Return To 1977 Chapter 9: Be a rich man

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After taking a shower, Hong Yanwu drank two large bowls of cereal soaked in milk and returned to the bedroom where he was imprisoned.

To be honest, for more than six months, he has been trapped inside and lingering. Just thinking about this made him want to vomit. But even if he hates this place again, he must come back again. Because even though the house had been ransacked, there was still a fortune hidden in the floor under the bed that only he knew about.

The dark cell will always look like a tomb. The windows of the “cell” were welded shut and the curtains were sewn together. Fortunately, there was still the light from the small bedside lamp, which allowed Hong Yanwu to barely identify the camel hair carpet at the foot of the bed.

Now, he was pulling back the carpet and kneeling on the floor, leaning over and groping under the bed, looking for a depression that only he knew about.

Soon, he found it. As the index finger reached in and pressed hard, the floor was lifted.

Gold is always gold, and it shines brightly in such a dark room.

He took out the treasures from under the floor one by one. Five hundred grams of investment gold bars totaled ten yuan, plus a small bag of diamonds and fifty thousand cash. In addition, there is a forged spare passport and a spare ID card.

All these things were placed on the carpet. After just looking at them for a moment, he couldn’t help but pick up a gold bar, rubbed it with both hands, and put it against his chest.

The attraction of wealth to Hong Yanwu has always been extraordinary. His first taste of money was in junior high school. During that time, he and Chen Liquan often sat bored on the road with cigarettes in their mouths. At that time, he took advantage of friendship and only did a very simple mobilization work, and Chen Liquan was led by him into the evil path of exchanging violence for money.

“Life is really boring.” Hong Yanwu was listless.

“It’s boring.” Chen Liquan agreed.

“Let’s eat, drink and be merry.”

“No money.”

“Players (a slang term for people who are restless and capable of fighting in society, and later evolved to refer to male hooligans) and yuanpai (a slang term for cadres’ children living in government dormitories and military compounds) both rely on ‘cleaning’ “Buddha” (a slang term for robbing a thief) makes money, so let’s “wash the Buddha.”

“Just the two of us?”

Hong Yanwu patted his lower back, feeling awesome. “What are you afraid of? I got a three-edged scraper.”

Chen Liquan’s eyes widened, “What should I do if something goes wrong?”

Hong Yanwu turned his head and sneered. “Anyway, I’m a ‘bastard’ and I’ll be finished sooner or later.”

Chen Liquan frowned, “I’m afraid.”

Hong Yanwu deliberately pretended to be disdainful, “If you are afraid, forget it, it’s boring.”

Chen Liquan has always been poor at speaking, and his face turned red when he was speechless.

Hong Yanwu was actually aware of Chen Liquan’s honest and honest nature, and now he deliberately softened his tone. “Go ahead, I’m the only buddy like you.”

Chen Liquan had no choice but to nod. “Okay, I’ll go get our rolling pin to wedge people hard.”

The first time they hunted, the two of them blocked the prey in a long, narrow and secluded alley – a young player and two Buddhas.

This was the first time that Hong Yanwu used a “insert” (a slang term referring to a dagger, knife and other dangerous weapons). Due to his inexperience, he was scratched by his opponent before he could pull out the triangular scraper. One knife.

When Chen Liquan saw Hong Yanwu bleeding, he went crazy and struck hard with his rolling pin. Those three boys were no match for each other. They cried for their father and called their mother for their mother, and quickly broke up and ran away.

Chen Liquan refused to give up and chased the three boys away for two miles alone. Not only did he beat them so hard that they knelt on the ground and called him grandpa, but he also made them forever remember who “Chen Da Bang Chui” was.

In the end, Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan grabbed meat from someone else’s bowl for the first time. The two brothers used the captured loot to buy a delicious roast chicken. They tore away hungrily and shared the spoils.

At that time, the entire society was poor, so people’s imagination was very limited when it came to food. Like the most extravagant and lustful traitors and devils in the movies, they just gnaw on a chicken leg.

What about them? Own a whole chicken!

Hong Yanwu took off his vest and tied it on his arm to stop the bleeding. The chicken thigh in his mouth was enough to compensate for the burning pain. This is their unprecedented extravagant consumption.

It smells so **** good! It’s worth it, even if you die, it’s worth it!

