Marvel’s Princess Chapter 947: Second Generation God King


Scadi first looked at Frigga, who nodded gently to her stepmother. Then Skadi looked at Bella: “Madam, how much time do I have? If the time is too short, it will be difficult for me. Give it your all.”

Bella was quite proud: “I have temporarily blocked the flow of time on your side. If you fight with all your strength, it will take about a day.”

“That’s enough.”

Scadi roared and led the wolves into the army of dark elves.

Bella hasn’t stopped here yet. She continues to search on the timeline, then transfers mana, and replaces the other party’s past time with her own time. This involves a lot of time, space and rules. cognition.

She held her hands in vain and soon opened another portal.

A strong man with a rough expression, wearing a horned helmet, and holding a double-edged battle axe, Bor, the second-generation god-king of Asgard, walked out of his own timeline.

He reacted very quickly, without even looking at his daughter-in-law and grand-daughter-in-law-to-be. He immediately saw the dark elves everywhere.

Boer has basically spent his whole life eating, sleeping and fighting the dark elves. Defeating the dark elves is his greatest achievement in life. Looking at it now, huh? These guys show up again? Do you still dare to attack Asgard?

Boer picked up the ax and started chopping. While chopping, he directed the battle.

“You guys, go over there! Go over there! Can you understand me!”

“You! You, and you! Charge with me! A bunch of dark elves beat you like this? It really makes me feel ashamed!”

He didn’t even let Frigga go. At least he knew that she was the wife of his useless son, so he saved some face.

“A girl is here to kill someone? Go and stay behind!”

Frigga’s command is that she has no command. She lacks many necessary conditions to take the lead. A magic **** holding a long sword, how many enemies can this kill?

Bor took over the command at the right time, and the Asgardian soldiers did not refuse. This is the previous god-king! Everyone who knows him must know him, and if he doesn’t know him, he can get a general idea by asking his companions.

Bella didn’t stop at all, and soon, Bor’s wife, Bestela, who was holding two axes and looking fierce, also walked out of the teleportation array.

Different from Frigga, Odin’s biological mother and Thor’s grandmother is a pure warrior, with a very serious expression, deep nasolabial folds, and a look at people like a hawk.

“Old lady, come on! I’ll help you summon another one. This is the first generation…” Asgard’s first generation **** king Buli is too far away from the current era, even if Bella holds it It will take a while to find the time stone.

Her face was red, her spiritual and divine powers had been used to the extreme, and she was about to summon the first-generation God King from the distant past to help fight the war. Suddenly she saw Frigga winking at her. What did this mean?

Aren’t you happy to see your stepmother, father-in-law and mother-in-law come to help?

Frigga shook her head slightly, meaning that enough is enough, please stop summoning!

Bella followed suit, okay, since you think that’s enough, I’ll stop. She closed the magic circle.

Scadi, Bor and Bestra are all second-generation gods, and they cooperate with each other quite well. They are like three arrows. Under their leadership, a larger number of Asgardian soldiers were finally effectively defeated. The ground mobilized, and until the end of the fight, even the Asgardian civilians joined the battle with swords in hand.

Under the command of Bor, the army set out from the Golden City. Bor, Skadi, and Bestela each led an army and surrounded them from three directions, cutting off the Dark Elf army like a comb. , Bol’s voice was so loud that you could hear him drinking heartily even from a long distance away.

This old man is really happy. Being able to kill the dark elves is a burst of enjoyment for him.

“What are you shouting? It’s so noisy!” The old lady Bestela was chopping people like melons. The killing speed was extremely fast. She killed an opponent in the enemy’s formation in a short time. She rushed to Bor Beside him, he turned the handle of the ax and stabbed Old Boer **** the waist. Bella who saw it from a distance felt pain, but the old man had a rough and thick scalp, so he mumbled a few words indifferently.

Bella did not continue to participate in the war. With these three old people present, she no longer needed to worry about it. If she could still lose, it would not be the general’s problem, but the soldiers’ problem.

She watched from a distance, thinking that her role was similar to the fortune teller in Dragon Ball, bringing three gods who had been dead for many years back to reality, giving them one day to help fight, and the rest It has nothing to do with her.

The army charged mightily. Two hours later, the battle came to an end. Bella blocked the space, and Heimdall also closed various transmission channels. The 50,000 dark elves and 200 invading 3 frost giants and 150 fire giants were almost completely wiped out.

These 50,000 dark elves are almost all the dark elves in Watt Alheim. They have been trapped in that area of ​​scarce supplies for tens of thousands of years and have not multiplied for so many years. Now that there are so few people all of a sudden, basically Then the genocide can be declared.

The second-in-command of the dark elf was also released from the crack of time by Bella. Bor was quite experienced in dealing with the cursed warrior. Without saying a word, he picked up the big ax and chopped this guy into pieces with one blow. Two halves.

“Where is Odin? Doesn’t he even participate in this kind of battle? You have to ask an old man like me to come all the way to help! Tell me! Where is that bastard?” As soon as the battle ended, Bol asked loudly Asgardian gods.

Bella quietly moved two steps to the left, meaning that if you don’t look at me, I will give you a soy sauce.

Sif quietly moved to the right, pretending that she was a passerby, the future queen of Asgard, that was all in the future, and now she is just a tool who can use Twitter. Knowing your role is more important than anything else.

Frigga looked bitter, and this question could only be answered by her.

Her answer was similar to what Sif said before. Odin suddenly fell into a coma before the battle because of the divine power in his body.

“Coma? Fainted before the battle? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-” Bol’s reaction was similar to Bella’s reaction when she first heard this statement, that is, she didn’t believe it at all!

How could it be such a coincidence that you fainted when the enemy came to kill you? Lying to children!

“What an embarrassment to my mother! What a disgrace!” Odin’s mother, Bestela, who has deep nasolabial folds, also expressed her dissatisfaction. The old lady thought Odin was just timid.

According to her words, this ‘child’ has been timid since he was a child.

The old comrades were very dissatisfied, and their daughter-in-law Frigga had to take them to see her unconscious husband. Bella, like no one else, wandered along with them to pay homage to Odin’s ‘last face’.


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