is no other way. As a member of my family, I can’t let him go easily! If you think what I did is wrong, you can do whatever you want, but you have to let me get angry!”

Hong Yanwu’s words of bluffing and mixing truth and falsehood can be described as flawless.

Not to mention that Zou Shuncai was completely dumbfounded and couldn’t tell the difference. Even the old worker glared anxiously.

“Ah! This guy named Zou is such a bastard!”

Following that, “Old Walnut Skin” also shouted, “Oh, how could we know!”

She turned around and complained to “Red Sleeve Hoop”.

“I said, Director Bao, we can no longer let this guy named Zou live here. When he moved here, I objected because he was so arrogant. Why does the street have to put this kind of person here?” , I’m not afraid that the big guy’s children will imitate him…”

In those days, the most despised thing was the indiscriminate relationship between men and women, not to mention the harm to good women. It is no exaggeration to say that among the general public, those who made mistakes in such things were considered Shooting is not too much.

Even in the circle of gangsters, the “pole criminals” and “gardeners” who engage in “flower trouble” are looked down upon. No matter where the “number” is, they will be rubbed double by the prisoners from all walks of life. Gray grandson.

So as a result, the stance of these old enthusiasts suddenly changed. Not only did no one stand up for Zou Shuncai anymore, but they all responded with contempt and scolding.

Zou Shuncai couldn’t help but beg for help with a sad face. “He…this…that’s not what happened…that’s all in the past…you can’t ignore it…”

Although Chen Liquan said nothing, he kept staring at Hong Yanwu with admiration.

He felt that this good friend was really good at adapting to the situation and adapting to circumstances. He could do things and speak without changing his face and his heart not beating. He couldn’t help but silently criticize Hong Yanwu for his sophistry of avoiding the important and taking the easy.

But this kind of thing actually needs to be viewed from another perspective. In Chen Liquan’s eyes, Hong Yanwu naturally “has a calm attitude when faced with big events”, but if most people judge it, I’m afraid he is really “carrying a secret”. I have bad stomach water.”

In the end, it was the “Red Sleeve Hoop” who took the lead in expressing his new attitude towards this matter, and gave the final word to the matter.

“Let’s just call it your own fault. People still can’t do anything wrong. Okay, we don’t care about this matter. But you two have to take it easy. Beating and smashing is nothing, at most it’s a discount. Broken arms and legs are the end of it, but don’t kill anyone…”

After that, the old lady took the lead and left.

“Old Walnut Skin” was chasing “Red Sleeve Hoop”, and before leaving, he said an extra word of forgiveness.

“Don’t worry, you two. If your neighbors ask, I will explain it to you. But you’d better finish it before dark. I’m not rushing you. Our little granddaughter is timid and will come to our house for dinner in the evening. …”

The old worker had the straightest temperament. He was a little blushing when he left, which made him look quite embarrassed.

“Two little brothers, there is a misunderstanding today. Don’t blame those who don’t know. If you want my help, I will smash it for you! No? Okay, then give the girl a lesson! If the law doesn’t care, you should incite Kill him! What the hell, being a neighbor with him will make you miserable for the rest of your life, bah!”

In this way, Hong Yanwu nodded and bowed, and politely and thoughtfully sent away this “beautiful case”. When the door closed again, he no longer had any scruples.

Looking at the trembling Zou Shuncai, Hong Yanwu showed a sinister smile.

“Old grandson! You won’t give up until you reach the Yellow River! Now, what else is there to say! Let’s continue…”

Zou Shuncai sat down on the bed and started discussing with a look of horror on his face. “Ancestor, four hundred yuan, please spare me four hundred yuan, okay? This is all my savings. You can take whatever other things you have at home…”

But Hong Yanwu became furious after hearing this. “Fart! What did you do earlier! Now you are trying to trick me! These people are watching helplessly. I want to take these big plates, bowls, pots and jars from you. Isn’t it true that you said it was a day trip? Grab it! I’m telling you, if you don’t act smarter, I’ll tear down your toad’s nest!”

After saying that, Hong Yanwu was still angry and kicked a log supporting the beam in the house. With a “click”, the pillar broke and fell to Zou Shuncai.

But at the same moment when Zou Shuncai was running away like a toad and Hong Yanwu looked proud, he heard a “clicking” sound on the room, and a black thing fell from the ceiling, bringing it with him. The wind hit Hong Yanwu’s head. You can tell it’s not light just by feeling it!

Fuck me! It’s over! There’s still a **** mechanism!

This was the only thought that flashed through Hong Yanwu’s mind when he was caught off guard!


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