Return To 1977 Chapter 75: Golden Mountains and Silver Seas

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

At six-thirty in the morning, other members of the Hong family began to get up one after another.

In this era, single holidays are still practiced, and there is only one day off in a week, so the only day to sleep in is just to “look beautiful”.

Because housewives not only have to seize the time to wash out the week’s dirty clothes, but men also have to do all the repair work and physical work at home within this day.

For most families, not to mention going out to play with their children, I am afraid they have to squeeze in time even to go shopping. So to some extent, many people feel that this day off is more tiring than working on weekdays.

The most comfortable people are undoubtedly those like Chen Liquan, who can eat enough for one person and not make the whole family hungry. He doesn’t have so many worries or obligations to fulfill, and he can do whatever he wants.

However, Chen Liquan has become accustomed to practicing Kung Fu, and he would feel panicked if he did not practice for a day. Therefore, while Hong Yanwu was sweeping the streets, he did not sleep in, but worked hard as usual, sweating like rain.

In fact, since yesterday, in order to keep Chen Liquan company, Hong Yanwu had already agreed with Wang Yunlin to completely move his bed to Chen’s house and live with Chen Liquan.

It’s just that although people sleep in Chen’s house, they still have to eat at home. Hong Yanwu then persuaded Chen Liquan to give his shopping notebook to Wang Yunlin, and agreed to pay another ten yuan and some food stamps every month for food expenses, so that the two of them could eat three meals a day together at Hong’s house. .

So after practicing, Chen Liquan washed up and came to Hong’s house to have breakfast with Hong Yanwu. But he was still not used to it and felt embarrassed, so he bought some hot sesame cakes and brought them over, and also bought a sugar pancake for Hong Jun. In the end, Wan Yunlin complained a lot about it.

Wang Yunlin had good intentions. She complained that Chen Liquan didn’t know how to live a good life.

To put it bluntly, the reason why she was willing to let Chen Liquan come to her house for dinner was not because of Chen Liquan’s shopping notebook and ten yuan a month. Instead, he thought about the good things about the old days between Chen Deyuan and his wife, and felt that this child lost his parents at a young age, and it was really pitiful that he was often left in the cold.

But if this is the case, Chen Liquan’s salary will have to be filled in. Naturally, she would feel that she was taking advantage of Chen Liquan, which was against her original intention of good intentions.

However, Hong Yanwu’s attitude was not too opposed to this, but he actually thought it was pretty good.

This is not only because his relationship with Chen Liquan is completely indistinguishable from each other. It was also because he felt that if the money he had could not be given to his mother to spend openly, he might as well follow this method and buy more food to supplement the family.

Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan were the first to come over for breakfast. By the time the rest of the Hong family sat down at the table, they had already finished eating. Hong Yanwu took Chen Liquan to his sister’s house again, hoping to use his sister’s stationery to write a letter to Uncle Xue to report that he was safe.

This letter written by Hong Yanwu was very simple. It was nothing more than greeting Uncle Xue’s health in the same tone as the two of them, and then introduced their current situation after returning home.

Then, he specifically wrote down his plan to go to the fifth branch of the Public Security Bureau to go through the formalities for moving his household registration to Beijing. This was not only to worry about Uncle Xue not seeing him when he returned to the farm, but also to invite the old man in front of the farm director. The meaning of dealing on behalf of others.

Finally, he attached another five yuan to the letter and told Uncle Xue that he had not spent the money he gave, but had kept it well as a memorial to the old man’s kindness. I also hope that Uncle Xue can take good care of his health and wait until he can arrange everything so that he can go back to visit him.

This is indeed true. The five yuan with the farm’s phone number written on it by Uncle Xue has been carefully placed in the glass photo frame on the wall of Chen Liquan’s house by Hong Yanwu. Before going to bed last night, he was still lying in bed looking at the banknote, and he thought of Uncle Xue’s face that hated iron but was full of love.

At this point in the letter, everything that needs to be explained has been clearly explained, and Hong Yanwu is ready to wrap up. But when he was about to hand the pen to Chen Liquan and ask Quanzi to write a few sentences in his own hand, he found that this honest man was already watching dumbfounded.

“Xiao Wu, you…your handwriting is so beautiful, and you…don’t even look it up in the dictionary, that’s amazing!”

When Hong Yanwu heard Chen Liquan’s compliment, he immediately felt dumbfounded.

Also, in this year, although he and Chen Liquan were better educated than most of their peers, it was because they had read several books with Chang Xianzhang.