After a period of time, Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan were completely in trouble. They began to become majestic, prominent and well-off in the “specific circle”.

In a short period of time, the two of them not only subdued all the kiddies (a slang term referring to the owner) near their home, but also gathered a group of young men from the alley with their fists. In one day Let them come and go at their beck and call all night long.

They take this group of people around every day without any scruples, wandering around the world. Either to wash the Buddha, or to fight or pat the mother-in-law (a slang term for chasing women). Depression was stomped under the feet, worries were kicked to the roof, anyone who took photos (a slang term for provoking with eyes) was beaten, anyone who was unhappy was scolded, and anyone who dared to complain was punished.

Hong Yanwu became more and more familiar with the ways of making money in society. Soon, he and Chen Liquan also had a “Buddha” who relied on their protection and made regular offerings. After that, every meal was like a banquet, smoking high-end cigarettes, drinking spicy wine, and living like a god. They were running rampant in the chaotic society, and it was really a period of turmoil and lightning.

At the same time, during this life course that is worth remembering and nostalgic, Hong Yanwu also began to become pretentious and became obsessed with the pleasure of giving orders and the fun of squandering wealth. He was no longer willing to be a “puppet” at the bottom of society. And the delusion is to become a leader. It’s a pity that all the delusions ended because he was forced to work.

The days in Chadian were a kind of torture for Hong Yanwu at first. When he drank cold water to quench his thirst, he would think of the red and white wines on the wine table. When he takes a puff of a “cannon” rolled from inferior tobacco leaves, he will think of the endless high-end cigarettes he smoked in the past. When he picks up steamed buns and pickles, he will naturally think of the sumptuous dishes of the past.

Only in countless dreams can he hang out with his little buddies and eat and drink to their heart’s content in time-honored restaurants. Order a few traditional dishes such as Kung Pao Chicken, Dry Croquettes, Sweet and Sour Carp, and Braised Lion’s Head, then order a few liters of real beer, and arrogantly play guessing games in the restaurant.

As for his future life prospects, Hong Yanwu’s imagination at that time was extremely limited. All it sounds like is to drink and eat meat after coming out, and then find a good job. If you can still live in a unit with a toilet and kitchen, that is simply the highest ideal.

Contrary to this naive expectation, times are always moving forward. Slowly, the society only recognizes money and not people. Money can no longer just buy material happiness, its power can even buy off morality and personality.

After Hong Yanwu was kicked out of the house by his brothers, he was sensitive to this change immediately. Money can not only cover up the disgraceful experiences of people like him, but also allow people like him to regain social recognition and respect from others. His hopeless future presented a possibility of change.

Not long after, Gao Ming appeared in front of Hong Yanwu and proposed to join forces to sell smuggled cigarettes. This was the most profitable business of the year, and Hong Yanwu agreed without much thought.

Gao Ming paid the capital, and also had supply sources and buyers. Hong Yanwu only had one pair of fists, so he had to pledge the goods.

The supply of goods is far away in Huacheng, and the one-way trip takes two days and three nights. If you are unlucky enough to catch the train and regroup in the middle, you may have to wait a few more days. And for the safety of the goods, people have to hide in the freight car when they return to Beijing. In the rhythm of the train, the smell of animal excrement and the flying hair, it goes without saying that the journey was hard.

Fortunately, the money was paid on arrival, so Hong Yanwu split two wads of money on the first trip. This made him completely immersed in complacency, and he did not realize at all that the two thousand yuan was just a fraction of the profit, just the leftovers from Gao Ming’s charity. To make matters worse, this little benefit turned him into an addict.

Hong Yanwu was too short of money, so in the following days, he traveled almost non-stop on the Beijing-Guangdong line. But precisely because he traveled too frequently and had a large amount of goods, he was soon targeted by anti-smuggling agents. After running a few times, he was imprisoned again for smuggling.

When he was released again after serving his sentence, what surprised Hong Yanwu was that Gao Ming, who already looked like a wealthy man, came to visit him again. After a sumptuous banquet. Hong Yanwu, who still couldn’t resist the temptation of money, not only gave up his revenge, but was also happily dragged into the real estate industry by Gao Ming, and became partners with Gao Ming again.

