Return To 1977 Chapter 78: Toad’s Nest

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This is a small alley near the south entrance of Niujie Street in Xuanwu District, Nancheng. Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan successfully found the courtyard located deep in the alley.

As soon as the two people entered the hospital, they were questioned by an old lady who lived at home. This was also a normal situation at that time. Hong Yanwu had no guilt at all, and instead asked the old lady about the house where Zou Shuncai lived.

After asking about the location of “Zou Toad”‘s house, he kept saying thank you, appearing polite and educated, and gained a smile like an old walnut skin.

Just like what “Huozi” said, in front of the two small west rooms in the deepest part of the yard, there are indeed some old newspapers, broken cardboard boxes, a broken washbasin with no bottom, and a broken water ladle with a hole in it. Son or something. This is also the place pointed out by the old lady. It must be the dwelling where Zou Shuncai lives.

So in front of the toad nest of “Zou Toad”, Hong Yanwu first tried to knock on the door.

Fortunately, there is someone in the house. Soon I heard a voice with a heavy smoker’s voice respond, “Hey, who’s grandson? What’s going on?”

Hong Yanwu immediately gestured to Chen Liquan, wanting him to be discharged from the hospital. This was what they had agreed on in advance on the way here. As soon as they found someone, Chen Liquan would go outside and wait for him.

But what Hong Yanwu didn’t expect was that Chen Liquan regretted it when the matter came to pass. He actually took the initiative and shouted “I am your grandpa!” into the room, and then kicked the door open.

With a “click” sound, the iron latch inserted into the door suddenly fell off, and even half of the door frame was split open by the nails on the latch.

Following Chen Liquan, he took the lead without saying a word. At this moment, Hong Yanwu understood that Chen Liquan was determined to get involved, but there was no way to stop him at the moment. He could only shake his head and sighed for Chen Liquan. Too “outrageous”, and then follow up quickly.

There was only one person in the room who was lying on the bed. As soon as this person saw two aggressive people rushing in one after another, he realized that something was wrong.

He was so excited that he immediately got out of bed, but in his hurry he couldn’t find his shoes, so he had to stand barefoot on the ground, but he was much more polite.

“You two gentlemen, you look at each other, who are you? Didn’t you come to the wrong place? I’m just a rag picker…”

The light in the house was dim and everything was dark.

But at a glance, Hong Yanwu recognized this person as the man who led people to ransack his home at Minghuo. He was tall, with thick limbs, a fleshy face, and a large scabies on his left cheek.

The only difference is that Zou Shuncai’s high-spirited spirit is gone, and his current appearance is too slovenly. He was unshaven, his eyes were red, his teeth were scorched, and he looked like a heavy smoker.

“Don’t be so polite, put on your shoes first. Don’t worry, that’s right. Aren’t you just ‘Zou Toad’? We are here to find you.”

Hong Yanwu said with a smile, and stopped talking to Zou Shuncai. Then he just looked at his “toad’s nest” inside and outside, up and down.

In Hong Yanwu’s eyes, the two huts outside here are undoubtedly very interesting.

Despite how simple the house is, with dark walls and slanted roof, the curtains are drawn tightly to prevent drafts, and there are even several long and thick log stakes supporting the beams in the house. It seems that a gust of wind can blow the house down. Similar.

What is surprising is that, except for the bed and a table for eating, almost all the limited space in the house is occupied by pots and jars and some old wooden furniture. Relatively speaking, scrap newspapers, scrap iron and scrap copper, which are common in rag-picking homes, are rare.

And these jars, old furniture, and the dirty mess on the table filled with wine bottles and dirty dishes are definitely not the same. Although most of the things were also covered with dust, the placement was very orderly and very particular.

Blue and white, pastel, enamel, hat tube, plum vase, general jar, everything is placed very smoothly, and there is absolutely no other debris around it, undoubtedly to avoid accidental damage such as bumps. Not to mention, there are many small objects that are smooth and shiny, and it seems that they are often played with.

To most people in this era, this scene may not make sense. Some may even think that Zou Shuncai prefers to collect old furniture and furnishings. But for Hong Yanwu, he could undoubtedly see through it at a glance. This “Zou Toad” was definitely a knowledgeable “player”.

Putting aside his character, it can even be said that this old boy is no less than the well-known “Teacher Ma”, a shrewd person with foresight and collection awareness that is rare in this era. .

Once this matter was figured out, Hong Yanwu felt a lot more at ease, because judging from this meaning, the old boy should have gotten rid of most of his family wealth, not just left the house. If there was no special reason, there was a high probability that his mother’s jade flat square would still be in the hands of this bitch.

“This room is really smelly and smelly. What does it smell like?”

Chen Liquan couldn’t see anything strange in the room. He just felt that the smell in the room was too strong and it was a bit uninhabitable.

It’s no wonder, probably out of fear of prying eyes, that Zou Shuncai had covered the hut tightly and airtight, with the curtains drawn during the day. It seemed that he drank and slept again. The cigarette smoke, the smell of alcohol, and the smell of farts were all mixed together. It would be strange if he didn’t smell smoke.

After hearing these stinging words, Zou Shuncai only looked at Chen Liquan but said nothing, as if he was still thinking about their intentions.

But Hong Yanwu sneered and said another sentence in order to support the fire. “If it’s four-legged, it won’t be smoked to death. So it’s just for two-legged people like us.”

Chen Liquan couldn’t help but laugh. He quite appreciated Hong Yanwu’s cold jokes.

“I said, why are you laughing? This is a toad’s nest! What’s wrong with this smell?” Hong Yanwu continued to bully people as if he was afraid that his words were not damaging enough.

