Marvel’s Princess Chapter 948: Watt Alheim


 The group of people entered the palace. Frigga led the gods to the inner hall. When passing by the throne of the God King, Bor glanced at it with a strange expression, then stopped and looked again and again. It could be seen that he was interested in this. The splendid throne has no small opinion.

Just as he was about to speak, the old lady Bestela, with quick eyesight and quick hands, grabbed his arm and walked inside.

 ”I am also a God-King. I am the son of Bli and the conqueror of Wat Alheim! Now in Asgard, am I not even qualified to speak?” Old Bol boasted to the old lady. Beard glared.

  The old lady didn’t tolerate him either: “Let’s go back to Asgard tomorrow and keep your simplicity. Stop talking nonsense about your son!”

Although the old lady was dissatisfied with Odin’s cowardly performance, she did not comment on the nouveau riche temperament that pervades Asgard. For her, if her son likes it, then let him do it. We have accumulated a lot of wealth in three generations. It is not too much to use gold to cover the walls and build a throne with gold.

 Have money, be happy!

 The three warriors stopped outside the palace, and several gods entered the inner hall together.

 ”Huh?” Just the first time she saw Odin, Bella understood clearly. It was hard to say whether he had fainted, but there was indeed something wrong with the divine power in Odin’s body, a big problem.

 Different from the previous Odin’s Sleep, which was cyclical, within the cycle, and had sudden characteristics, the current one is caused subjectively and is inevitable.

The divine power in Odin’s body is extremely disordered. Although he conceals it very well, Bella has a unique vision and judges from the details. She believes that more than half of the divine power in Odin’s body has disappeared. Needless to say, it must have been quietly transmitted to Thor.

 The method he used was somewhat similar to Bella’s previous method of burning the priesthood, which was to extract the essence of his own divine power. Bella used it to make up for and strengthen his own night priesthood, and he used it to extract the essence of his divine power. Handed over to his son without reservation, so that Thor could move forward without any delay.

Odin is more ruthless than Bela. After the priesthood of Bela was burned out, the origin was not damaged, but it went further. But what about Odin? Even if he wakes up now, there is a question mark whether he can reach the level of Heavenly Father again.

 An Asgardian God-King who cannot fight is worse than an unconscious Asgardian God-King.

 Among Odin’s eight major priesthoods, the three priesthoods of Wisdom, Magic and Death have the highest levels. When compared horizontally, they are similar to Bella’s previous priesthood of night. He now extracts the most divine power from the three priesthoods. If something unexpected happens, there should be only an empty shell of the three priests left.

The royal power, healing and war priesthoods are of slightly lower levels. He only wants to give the most essential part of his divine power to his son, so these three priesthoods extract less divine power.

 Prophecy and Poetry are the weakest clergy, but have the most remaining divine power.

 From the perspective of hindsight, Odin’s current wisdom master priesthood is unable to effectively control those secondary priesthoods due to a large lack of divine power. This is the main reason for his coma.

Bella clasped her hands behind her back and watched calmly. She didn’t speak because someone was more anxious than her.

 ”Asshole! I order you to stand up! Stand up!” Bol’s loud voice echoed back and forth in the not-so-wide inner hall.

 Bella raised her eyes and saw that Odin was lying straight and motionless, looking like a corpse.

  She doesn’t think that Odin has no sense of the outside world at all, but just because he has sense, he can’t get up now. When he opened his eyes, he saw his parents, and then he was hit twice with his forehand and backhand. Mouth, that old face of Odin has no place to rest. In order to avoid social death, regardless of whether he was really dizzy or fake before, he must continue to pretend now!

 Fortunately, Bella stopped at the critical moment. It would have been even more embarrassing if Odin’s grandfather Bulli was also summoned and the three generations of grandparents gathered together.

Boer and Bestela are good at killing people, but they are obviously not as good as Bela in terms of perception, and they are not as good as Odin, the god-king whose main function is wisdom, in terms of perception. The old couple looked over and over for a long time, but they didn’t See the flaw.

 Skadi, as the **** of Vanaheim, really has nothing to do with him, and he didn’t come in at all.

Bella and the other juniors stood very far away, watching the old couple playing with Odin’s ‘corpse’ for a while. They were both warriors and did not know how to treat, and they could not see why Odin was unconscious. Old Bol muttered a lot of words such as “lack of exercise” and “not like a warrior”.

 ”I have never fainted before a battle in my life! It really disappoints me. After so many years, he is still like this!” Bol vented his dissatisfaction for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and pulled it again The voice shouted: “Where is Thor? Where is my good grandson Thor?”

Frigga told the old couple again that Thor and Loki went to search for ether particles together, and then their whereabouts were unknown.

 Boll hurriedly rushed to the alien space where he sealed the ether particles. The place was empty of people, the ether particles disappeared, and Thor and Loki were not here.

 ”It must be the conspiracy of the dark elves! I want to kill them! Rescue Thor!” Bol picked up the ax and was about to kill the dark elves’ Watt Alheim.

 Frigga can’t stop her. The war in Asgard has just ended. The soldiers are very tired. The battlefield needs to be cleaned. The wounded need to be treated. Many civilians have been destroyed. All of these need to be dealt with one by one. She still has to stay. With soldiers guarding the city, it was impossible for the army to follow Bor on an expedition to Wat Alheim. Of course, he couldn’t be allowed to go there alone. This was the prestigious former God-King, not a cat or a dog.

 Finally, Frigga sent her soon-to-be daughter-in-law Sif with 3,000 elites and Bor on an expedition to Wat Alheim. Sif relied on her personal friendship to recruit melon-eating Bella, and the three old comrades plus Xi Fu, Bella and a group of soldiers, a group of people activated the Rainbow Bridge and headed to Watt Alheim.

 Desolate! My first impression when I saw Wat Alheim was that there was no grass growing. The sky here was dim yellow and the mountains were rugged. The terrain looked good, but the life in the land had been completely destroyed. The only stones in sight were gravel. The environment was extremely bad.

 This land cannot survive much intelligent life, and living supplies are too few.

Bol had no time to appreciate the devastation he had caused to the entire Wat Alheim with his army. He was still busy looking for his grandson.

 But he looked at it for a long time, and there was not even a single figure in his sight.

 Taking the airship, they arrived at the main city that once belonged to the dark elves.

The city is in ruins, and the few supplies have been plundered in the past tens of millions of years. Now there are only broken walls, abandoned spaceships and weapon fragments all over the ground.


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