The real estate industry at this time was in its infancy and was very irregular. At that time, there were no private property rights. What the house bugs were selling were public property residence rights, and there were no price regulations. It all depended on the buyer and seller negotiating the price and paying back the money on the spot. In fact, this is speculation. But since there was no clear legal sanction against this behavior at the time, this industry was indeed a shortcut to getting rich. Gao Ming made a lot of money in a very short period of time by flipping houses and patching things up. However, Gao Ming did not have good intentions in asking Hong Yanwu to cooperate, mainly because a big tree attracts wind and a fat pig looks for slaughter.

To put it bluntly, in those days everyone was focused on money. For this reason, there are a large number of gangsters who love to cause trouble for wealthy people, and Gao Ming has long been targeted by these people. However, since Hong Yanwu became Gao Ming’s door god, Gao Ming no longer has to worry about being plotted by those gangster brothers. Because the veterans who knew Hong Yanwu wanted to have a drink with each other. And those **** who don’t know what’s good and bad, if they still dare to cause trouble, they will either have their arms or legs broken. And Hong Yanwu also has another ability, that is, when he is arguing with his colleagues about sweet deals, he can use tricks such as holding a knife to the neck to arbitrarily grab them.

Hong Yanwu’s violence and Gao Ming’s shrewdness are a perfect match, and they gradually become famous among the house bugs. Two years later, they were spotted by the “big shots” and started to establish a formal real estate company, completely completing the primitive accumulation of small fish into giants in the business world.

The management and operation methods of a formal company soon transformed Hong Yanwu. Although in essence, he is just a local ruffian who caught up with the trend of reform and made his fortune by relying on speculative nature and violent means. But from the day he became the chairman of Xinjing Group, his dressing and behavior changed dramatically. He is solemn, sophisticated, and has the air of a rich man, but he is just a little bit like a poor man suddenly getting rich. Of course, this change is far from just superficial, it is a subtle influence after working together for a long time. Gradually, Hong Yanwu also learned various tips for success from the “big shot” and Gao Ming respectively.

It turns out that being vicious and shameless is the most effective way to make money. No matter how classy a person is, his essence is nothing more than using his own money to show off in front of others, and then laughing at the poverty of others.

This world is a world where people eat people. If you want to live well, you have to bite others. The meat is full of blood, so if you want to eat it, don’t find it fishy. If you are too slow, you won’t even be able to eat hot shit.

Smart people should never use their conscience of right and wrong as the basis for being in society. Instead, scheming is the most important thing. I am not afraid that you will be bad, as long as you are so bad that the law cannot punish you.

Among all the tricks he learned, the one that Hong Yanwu admired the most and understood the most was undoubtedly a popular saying in the gangster world – what you do is your tricks, what you do is your face.

Hong Yanwu has always felt that this sentence is the absolute truth. On the surface, the “big shot” treated him well, and Gao Ming also respected him highly. They seemed to cooperate seamlessly with each other and were as close as a family. But in fact, they are just interested in each other and each gets what they need. On the contrary, if it is for their own benefit, they can turn against each other at any time, or even plot against each other. As for justice and morality, that’s all nonsense. You may be able to use it when needed, but that is just for show and serves your own purpose.

Hong Yanwu had an epiphany, and he devoured the flesh and blood of others with increasing ferocity. After he became rich, he did not hesitate to use money to make up for himself, so as to comfort his broken heart due to the loss of emotion.

“Poor” and “rich” are only half a word different, but in reality they are vastly different.

First of all, it is reflected in food, clothing, housing and transportation. After Hong Yanwu purchased a luxury house and a luxury car, he spent more money on clothing and food. He began to despise ordinary clothing that was not an international brand, and no longer disdained to patronize home-cooked restaurants that served the public. Bird’s nest stewed with rock sugar is a must-have breakfast every day, and abalone and shark’s fin have become home-cooked dishes on the dinner table. He enjoyed the joy of wealth while eating and drinking to his heart’s content.

The gap between the rich and the poor is not only reflected in material things, but also in social status.

When Hong Yanwu entered and left star-rated hotels and duty-free shopping malls, his vanity was extremely satisfied by the respect of the doormen and the attentiveness of the service staff. Not to mention someone bowing and saluting when he entered the door, there was someone waiting on him when he got in the elevator. Even when he did some errands in the bathroom, someone rushed to smooth his clothes, massage his shoulders and hand him tissues. The kind of comfort that comes from the bottom of one’s heart cannot be expressed in words. No one cares about his disgraceful past anymore, and no one cares about where the money in his hand came from. As long as he can afford the money, everyone will treat him with respect and hospitality.

