Marvel’s Princess Chapter 957: Reinforcements


 Stark pulled out the particle knife expressionlessly, as if he had done a trivial thing. Thanos covered the wound, and the vitality of the Titan family was rapidly draining with the blood.

 Stark did not finish the last strike, but watched the sturdy Titan stumble back a few steps and sit down on a rock.

 Thanos’s once powerful body now became a burden. He only felt that his body was extremely heavy, and his strength was disappearing with the wound. He began to cough up blood.

  Without looking, he knew that his internal organs had been smashed by the particle knife. After all, copper skin and iron bones were just an adjective. He had never heard of anyone who could train his internal organs to be harder than steel. Even if it was really harder than steel, That also cannot resist the cutting of the particle knife.

 Thanos has the physique of a Titan, but he is also seriously injured at this time. If he is rescued in time, he may be able to save a small life. If he is not rescued in time, he will die.

The body of the Titans is similar to that of a god. It has high defense and is immune to a lot of negative conditions. The body has certain solidification characteristics and is difficult to be changed by external forces. However, once changed, it is difficult to return to its original state. Thor’s eyes and the charred half of Thanos’s body after destroying the Infinity Stones in the original time and space all prove this. Deadpool can still survive after being torn in half. If Thor and Thanos were torn in half, they would be on the spot. You will die of anger, which has nothing to do with self-healing power.

 Thanos’s body has been severely injured now, with multiple organs destroyed. Without external intervention, his body cannot be restored to its original state.

  Stark patted his bald head: “Thanos, you are a respectable opponent, but unfortunately, you lost.”

 A large amount of blood loss caused Thanos’s eyes to be a little blurry. He tried to open his eyes and look into the distance.

 I saw from a distance that the tall Galactus had arrived on Titan. The supergiant who was extremely loyal to himself tried to control Galactus with his telepathy. The ending was naturally no surprise. The supergiant was backfired and his eyes were broken. The eyes exploded into pulp, and blood spurted out from the mouth. The slightly petite body fell into the soil and never got up again.

 The five generals of the Dark Order have all been wiped out.

 Thanos sighed heavily. The four Galactus and Galactus gathered together. This battle was completely lost, and he could only go so far, right? He smiled miserably, feeling very relaxed all over his body, and he could finally rest.

 He doesn’t have much resentment in his heart. He can go to other planets to kill people, but others come to Titan to kill him. This is a matter of course, and he doesn’t think there is any problem with the logic.

 Stark raised the particle knife in his hand and his eyes stayed on Thanos.

 “Any last words?”

Thanos is very graceful. He sat on the stone and used the little strength he had to make a gesture on his neck, which meant that if you cut here, be sure not to cut it crookedly.

Just as Stark was about to swing the knife, an unusually sharp short knife stabbed at an angle and rotated at high speed towards his wrist.

This throwing technique is very clever, and the power, speed and angle are also perfect. In addition, the flying knife is a variable that Stark did not calculate. To be safe, he took half a step back and let the knife fly in front of his eyes. Pass.

 “Who?” he asked.

 ”If you want to kill him, it’s not your turn yet! Go queue up!”

 Wearing leather armor and purple-red hair, Gamora rushed out of the darkness like a gust of wind. She held a long sword upside down in her right hand and a dagger in her left hand. Her body, which had been strengthened by the Mind Stone, was coupled with her peak fighting skills. The magic makes her moves extremely powerful, and every blow will pierce the gaps in Stark’s armor.

Her sword blade was green, and it was obvious that it was smeared with poison. Faced with Gamora’s honed moves, Stark didn’t see any flaws for a while, so he could only retreat again and again.

 In the end, he activated his foot thrusters to retreat and regain the distance.

 ”I know you, a very famous female killer in the universe, and you are also today.” Stark’s talent for catching and chatting with anyone has failed. Gamora is not a big boss, and she is in a turbulent mood. The female assassin had no intention of talking nonsense to him.

The female assassin forced Stark back with several moves. Then she skillfully put away her sword and dagger. She took out an exaggerated laser gun from behind and aimed at Stark and the Flame Emperor who was closer. Fire.

 This series of attacks caught the two Galactus a little off guard. They were originally waiting to see Thanos behead him. Who would have thought that there was someone hiding next to them?

 ”Stand up! Stand up! Don’t be like a wimp, stand up and come with me!” Gamora yelled at Thanos. She shot into the sky while holding up Thanos with all her strength: “Except for me , no one can kill you! ”

 Thanos, who had closed his eyes and waited for death, remembered something, and the will to fight was rekindled. He straightened his helmet, staggered to pick up the double-edged sword, and touched Gamora’s hair: ” My daughter, I knew you would come back to me cough cough”

 A large number of organ fragments were mixed in the blood, flowing out from his wound like a fountain. The **** hole the size of a fist could not be covered with one hand.

  Gamora forcibly dragged him back: “Go to my spaceship! There is a first aid cabin in my spaceship! You can’t die without my permission!”

 There was a “boom”, and the laser gun in her hand was knocked away by Stark. The Iron Messenger opened his left hand and the pulse cannon was ready to go.

 ”It’s a touching story. Your father-daughter relationship is a little different from what I heard before, but it doesn’t matter. You are all going to die here today.” His tone was calm, as if he was talking about something commonplace.

 I will indeed die here today! Gamora looked at the four Star Swallowers flying over in a state of encirclement, and she knew in her heart that she would never be able to defeat these four, even if she practiced martial arts for a thousand years, she would not be able to defeat them.

 Thanos gave a loud “hum” and protected Gamora behind him. The two of them did not say anything. They were both waiting for the last moment to come.

  The pulse cannon in Stark’s hand emits a deep blue light, and the energy is accumulated to the limit, but before it is about to be launched, a golden warhammer flies from a very far distance and hits Stark’s wrist. , the pulse cannon was missed and flew out grazing Thanos’ shoulder.

 At the most critical moment, Thor and his uncle Kull arrived with seven Lords of Skyhammer!

 A giant snake that could circle a planet broke through the space. The ink-colored snake’s mouth opened wide, and eight people jumped out together.

 Thor, who was in mid-air, not only threw the hammer, but also shouted: “Stop! Tony!”

Some unfamiliar calls made Stark pause for a moment, but the next call was very familiar.

 Pepper Little Pepper controls the Hulkbuster armor and holds the artifact warhammer given to her by Kull. She rushes out of the snake’s mouth just a smidge slower than Thor: “Tony! Come home with me! Stop killing people!” ”


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