This made Zou Shuncai a little unable to hold his nerve, and he glared at Hong Yanwu with great annoyance. “Who are you? Why do you curse people when you open your mouth?”

Hong Yanwu said something back. “Who heard me curse? I was cursing a toad!”

Zou Shuncai finally showed a fierce look on his face and threatened him eagerly.

“Boy! Even if I am a toad, I am still a vajra toad made of steel and iron, and cannot be broken or smashed. If you come here specifically to mess with me today, be careful to knock out your front teeth.”

Hong Yanwu was not fazed at all, he sneered and responded **** for tat.

“I’ve seen a lot of toads, but I’ve never seen one that claims to be indestructible! Just because it’s new, I have to smash it with my own hands today!”

As the saying goes, those who come are not kind, and those who are kind will not come. The hostility is indeed quite obvious, and it is not like a situation that can be easily negotiated.

So Zou Shuncai’s **** energy also came up. He suddenly took two steps to the side and successfully grabbed an ax standing by the wall in his hand. His courage immediately became stronger.

“Little bastards, you were not here when grandpa bullied others. Let me tell you, I am not a soft persimmon!”

Hong Yanwu suddenly laughed strangely “hehe”.

“Hey, you just got a piece of wood-chopping stuff and you think you’re a god? You’re a kid playing games! And I’m telling you, if you want to play Sanqingzi and knock blood gourds, you’ve really found your ancestors. ! Come on, if you don’t cut it, you will be my grandson!”

Zou Shuncai was really jealous. He raised his ax high like crazy and rushed towards Hong Yanwu, still shouting.

“If you run away, you are my grandson! I will fight with you fucking!”

With Zou Shuncai’s ferocious howl, the atmosphere suddenly heated up.

But just when the old boy rushed over with great momentum, and was about to approach Hong Yanwu in two steps, and when he was about to chop down the axe, Chen Liquan moved beside him.

I saw Chen Liquan suddenly fly up with a kick, accurate and hard, hitting Zou Shuncai in the chest. He actually kicked the kid backwards. After he fell to the ground, he couldn’t control his back roll, and then there was a “boom” , his head hit the foot of the bed hard.

This was good. Although the ax in Zou Shuncai’s hand fell to the ground, there was a big bump on his head. He was hit so hard that stars appeared in his eyes, and he couldn’t get up for a long time.

The most annoying thing is that Hong Yanwu took the opportunity to make sarcastic remarks again.

“That’s right, the two eyes of a toad are both on the top of the head. If you want to see people, you still have to lie down to see clearly. No, it’s still wrong. You can practice this ‘Toad Skill’ If there is a problem, it is not as authentic as Ouyang Feng…”

Good guy, Hong Yanwu was so carried away that he couldn’t pay attention, and Master Jin’s characters also made him talk about it.

In this era, how many people in mainland China know about “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”, and Zou Shuncai doesn’t even understand what it means. But this old boy knew how to be ashamed and angry. When he calmed down, he let out a “ouch”, picked up the ax, and rushed forward again unwillingly.

This time Hong Yanwu did not allow Chen Liquan to help him, and took the initiative to step forward, and with a “neck hug”, Zou Shuncai was thrown to the ground again.

This time, Zou Shuncai understood everything from the endurance of his body and the world he had seen in his life. Through the pain in his back and buttocks, he finally knew that the two gentlemen in front of him were more than he could deal with by playing tricks.

Then the boy completely calmed down, stopped picking up the ax, and returned to his timid and wretched appearance. He even asked in a crying tone with a bit of grievance.

“You two, who are you? Why did I offend you? You have to let me be a sensible person, right?”

Since he had successfully achieved his strategic goal of destroying the enemy’s arrogance, Hong Yanwu finally got down to business.

He said with a half-smile, “I really don’t know each other, we are old acquaintances! My surname is Hong, and I live in Furuli. Don’t you have a relative named Mao Yuanfang? Do you remember me? I was only seven years old that year. Sui, you took people to ransack my home just for a word from me!”

Zou Shuncai couldn’t help but turn a little pale, and his eyes began to move around, but he was shirking responsibility.

“That’s a government job, you can’t rely on me… What are you doing here today?”

Hong Yanwu hooked a stool with his feet and sat down carelessly.

“You are pretending to be confused because you understand, right? Where is the flat jadeite piece that you confiscated from our house? It was wrapped in yellow silk. I would like to advise you now, don’t be stupid and take it out quickly!”

“Ouch, brother. I had to hand over whatever I copied back then. Besides, you see me like this, living by picking up rags. Even if I want to compensate you, I can’t afford it. Why don’t you just let me go? Can I compensate you? How about I give you a blow…”

This Zou Shuncai was definitely beyond the expectations of ordinary people. Just as he said this, he actually knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Hong Yanwu.

Chen Liquan was stunned for a moment and couldn’t help but look at Hong Yanwu.

It can be seen that Hong Yanwu was angry when Zou Shuncai did this. He could probably guess what the toad was thinking. It just felt that they were young and had limited vision, and wanted to muddle through.

Don’t mention it, if you kowtow, you can keep a treasure. For this scoundrel who doesn’t take his face seriously, it’s really worth it.

“Okay, since you said so, you can’t take out or compensate, so I don’t want to make it too difficult for you. But I think your pots and jars are quite good, so just let me smash them on the ground and listen to the sound. Son, it’s time to vent your anger…”

Zou Shuncai’s face suddenly turned pale and his voice was trembling. “What are you going to do?”

Hong Yanwu narrowed his eyes and said with dagger-like eyes, “Don’t do anything, just **** for tat! Since you smashed our house, I want to smash your stuff too!”


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