In fact, the most essential difference between the poor and the rich lies in the attitude of others towards each other.

There is an eternal truth that applies no matter where you eat. To prove his success, Hong Yanwu often entertained his old friends and current new friends. People who despised him in the past all looked up to him, and attracted more acquaintances and strangers around him. All kinds of people either begged him for help or asked him to borrow money for emergencies, and they praised and complimented him all day long. The honorific “Hong Dong” replaced the previous direct name and nickname. And this way of addressing him that elevated his status made him enjoy it very much, and he once loved hearing it.

This is all about the power of money!

Those who have tasted seafood must know that boiled prawns taste different from blanched radish. Hong Yanwu not only no longer wants to live the tight life of the past, but is no longer satisfied with the ordinary well-off life. This led him to develop a morbid mentality, always beating himself up to get more money to ensure that he can enjoy his current life forever.

Life is often unpredictable and full of coincidences. At the happiest moment of Hong Yanwu’s life, he met by chance in a shopping mall and his girlfriend Fang Ting, who had abandoned him, appeared in front of him again.

Fang Ting is very beautiful, but she is a worldly woman. She is a typical woman who follows fashion, likes trends, and does whatever it takes. And Hong Yanwu understood this very well.

Fang Ting is the “mother-in-law” he “photographed” long before the labor camp. At that time, Fang Ting was not interested in what he was doing every day. She always only cared about the fashionable clothes and gifts he sent. But she never bothers to think about where these valuable things came from and by what means they were obtained. She is a typical “borrower”.

Their relationship did not last long. As soon as she heard the news that he was sent to a labor camp, Fang Ting did not hesitate to join someone else. After the excommunication, when he went to see Fang Ting again, not only did he not get any tenderness, but he was also ridiculed.

Hong Yanwu really didn’t expect to meet again, and it was when he was in high spirits. Just because he was wearing a famous brand, he had obviously provoked Fang Ting to the point where her eyes were bright.

If there is any sure-fire secret to success in picking up girls, it is more power, wealth and, of course, charm. Generally speaking, the former is more important than the latter. As long as you have wealth and power, you will naturally be attractive. So, after several visits to high-end hotels and restaurants, they rekindled their old relationship.

Hong Yanwu spent a lot of money, buying clothes and jewelry, and going to high-end karaoke bars and dance halls at will. This lavish lifestyle made Fang Ting change her old coldness. She became passionate, gentle and submissive.

Hong Yanwu also took Fang Ting to visit his residence. The newly renovated luxurious villa completely made Fang Ting surrender. She began to actively throw herself into his arms and satisfy all his requirements wholeheartedly.

Soon after, Fang Ting took out a pregnancy certificate issued by the hospital, and they got married as a matter of course. The wedding ceremony was stunning and eye-catching.

Hong Yanwu thought that he had obtained love with money and was extremely satisfied with his married life. But he had no idea that Fang Ting was pregnant before marrying him, and he had raised a child for others for seven years in vain. It wasn’t until by chance that he took his daughter with fever to the hospital for treatment, and the blood type on the test sheet made him discover the truth.

In his unusual anger and rage, Hong Yanwu almost drove through a red light all the way back home. After getting off the car, he rushed into the bedroom with his frightened and crying child in his arms. After a while, Fang Ting, who was holding the child, was rushed to the living room by him.

“Bitch! You lied to me for seven years!” Hong Yanwu was furious, his voice full of sinisterness.

“Dad…” The daughter, who still had a fever, huddled in her mother’s arms, trembling with fear from his abnormality.

Hong Yanwu couldn’t help but feel heartache when he saw it. But when he thought that this was not his daughter at all, he immediately hardened his heart and his eyes turned red.

“Whose seed is she?”

Tears couldn’t help but flow down Fang Ting’s cheeks. She didn’t answer, just rubbing her sprained arm.

The nanny and chef at home wisely stayed away at this time, and no one dared to approach. If this kind of thing gets involved, your job will be ruined.

