Return To 1977 Chapter 1: Thundering

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December 21, 2012 in the Gregorian calendar is the end of the world predicted by the Mayans. But in fact, when this day comes, everything is business as usual, and the earth is still spinning.

There is no power outage, no water outage, computers can still access the Internet, mobile phones can still make calls, there are undoubtedly buses and subways to work, and thieves are definitely active on the bus lines. Most people still choose the classic soy milk and fried dough sticks for breakfast. The first thing they do at work is always to make coffee or hot tea. The Republic and the little devils did not clash with each other on overseas islands, and North Korea and Persia did not choose to carry out nuclear explosions today. , there were no monstrous tsunamis, nor sudden meteors, or various doomsday wonders such as landslides, volcanic eruptions, and continental sinking.

However, in the capital of the Republic, today seems to be a little special. Because since early in the morning, little snowflakes have been falling from the sky in the capital, and they have been out of control since then.

As noon approached, the weather was clearly getting worse. The north wind that was blowing stronger and stronger swept the roads, buildings, and trees into the snow like salt particles. The sky seemed to be tightly sealed by an iron pot, and it was as dark as night. The entire city also rarely lights up during the day. After another hour or so, the illuminated car lights had connected the main traffic roads in the capital into fiery dragons. The entire city has turned into a parking lot, and drivers are vying to stick their heads out of their car windows and sound their horns…


A silver car seemed to have run over something, and the left side of the front of the car rose into the sky. For an instant, something on the radiator mask was reflected with a flash of light.


The front of the car fell back, and as the snow fell, the true identity of the flash was revealed. It turned out to be a metal car logo, a standard round shape with a thong on it, Mercedes-Benz.

Lawyer Wu in the driver’s cab had stopped the car and was breathing heavily. Just now, the gold-rimmed glasses on his face almost flew away. Fortunately, there was still a temple hanging on his right ear, which saved this Montblanc frame that he had just purchased and was worth 10,000 yuan.

This is a 200-meter-long concrete path near Chaoyang Road that runs from north to south. The road is not wide and can only accommodate a heavy truck passing in one direction. To the west of the road is a construction site covered by a blue iron fence. Work was temporarily suspended due to wind and snow today. To the east of the road is a wilderness of high slopes covered with snow.

There was no one nearby, and it seemed extremely empty and quiet. But it turns out that this is only a superficial phenomenon, especially on roads that are framed by snow. It seems to be very smooth, but in fact there are only depressions under the snow and there are gravels.

Lawyer Wu took off his crooked glasses from his face, wiped them, and put them back on. He really couldn’t figure it out. When he passed here last month, the road surface was still good. But for some reason, when I came back today, this place turned into a “minefield”.

“I wish I had known earlier that my grandson would have walked here. It’s all because of the snow.”

Lawyer Wu cursed and slammed his hand on the steering wheel.

He couldn’t help but hate the snow. He is charged with a very important and extremely secret mission. That is, every Friday, he must go to the “Red County” villa area on the Grand Canal to meet a stubborn “old guy”.

This mission has always been unstoppable, rain or shine, but he has never encountered such bad weather as today. The cars were jammed on the road like strings of sausages. It turned out that the drive was only half an hour at most. He drove for nearly two hours today and it was less than half the distance. So in the dilemma of moving one step at a time, he remembered this lonely path. But he never expected that when he really needed a clear road, God would block his back door, and he did it so brilliantly, covering up all the traps with snow, just waiting for him, the unlucky guy, to come. Throw yourself into a trap.

Lawyer Wu glanced at the count on his wrist. The time was 14:37. He began to look back and forth in the cabin, thinking about an imminent problem – should he turn around and return? Or move on?

If you want to go back, you have to turn the car around first, then carefully drive out, and finally you have to go back to the main road and continue to be blocked. The terrible thing is that if the main road is completely blocked, it will be difficult to say when we can reach “Red County”.

But if we continue to move forward, there are still three-quarters of the road to go. The road conditions ahead are unclear, and if the road behind is like this, it will be even more unfortunate.

Lawyer Wu looked up and saw the end of the road 200 meters ahead.

He is not unfamiliar with this place and knows that this area has been completely divided up by new construction sites. Almost all of the old roads have been occupied or cut off by these construction sites. This path has been the only shortcut to the riverside road in the neighborhood for several years. As long as he can pass that intersection, the rest is a smooth road with few cars and sparse people. He can reach his destination in half an hour at most.

The temptation of shortcuts often makes people blindly optimistic about their choices. As a result, the car started to move slowly, but soon, Lawyer Wu regretted it.