But since they learned wrestling from Master Yu, they have been alienated from writing for a long time due to lack of time and sources of books. No wonder Chen Liquan was so surprised when he saw that he had written a whole article eloquently.

There was no other way. He could only use the excuse of spending the whole night drafting, and the clouds and mountains were covered with fog, and he was temporarily fooled.

However, since Chen Liquan had been impressed by Hong Yanwu’s “literary talent”, he couldn’t make up his mind as he took the pen and said something to Uncle Xue.

Finally, at Hong Yanwu’s suggestion, Chen Liquan wrote, “I wish Uncle Xue good health and family happiness, and I will definitely do my best.”

But after he finished writing, he felt even more embarrassed, because not only did he feel that his handwriting was much uglier than Hong Yanwu’s, he also always felt that there were typos in the sentence he wrote.

Fortunately, Hong Yanwu said again, “The most important thing when writing a letter is the heart, and the content and words come second.”

Chen Liquan felt at ease now, and he and Hong Yanwu put the letter into the envelope, dipped it, and affixed the stamp.

After that, Chen Liquan took the initiative to deliver the letter to the mailbox at the corner of the street, and the Hong family had just finished breakfast. So Hong Yanwu took advantage of Wang Yunlin’s little free time to drag his mother back to his sister’s room, closed the door, and asked about his father’s condition in detail.

You know, the reason Hong Yanwu didn’t talk to his mother about this yesterday was because he couldn’t bear to ruin her good mood. Sure enough, as soon as her father’s illness was mentioned, Wang Yunlin’s face became extremely ugly, and her eye circles immediately turned red.

However, it is human nature for a son to be concerned about his father’s illness, and there is no reason why he should not fail to make it clear. So after being silent for a long time, she finally frowned and spoke…

As mentioned before, due to Chen Deyuan’s premature death, Hong Lucheng lost the “Dharma Protector Vajra” and his salary in the sugar pastry company plummeted. Therefore, the cause of his illness, tracing back to its origin, lies in the fact that the “rebels” transferred him from a food warehouse on the ground to work in a sundries warehouse converted from an air-raid shelter.

Hong Lucheng spent half a year in complete confinement underground. Later, the control was slightly relaxed, allowing him to go home once every Sunday. This continued for a long time, and by the time Hong Yanwu was “forced”, Hong Lucheng had been working in a dark and humid environment for a total of four years.

At the beginning of the onset of the disease, Hong Lucheng didn’t pay much attention. He just felt itchy in his legs. But the unusual thing is that the disease progresses very quickly, the skin breaks when scratched, and it is not easy to seal. Later, it got worse and worse. Within a month, it was so ulcerated and watery that it hurt to put on pants.

Until then, he had to go to the “rebels” for instructions. After seeing it through experience, they determined that the condition was indeed serious, so these people allowed Hong Lucheng to go to the hospital for medical treatment.

Since the four-man gang was smashed in 1976, hospitals no longer keep out the “Black Category Five”. So Hong Lucheng was carried by his eldest son Hong Yan on a bicycle, and he went to two tertiary hospitals to seek treatment.

After diagnosis by doctors from Xuanwu Hospital and Union Hospital, they both concluded that it was “vasculitis”. However, because the “Black Five Category” elements had not yet resumed normal labor insurance benefits at this time, the Hong family had to bear the cost of treatment.

But you must know that after the baptism of the “Ten Years Movement”, the Hong family was impoverished, so Hong Lucheng could not afford to see a doctor at all, so he had to beg the doctor to prescribe some cheap medicine.

After that, the medicine didn’t bring any improvement. Slowly, Hong Lucheng was in so much pain that he couldn’t even walk.

At this time, the “rebels” of the Sugar Industry and Pastry Company saw that Hong Lucheng had become a useless person and could no longer work. They had no spare words, so they were merciful and told him to go home, but they refused to provide any medical treatment. As for the expenses, he is still only given 30 yuan for living expenses every month.

After returning home, Hong Lucheng’s illness became worse day by day. It wasn’t until his calf turned from black to ulcerated that he couldn’t even look at the horrific condition of the injury, so he had to ask his eldest son to take him to the hospital again. But this time, the doctor concluded that he had to amputate his legs to have any hope of living.


Not to mention where the surgery fee is going to be collected, at Hong Lucheng’s age and physical condition, if he dares to do this surgery, it will directly kill him.

Hong Lucheng was a sensible man, and he wanted to keep a whole body, so he asked the doctor to find a way to relieve the pain. However, the doctor was prejudiced against the Hong family’s background and had no intention of giving him painkillers such as Demerol. He only prescribed some painkillers to deal with it.