When there were only three people left in the living room, Fang Ting spoke. Her voice was calm and without any guilt. “It doesn’t matter who it is. Since you can’t tolerate us, I’ll take my daughter with me…”

The feeling of being deceived and fooled made Hong Yanwu furious, “Are you quite generous? I helped you raise a **** for seven years in vain!”

Fang Ting’s voice is neither yin nor yang. “I married you for money, but you make me feel sick all the time.”

“I think you’re still disgusting. Get out, get out!”

Hong Yanwu took the suitcase from the bedroom and threw it downstairs. The suitcase was thrown open and Fang Ting’s clothes were inside, scattered on the ground.

Fang Ting packed up the scattered suitcase and wiped away her tears. “We will leave. However, I have served you day and night and been your slave for seven years. How to count?”

“How do you want to calculate it?”

“Even if you are a servant, you should get a normal salary.”

“How much do you want?”

“I work twenty-four hours a day, which is two thousand yuan a month, and I work for seven years. You can do the math.”

“Twenty-four hours? Are you a night wanderer? You don’t want to ask for more money.”

“That’s not all I sold you for sleeping money!” Fang Ting shouted anxiously, and then shed tears again, “What does this little money mean to you? I still have to raise my daughter.”

Hong Yanwu showed no mercy, but pressed forward with a fierce look on his face, “I hope you and this little **** both starve to death!”

Fang Ting shouted hysterically, “I’m going to find a lawyer now! I’m going to sue you!”

“I’m afraid you don’t have the guts.”

“I have.”

“You are stupid. I am still suing you. I am suing you for adultery and defrauding me of my money. Let everyone know that you are a bitch.”

Fang Ting was stunned. After a moment, she wiped her tears silently, put her luggage on her back, and held her child tightly.

The daughter was forcefully pulled towards the door by Fang Ting. Suddenly she turned around and looked at him, choking and holding out her other little hand. “Dad, you don’t want us anymore?”

Hong Yanwu gritted his teeth and turned his head without saying a word.

Fang Ting gave up completely, pulled her child and pushed the door open. They have to walk at least two kilometers to reach a bus stop.

Twenty minutes later, Hong Yanwu drove after them.

The night is dark and cold.

Under the illumination of the car lights, Hong Yanwu saw from a distance the mother and daughter heading forward with their heads lowered against the cold wind blowing from the treetops. A strong gust of wind made the child stagger. Fang Ting held her daughter beside her, and the two hugged each other, moving against the wind together.

The car passed them and stopped. Hong Yanwu rolled down the window and saw that Fang Ting did not sob or shed tears. Her expression was cold and she did not look at him at all.

Hong Yanwu greeted his mother and daughter to get in the car.

Fang Ting ignored her, didn’t stop or look back, and continued walking forward while holding her daughter, who was holding her hand for her father to hold.

Hong Yanwu held out several stacks of banknotes from the car window, but Fang Ting still ignored him.

Hong Yanwu got out of the car and forced the money into Fang Ting’s arms, but she grabbed the bills and threw them in his face.

The banknotes were scattered and fluttered by the strong wind, and the blue hundred-dollar bills caused a fierce rain of banknotes.

When the money is blown away by the wind, the mother and daughter in the wind have gone far away, and the child can still be heard calling daddy in the distance.

For some reason, Hong Yanwu’s heart suddenly felt a little shaken…

It takes courage to recall the past, especially the sad past.

In the filthy and chaotic bedroom, a pile of gold and diamonds are still shining against the filth. But Hong Yanwu had lost interest in appreciating them. He suddenly realized that the days when he was tortured by loneliness had actually begun when he drove away his wife and daughter, and this house had long been a prison.

After the divorce, he had imagined many times how happy he would have been if he had not chosen the beautiful Fang Ting, but had married a good wife and mother and had a child of his own.

This thought made him have to admit that at first he was only attracted by Fang Ting’s simple and beautiful appearance, skin, and figure. He thought he had love, but in fact all he got was a prop for venting.

Now he has no wife, children, relatives, and no one to trust, but he has completely developed a dependence on wealth. The sad thing is that he has no choice at all. His way of escape still depends on these wealth. He will always be a slave to money.

In a depressed mood, Hong Yanwu stuffed all his wealth into a bag and left the room with everything he had.


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