Marvel’s Princess Chapter 956: Iron Messenger VS Thanos


Stardust and Skywalker are still working together to summon Galactus.

They have more confidence in Flame King and Stark. No matter how strong the magic and divine power of mortals are, they cannot resist the energy of the universe. This is an iron law they firmly believe in.

The remaining superstar of the Dark Order has been trying to support Thanos with mind control and mind shock, but these mind attacks were resisted by Stark’s armor, and he could not figure out his own. Why are there so many anti-mind control devices in the armor? Since the psychic impact is blocked by the armor, he is too lazy to pay attention to the superstar.

As long as she doesn’t exist, Tony Stark faces the menacing Thanos.

Thanos is really angry today, how many years has it been? The experience of being knocked on the door was so unfamiliar to him. The other party kept saying that he wanted to balance him out. He found it even more incredible. He had always been the one to balance others. Today he would kill half of the people on this planet, and tomorrow he would go to that galaxy and kill another half. Man, now a guy more ruthless than him has appeared, and these guys want to destroy the Dark Order! To completely destroy Titan.

He was angry, but he still had a rare chat with Stark.

“This is not balance, this is killing! Your actions are just to satisfy the cruel bloodlust in your hearts!” Thanos condemned Tony Stark.

The more we work together these days, the greater the hatred! Thanos looked at these Galactus messengers more and more dissatisfied. He just felt that these guys were disgusting and hypocritical!

“I know you, Thanos is your real name, right? You are the one who has sinned the most. Your so-called salvation will only leave countless hatred and sorrow. I don’t think Galactus’s methods are better than yours. , But at least he didn’t cause so much pain!” Even though deep down he didn’t agree with the logic of the Star Swallower, in comparison, Stark did feel that his side’s methods were gentler.

If you die, you will know nothing, and the pain will remain in the hearts of the living.

The boss opened his mouth, and with a loud “boom” sound, all the intelligent life on the planet was wiped out. This is better than Thanos’s men who sent his men to kill all over the planet. To a certain extent, isn’t it? How about being kinder?

Will intelligent life that survives Thanos’s slaughter be happy ever after? No, they will live in the pain of their relatives and friends dying tragically in front of their eyes. It would be better for such survivors to die directly.

This is a logical relationship in which one hundred steps despise fifty steps. It is ridiculous. Life should not be calculated like this. But this is the answer that Stark has thought hard over the past two months. Since he cannot resist, then Just accept it.

It’s a pity that Thanos doesn’t agree with his point of view at all: “Absurd! I am doing it to allow them to have more resources to live, not to destroy the planet together! I am delaying the destruction of the universe, and you! Just A bunch of vandals and thugs!”

Stark thought about it seriously, and then he closed his visor again: “Your words are of great reference value. I will think about it seriously. Now, please go to hell.”

The leg thrusters of the Iron Messenger’s golden armor were activated to the extreme in an instant. The distance of less than ten meters between the two sides disappeared in an instant. As soon as Thanos raised his sword, he found that Stark’s particle knife had pierced his heart. If he continued to swing the knife, it was hard to say whether he could cut through Stark’s armor. He himself would definitely die.

The strength of Thanos is more than that of Black Dwarf. His tall body is not bulky, but on the contrary, he is very flexible. He twisted his waist and turned sideways, and moved his feet a step further to the left. With extremely exquisite footwork and With combat experience, he avoided Stark’s long-prepared killing blow.

“Boy! You underestimated Thanos!” He raised his arm and slashed Stark’s neck from the side with his double-edged sword at a very weird angle.

“You underestimated me!” Stark did not dodge, the propellers under his feet activated again, and the whole person flew sideways, like a header, which was completely composed of cosmic energy. The head, which is several times stronger than the strongest metal in the world, hit Thanos in the face.

The face has the most nerves. Thanos was born in the Titan family, but there is still a difference between this Titan and the legendary invulnerable Titan. At most, his defense is stronger than ordinary people, but he is still flesh and blood and has muscles. There are bones, and naturally there are nerves.

The impact was unexpected, with the weight of the armor and acceleration. Stark’s collision made Thanos’s eyes full of stars, and he couldn’t see anything. He took two steps back, worried that the enemy would get close, and he went crazy. He still swung the giant sword, but he didn’t hit anything. After his eyes recovered, he saw Stark making a gesture of raising his arms flat with his palms upward.

Stark activated the gravitational field in the armor, and after operating at full power, he pulled down several satellites very close to Titan.

Skywalker in the distance cooperated with Stark’s gravitational field and used his own powers to control Titan’s gravity to help him position accurately.

The satellite burned quickly after entering the atmosphere, and then turned into fireballs, hitting Thanos one after another.

As a Stark, Thanos can still fight for dozens of rounds. Relying on his rich combat experience, winning or losing is unpredictable, but facing two Star Eaters at the same time, he can’t do it without gems and equipment.

The armor that was originally relatively strong became extremely tattered after two impacts. After encountering several impacts, Thanos vomited blood repeatedly. When the Flame Emperor returned to the battlefield carrying the head of General Deathblade and joined the siege, he I can’t hold on anymore.

Facing three Star-Eating Messengers at the same time, let alone him, even if the three-gem Bella was suddenly attacked, it would be difficult to win or lose. However, a mage like Bella cannot defeat him but he can run away. Thanos is a pure warrior. He can’t run away without the Space Stone.

“That’s all you have!” Thanos dodged left and right. He didn’t just avoid it. On the contrary, he also used the cover of smoke and dust to get close to Stark. When the distance between the two sides was less than thirty meters, , he roared, dragging the double-edged sword like thunder, rushed in front of Stark, jumped up, and slashed with the sword.

He has absolute confidence in his carefully planned strike. The power, speed, skill and timing of this sword have reached their peak. Even if he were to do it again, he may not be able to swing such a perfect strike. .

The fact is almost the same. Stark, who was running the gravitational field, seemed a little slow to him. When Thanos entered the melee range and the double-edged sword in his hand was completely swung, he hurriedly turned off the gravitational field.

“It’s too late! You…” Thanos’ pride only lasted for a second. After Stark was slashed by the double-edged sword and turned into a broken light, he knew that he had been deceived by an illusion. , and then felt his body stagnate. He slowly lowered his head and saw the high-frequency oscillating particle knife glowing with blue light in Stark’s hand piercing his lower abdomen.


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