Just after crossing thirty meters, suddenly the “click” sound of crushing rocks came from under the wheels again. Then there was a “landmine” raid.

Lawyer Wu knew he was jealous. At this moment, an obvious pothole suddenly appeared in front.

“Kudeng!” He got hit again.

The car stalled and Lawyer Wu was extremely frustrated. Not only did the road conditions not get better, they got worse. This made him hate the wind and snow outside even more, because the snow hid the trap completely without any trace, and also clung to the glass like flies, blocking his sight.

He did regret not turning around, but now that the trail was halfway through, it would be better to drive over it instead of turning around. The only thing he could do now, apart from relying on the wipers, was to be careful and move slowly without guessing.

The car started again.

Lawyer Wu’s forehead was covered with fine sweat, and his eyes were fixed on the road in front of the car without blinking. His knuckles gripping the steering wheel turned white from exertion. The situation was worse than he imagined. He was no longer worried about whether the chassis would be worn out, but he was worried that if he encountered a sharp rock, the fuel tank would leak.

As the car body heaved with bumps and bumps, Lawyer Wu’s heart was in his throat, and a wave of regret for his recklessness welled up in his heart. He couldn’t help but sincerely pray: Don’t leave the car here, it really delays things, and if Mr. Gao blames it, the consequences…

Yes, he is here to serve Mr. Gao. Although Mr. Gao is not a shareholder of the law firm, he is his real boss. Because Mr. Gao is the general manager of Xinjing Group, one of the four major real estate companies in the Republic, “Zhaobao Wanxin”.

Speaking of lawyers, people often associate them with high salaries. But in fact, except for monopoly industries, there is no occupation that is not stressful.

When it comes to the factors that determine a lawyer’s income, the first is the client, the second is the client, and the third is the client, which has little to do with the level of business. If a lawyer can attract a big client, or if his small client grows into a big client, he will almost always become a partner. On the other hand, partners who do not have their own clients are still working for other partners. This is why there is a recognized “80/20 rule” in the legal profession: 20% of lawyers do 80% of the business, and the other 80% of the lawyers do the remaining 20% ​​of the business. Therefore, there are also people in the legal profession who are supporting themselves, some who are hungry, and still others who are half-starved and half-fed, just like a microcosm of society.

Back then, the best comparison was between him and Barrister Cai Zhisen from the same law firm.

Lawyer Cai is Mr. Gao’s high school classmate. A few years ago, Lawyer Cai met Mr. Gao at a class reunion, and then used this relationship to easily win the competition with the five major law firms in Beijing and obtain a long-term contract from Xinjing Group. Lawyer Cai, who was already a partner of the law firm, not only was promoted to deputy director with this contract, but also officially joined the ranks of the few lawyers in Beijing with an annual income of over 10 million.

But in comparison, he lived a very difficult life. Although his memory has been amazing since he was a child, when he was in high school, he made a bet with his classmate that he could copy the entire dictionary and capitals of various countries into his brain’s hard drive in just 4 hours. Although it only took him three years to obtain a master’s degree from Peking University, and by the time he passed CET-8, he could memorize the Oxford Dictionary backwards. But because he has no clients, he can still only become a salaried lawyer with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan. Similarly, because there is no case source, he has to serve as a subsidiary of Lawyer Cai, handling boring daily business for him. All along, he has been dreaming that good luck would come and give him a top client like Xinjing who paid millions every year.

However, things are unpredictable. Who would have thought that Lawyer Cai and Mr. Gao would slip and fall into the water on the yacht when they went on vacation in Hainan together? What’s even more surprising is that when Mr. Gao came back, he met with him by name and asked him to replace Lawyer Cai and become the chief lawyer of Xinjing Legal Advisory Group.

This is truly a blessing from heaven, and only a fool would not do it.

He indeed thought that he was favored by the God of Luck at the time, but things were far from being as simple as they appeared. As a price, Mr. Gao also put forward a special condition, asking him to participate in something that was both important and secret and could not be missed. And after he learned the inside story, he was instantly ice-cold from head to toe. Because once this matter is exposed or fails, he will not only lose his qualifications as a lawyer, but also have to endure jail time.

Although Mr. Gao, who was waiting for his reply, was smiling, there was clearly a knife hidden in his eyes.

He couldn’t help but give in. He clearly remembered the bitter taste in his mouth, and he naturally knew that he had been forced onto the pirate ship. And he had a vague hunch that Lawyer Cai’s fall into the water would not be easy.

Mr. Gao noticed his reluctance, and in order to dispel his worries, after smiling indifferently, Mr. Gao unexpectedly said a name that could shock half of the republic.

