Marvel’s Princess Chapter 977: Snap your fingers


The Flame Emperor refused to admit defeat, relying on inertia and inner pride, gritted his teeth and rushed forward another two meters.

His flames became extremely weak, and his figure became even more awkward and abnormal. Not to mention the cosmic fires that would never go out, even the flames on his body were almost invisible.

“Humph, you dare to shine in front of me? You don’t want to live anymore, do you? Back off!”

Bella didn’t take any action at all. She almost extinguished the flames on the Flame Emperor’s body just by relying on her own essence.

Skywalker hurriedly pulled his good friend away, and then Galactus slowly spoke.

“Twilight, I understand what you mean, I will never go to Earth again.”

Bella pondered for a moment and pointed to the planet at her feet: “Ordinarily I shouldn’t care about this. I don’t even know the name of this planet, but I think they live a very beautiful life. Please let them go. ”

“You know my duty.” Galactus said word for word.

“Of course I know, it doesn’t matter if I can’t see them. Now they are right in front of my eyes, watching more than one billion intelligent beings being killed, and I feel very uncomfortable. Lao Tun, give me some face.”

Except for the Earth, Galactus has no special preference for devouring other planets. In his eyes, they are all the same. He can let the planet in front of him go, but he has conditions this time.

The planet devourer pointed at the Hulk, the bringer of destruction, without saying a word, meaning that this was the condition.

Bella had no intention of bringing the Hulk back to Earth. She could accept this in exchange, and immediately nodded and said, “Okay, I promise you, unless Hulk or Banner give up their duties as the messengers of Galactus. , otherwise, I won’t come to you for help, and I will stop all the people on the other side of the earth.”

The Hulk was very unpopular, so he left as soon as he left. Not many people on the earth cared about him. This decision was cruel and indifferent, but it was a fact.

The Galactus turned around and left with his four Galactus envoys. Seeing them step into the teleportation channel and disappear, Bella stood in the center of the ruined city and waited quietly for a while before speaking. Said: “Come out, Tony, your former boss is gone.”

Stark emerged from the shadows wearing his armor enhanced by cosmic energy.

He looked at Bella’s Infinity Gauntlet at a glance: “Can this thing really defeat Lao Tun?”

Bella shook her head repeatedly: “How could I know! Didn’t you see? I scared him away.”

She wanted to put away the Infinity Gauntlet, but Stark asked eagerly: “What can this thing be used for? Is the purple stone on the glove the power stone?”

Bella was silent, and Stark was talking about his analysis.

“Some kind of artifact that fulfills wishes? Is it like Lao Tun, who modifies the real world? He is a little afraid of this glove, which means that these gloves and these gems can threaten him, or even kill him. Can this thing be possible? To save people?”

Bella still didn’t speak.

“Can you lend it to me?” Stark explained his thoughts patiently: “I have made many mistakes, and I helped him kill countless intelligent beings. If possible, I want to redeem him. They also redeem myself and make up for my mistakes.

There are at least more than five billion intelligent beings, and three planets were destroyed because of me. Please, give me a chance to make up for my mistakes? ”

Having known Stark for almost ten years, this was the first time Bella saw him begging for help in a low voice, and she couldn’t help but feel a little touched.

Bella is a typical person who eats soft things but not hard ones. She thought about the matter again: “The backlash of using this thing will be very serious. I don’t recommend you to use this thing.”

She changed the topic: “However, I am willing to help you. If I come to use it, there will be no backlash.”

She glanced at the obviously cracked Soul Gem on the glove: “I guess it’s okay to use it once. After that, the gem will probably be broken. Tell me your wish and I will help you realize it.”

Two minutes later, Bella raised her right hand.

Stark wanted to resurrect the intelligent beings who died because of him when he was the messenger of Galactus and restore the three planets to their original state. Bella thought this was not difficult.

“Resurrection of the intelligent life that has died because of you in the past two months, this is simple. Restore the planet to its original state? How can it be considered the original state? This is too broad a statement. I can only restore the planet to a rough level.”

She explained the limits that the Infinity Gauntlet could reach, and then lightly snapped her fingers!

The boundary between life and death was opened, the passage of space was reopened again, and the endless energy, referring to the images of the past, began to make a large-scale modification of the universe.

For Stark, this is just a snap of fingers, but for Bella, this process is lengthened by her consciously.

It is rare to snap her fingers once. With the help of the Infinity Gauntlet, she can sort out the rules of the entire universe. This is a very meaningful thing for Bella. After all, she cannot snap her fingers every day. This time in order to prevent planetary engulfment Or, everyone acquiesces to her collecting infinite gems, but they only let her use it once. If she uses or collects infinite gems again, others will have opinions.

Bella carefully understood the operating rules of the entire universe. The Infinity Gauntlet followed her orders and resurrected the dead on a large scale like a batch process.

Stark couldn’t tell how many good people he had killed and how many bad people he had killed, and Bella didn’t dwell on this issue either. Good people or bad people, does good or bad have anything to do with her? All resurrected!

Her attention was focused on the rules of the universe. She didn’t care about resurrection at first, but she accidentally glanced and saw Thanos’s purple face in less than a ten thousandth of a second. Face!

What the hell? ! what’s the situation? She was shocked!

How did Thanos get into this resurrection list? ! Although Bella always thought that she reacted quickly, she was also confused and completely confused at this time.

Stark killed Thanos? Are you kidding me?

Without time to think about it, she only knew that Thanos could never be resurrected. As for why? She hasn’t thought of a reason yet! Now that Thanos is dead, let him continue to die.

Although the resurrection process is automatic, she controls the Infinity Gauntlet after all, and her level is high enough to interfere with the ongoing resurrection process. She doesn’t care about the Deathblade General or Proxima Centauri. , as long as the resurrection process of Thanos is stopped.

More than halfway through the resurrection, she mobilized the power of time to interfere with the reality that had already happened.

There was a loud “boom”. From Tony Stark’s perspective, it was Bella snapping her fingers, and then the shining golden glove exploded into powder from the inside out!


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