At this point, Hong Lucheng had looked away. He just wanted to die at home. But his family members felt like they were facing a disaster, and the sad expressions on their faces every day made him feel miserable.

Especially Wang Yunlin, she was never willing to let her husband die, so she thought hard all night, and finally took it upon herself to hide it from her husband, and went to beg a family friend of the Hong family. A descendant of the Shou family of Yanshou Hall, Taiyuan Hospital, Shou Jingfang is said to have severed all ties with her husband and has not been in contact with each other since old age and death.

Everyone has feelings. Although there was a lot of grudges back then, many years had passed. As soon as Shou Jingfang heard that Hong Lucheng was ill, he immediately followed Wang Yunlin to the Hong family without saying a word.

When Shou Jingfang saw Hong Lucheng’s emaciated and sick face, he immediately sighed and couldn’t care about anything. He didn’t take a sip of tea or exchanged a word of greetings, but just urged him to see Hong Lucheng. of wounds.

As soon as he took off the bandage and saw Hong Lucheng’s leg, Shou Jingfang was so angry that he couldn’t help but yelled, “Quick doctors kill people!”

Then he started to cry and regretted that he was late. He also said that Hong Lucheng’s illness had delayed the hospital and it was not “vasculitis” at all. This is “sore”!

After listening to Shou Jingfang’s words, Hong Lucheng and his wife immediately understood that Hong Lucheng’s illness had been misdiagnosed by the hospital. No wonder it was not cured no matter how much treatment was given.

After taking his pulse carefully, Shou Jingfang informed Hong Lucheng and his wife again.

“This disease is purely due to internal depression of yin and cold, and it’s not a big deal at all. It’s just that the disease has reached this level and must be treated harshly. Suffering is inevitable. If left unchecked, the legs may even be broken in the end. The pain can kill you. But to treat this disease, the medicine required is quite expensive, and a long “Zuohulong” is required as a medicine guide…”

Wang Yunlin didn’t know what “defeat the tiger and the dragon” was, but when she heard that someone could be saved, she immediately asked about the cost. Unexpectedly, Shou Jingfang shook his head, and what he said next shocked the whole family.

Shou Jingfang said, “It’s easy to talk about auxiliary medicines, they are nothing more than aconite, atractylodes, poria, peony and so on. It’s just that the main medicine of Zhiyang is more expensive. Ginseng is strong and Cordyceps sinensis is too weak, so it is best to It is made from milder velvet antler and deer whip plus snow clam oil, which is roughly worth a lot of money, not to mention the rare “Tortle Tiger Dragon” that can adjust yin and yang. That thing is a rare treasure. . I met a descendant of ‘Qing Ren Tang’ a few years ago, and he actually had one in his hand. Originally, he wanted it as a family heirloom, but later he wanted to transfer it due to family difficulties, but it was probably less than 5,000 yuan. I won’t take action…”

After hearing this condition, Hong Lucheng himself gave up any hope of curing the disease. If the Hong family had been left alone, there might still be hope, but now…it was clearly because God was not letting him live, so he could only smile bitterly and lament that fate had played a trick on people.

However, although Hong Lucheng himself thought so, Wang Yunlin and his children were not willing to give up. And even Shou Jingfang’s intention is to maintain it as much as possible first and wait for more time to think of a solution.

In this way, Hong Lucheng could neither refute Shou Jingfang’s face nor bear to let his wife and children continue to be sad, so he could only pretend to be happy and forcefully hope.

After seeing the patient that day, Shou Jingfang and Hong Lucheng had a good chat about their respective situations over the years. Before leaving, Shou Jing conveniently prescribed a prescription for “Yuansan Qingdu Decoction”.

It is said that some extremely cheap common drugs are used. Although they cannot cure the disease, they can relieve pain and delay the disease. In addition, he also specifically told him to go to him immediately if his condition changed, and left fifty yuan to get medicine.

Not to mention, Shou Jingfang’s medical skills are indeed extraordinary. Since he started drinking Chinese medicine soup, Hong Lucheng not only felt that the pain was significantly relieved, but the ulceration of the wound also became much slower. No matter what, I always suffered a lot less.

It’s just that while they are happy, everyone in the Hong family, whether Hong Lucheng or Wang Yunlin, also understands that the effectiveness of this medicine is limited to this. Whether the disease can be cured will ultimately depend on how much it is filled. Treat it with the golden mountain and silver sea method.


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