He never expected that this name turned out to be the force behind Xin Jing’s support.

He is a lawyer, so he knows better how useful the law can be in the face of power. It is said that everyone is equal before the law, but in fact, the law can only remove some scum. Getting rid of giant insects and predators is just a fantasy. Therefore, since there is the protection of this big man, the risk involved in this matter will not be very high, and the probability of success will even be quite high. After all, what are ordinary people? That is the water that carries the boat. Its purpose is to float the boat and let people float, swim and play on it. Compared with power, not only him, but everyone involved in this matter is just a figure as big as a mustard seed. Who has the right to choose?

The car had already passed half of the path. As the car slowly swung, Lawyer Wu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and his mental arithmetic fell back into his stomach.

Fortunately, his worst fears did not materialize. And after getting through the most difficult part of the journey, the road was obviously much smoother.

On the right side of the car window, pieces of blue iron fence moved backward.

On the left side of the car window, the snow connected the world outside.

Lawyer Wu has relaxed a lot. At this moment, I actually seemed to feel that the vast expanse of white outside the window actually looked strangely beautiful. Even the sound of snow particles blown by the wind and hitting the car window glass is not so annoying anymore. This is like being dragged into the water by Mr. Gao. He was worried and worried at first, but when the other person was completely wet, he became active and enjoyed it.

For six months, he participated in the conspiracy wholeheartedly and tried his best to provide advice to Mr. Gao. At the same time, he took advantage of legal loopholes to win several difficult economic cases for Xinjing, for which he was highly praised by Mr. Gao.

Mr. Gao is neither harsh nor stingy. The promise was quickly made, and he actually became a partner.

In the industry, one million seems to be a hurdle, and not many can get over it. But he became the person who crossed this hurdle at the speed of a rocket. No one does not envy his good luck, although he is not immune to being called a dog behind his back by some people. But with Xinjing Group behind his back, even the director of the law firm had to welcome him with a smile and decorate his office at all costs.

As a result, he had a private office of 40 square meters. The walls were all made of soundproof panels and teak-colored wood cladding, and the floor was laid with solid wood floors of the same color. The office furniture has also been replaced with American furniture that he likes, and the cabinet doors are shutter-style. The most considerate thing is that the firm not only installed a high-end jacuzzi in his bathroom. He also added a private tea room and a temperature-controlled wine cabinet filled with 28 bottles of California red wine in the reception area. So that he can sit on his leather seat at any time, or lie on the three-seat sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window, sipping a cup of freshly ground coffee or red wine.

The changes are comprehensive. Not only has his economic situation changed, his office conditions have improved, but his life circle has also changed. The circle a person is in determines his height. Everyone wants to squeeze into the upper circle, but whether they can squeeze in depends on whether there are channels to squeeze in, and more importantly, what value they can provide to others. As Xinjing’s chief lawyer, he was successfully accepted by the upper class of society. Not only did he expand his network of contacts, he also gained unexpected rewards.

Two months ago at the college reunion, he, who used to say it was okay after being bullied because of his weakness, became the central figure among his classmates for the first time. Lawyers are all realistic people. Those who looked down on him in the past no longer dared to call him by his nickname “It’s okay” this time, and they all looked at him with smiles. Even those students who are in the public security system are no exception. Those of them with eyes on the top of their heads are also very aware of Xinjing’s energy.

The most relieving thing was that the class girl who had ridiculed him in the past tried her best to flatter him at the party and kept fussing at him. It turned out that her husband was being held accountable by Xinjing for a batch of shoddy building materials, and he was worried about unblocking the road every day. This was really a meal delivered to his door. As a result, not only did he pay him half a million yuan, but he also stayed with him for three days like an obedient pet. After having sex, he promised that her husband would not go to jail.

In addition, the S350 he is driving now is also a reward from Mr. Gao. Of course, Mr. Gao is also generous to others. This car originally belonged to the old guy from “Hongjun”. Moreover, Mr. Gao also occupied the old guy’s S600 and extended Lincoln. But no matter what, this car is worth 1.6 million. Being able to give him this car is enough to prove that you value him.

Yes, he is a dog. But these real benefits are all obtained in exchange for being a dog. Let him say it himself, this dog is worth it.

The car continued to move forward step by step, and it had already reached three-quarters of the path. After surviving the last few dozen meters, it reached the intersection.

Lawyer Wu couldn’t help but smile proudly. He believed that as soon as he left this unlucky place, he would be able to completely get rid of all the bad luck today. And he also decided that after finishing his work and returning to his comfort zone, he would make up for himself.

How to compensate?

Haha, yes, he thought again of the beautiful personal assistant he had just taken over.

The girl was his new hire three months ago. Her permed, curly long hair still had a fresh fragrance. During the interview, he fell in love with her at first sight. Although she is 24 years old and is only a junior college student from a second-rate university and lacks work experience in this field, these are not important to him, right?

On the girl’s first day at work, the first thing he told her was to throw away thousands of resumes, including nearly a hundred graduates from prestigious universities. If she understood people, she should think carefully about why she was chosen. Unfortunately, she didn’t respond to his hints. She always avoided his teasing moves of touching hands and shoulders with panic, and she also found various excuses to refuse when he invited her to dinner. In this regard, he had no choice but to use work to arrange for her to accompany him to a cocktail party, but he did not expect that she would dare to ask for leave on the pretext of celebrating her boyfriend’s birthday.

Fuck her boyfriend, who cares. Did she really think that just by making coffee or answering the phone, a so-called paralegal could earn a monthly salary of over 10,000 yuan with peace of mind?

He naturally couldn’t tolerate this kind of “unruly” behavior. Just last weekend, he gave the girl an ultimatum. He told her bluntly that she would be fired for refusing to work “overtime.” This undoubtedly woke the girl up, so she became very silent from this Monday onwards. It was clear that she was hesitating about taking on the implicit obligations of her job. And he deliberately pretended to be calm and calm, waiting for her to finally express her stance.

The result is as expected. A life filled with high-end clothing and cosmetics will make women unable to give up. Yesterday afternoon, the girl didn’t leave after bringing him coffee. Her flattering smile clearly revealed some shyness and ambiguity, and he put his arms around her again. This time, she didn’t hide. That little waist is so thin, and the taste last night was even more…

“Deng Deng Deng…”

The sound of gravel exploding under the tires once again interrupted Lawyer Wu’s beautiful thoughts.

It was only then that he realized that because the temperature difference between the cabin and the outside was so great, he could no longer see the road in front of him clearly. Condensation made the front windows blurry, and even though the wipers kept working, visibility continued to decrease.

Cussing, Lawyer Wu quickly pulled out a large wad of tissues from the tissue box and went to wipe the front window of the car.

The effect is very obvious. The fog on the glass was gradually driven away by the paper towel after a few strokes. But just as his hand holding the tissue left the glass, a living creature of considerable stature suddenly appeared directly in front of the car.

Too sudden! It just fell from the sky! There was no time to react, and there was no way to stop it. All I could do was watch the accident happen.

Lawyer Wu’s pupils dilated rapidly and he couldn’t help but scream. “I’ll go!”

The front of the car pushed up completely with inertia.


The bumper vibrated, living things flew everywhere, and the car… stopped.

This is true: cats are afraid of dogs, rabbits are afraid of hawks, drunk drivers are afraid of traffic police, and bald men are afraid of wind. What are you afraid of?

Lawyer Wu’s face turned pale, and his heart beat like a drum. He quickly leaned forward and put his head close to the windshield.

Fortunately, it was only a dog that was hit. It was lying flat two meters in front of the car, and I couldn’t tell what kind it was. The fur is gray and dirty, and I can’t tell what color it is. It can only be determined to be a large dog.

There was no blood on the snow. The dog’s limbs were facing the front of the car, and its left hind leg was twitching slightly, as if it was still alive.

Looking carefully, the white fluffy belly bulged and deflated, and she was still panting.

Lawyer Wu reached out to unbuckle the seat belt, but stopped as soon as his hand touched the buckle. He shrunk his neck and looked around the outside of the car carefully.

There was no one around, only ashes of snow drifting in the wind.

He lowered the left window again, put his head out of the window, and looked around carefully.

The air outside is quite cold, and the cold wind blows in and freezes the lungs. There was indeed no one, the surrounding area was empty and desolate, there wasn’t even a telephone pole, let alone a surveillance camera.

What are you afraid of?

Yes, leave immediately. If there are unscrupulous people in a remote place, it will be too late to be deceived.

Lawyer Wu quickly retracted his head and raised the car window.

But this dog…go down and move it away?

His visual inspection showed that the dog was only a dozen meters away from the intersection. When he reached the intersection, he turned around and found the main road.

Nah, whatever, just run over. It shocked me, yes.

The “Silver Run” started and the car moved forward slowly.

Animals are animals because they are not dead, they are made of flesh and blood and have feelings. When the snow was compacted by the wheels, there was an explosion. This made the dog in front of the car obviously feel that something was wrong. It panted hard and barked low.

The front of the car was approaching, and the strong light from the car’s headlights reflected the dog’s fur bright white.

The dog began to twist its body greatly, swinging its head and rolling around, trying desperately to get up. But its left hind leg slipped and couldn’t grab the ground. No matter how much I scratch my paws, I only raise a piece of sand-like snow dust.

Lawyer Wu was holding the steering wheel. From his perspective, the circular logo was erected in front of the car, which was already aimed at the dog’s body like a scope. At this moment, the dog’s twisting and rolling reached its peak of intensity. But this desperate struggle has always been meaningless.

Lawyer Wu watched as the front of the car completely swallowed the dog’s body, and then heard a wail that sounded like a child crying.

This lame dog is quite funny. Haha, this is like running over a meat balloon, interesting.

He smiled and shook his head. For some reason, this scene reminded him of the class beauty, the assistant, and the old guy he was about to meet. Not only did he not feel a trace of cruelty in this regard, but instead a wave of pleasure surged from his spine.

But…why is there no sound? No bumps either? Weird.

Lawyer Wu leaned close to the side window and looked behind the car through the left reflector. The snow covered by it was empty and there was nothing.


A long howl, sharp and shrill.

In horror, Lawyer Wu suddenly raised his head and discovered that a gray-haired vicious dog half as tall as a man was standing on the empty snow hill in front of the left side of the car.

This is the one that was hit! But how did it climb out from under the car? Are you still running ahead?

The dog was staring at Lawyer Wu, its eyes a sinister green light. There were ferocious diagonal lines waving above its long mouth, and a low “Woo” sound came out of its throat, with knife-like fangs protruding from its cracked mouth. Its back arched into a semicircle, and its manes stood up like the needles of a hedgehog. The muscles of the limbs are tight, well-defined, and full of explosive power.

Where is the dying dog? It was clearly a wolf with eyes hanging upside down and steaming with anger.

Yes, a wolf is a wolf. But this is the capital, how could it be?

Lawyer Wu was at a loss and looked around.

The wolf bared its teeth and cracked its mouth, and took a small step forward, as if it was about to pounce.

What does it do?

Lawyer Wu was sweating coldly and subconsciously sounded the horn. Unexpectedly, this was like firing a starting gun, directly stimulating the wolf’s nerves.

The wolf bent down to gather momentum, and after a brief pause, he jumped forward fiercely, whizzed a few steps, and jumped onto the front of the car.

Lawyer Wu was so frightened that he did not expect it to have a counter-effect.

The wolf has a clear goal, staring hard at Lawyer Wu, and pounces straight towards him. The huge wolf head slammed against the glass, scratching and biting.

A wiper broke and the glass made a harsh sound.

Lawyer Wu was so paralyzed that he almost called out for his mother.

This was not the end. After discovering the smooth properties of glass, the wolf simply stepped on the front window with all its limbs in turn and began to use its own weight to collide. Under the violent impact and jump, the car body shook and crackled, and several obvious cracks quickly appeared on the glass.

Alas! The front window of the car won’t be shattered!

Lawyer Wu hit his head on the roof of the car in panic. He started the car shivering purely on instinct. Then step on the accelerator hard, and the car speeds up instantly.

Screw the fuel tank and chassis!

The wheels rolled violently on the potholed road, shaking like the earth was turning upside down. This made the wolf no longer able to maintain its balance. It kicked off its hind legs, jumped up onto the roof of the car, and was then thrown to the rear of the car.

In the dark, after “Silver Run” passed the last few meters from the intersection, the car swerved to the left and drove onto the main road. There is an exaggerated arc trajectory on the snow. This force was irresistible. The wolf at the rear of the car had been thrown off and its paws fell to the ground.

The car did not slow down and continued to shift. The wolf did not give up and kept chasing.

The car was speeding away, and the snow it passed was full of twisted car marks. After a violent swing, the car finally found its direction and moved straight forward.

At this moment, Lawyer Wu was willing to pay attention to the rearview mirror. In the mirror, the abandoned wolf was still chasing after the car, but soon it could no longer run and limped to a stop.

Ha, it’s the injured leg.

Oh, why didn’t I kill it just now?

Lawyer Wu breathed a sigh of relief with a mixture of happiness and hatred.

A moment later, with a smile, Lawyer Wu took a second look in the rearview mirror, but this glance made his heart suddenly tighten.

From a distance, the lame wolf standing still showed a human-like expression. She squinted her eyes, pursed her tongue, and smiled at him.

Huh? Hallucination?

No, just laughing, the wolf is laughing.

Eerie. brutal. Weird.

What the hell!


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