Marvel’s Princess Chapter 943: Twitter governs the country


After lunch, Bella began to explain her understanding of psychic energy to the two disciples. She also took out the Mind Stone and asked them to experience it with their own hearts.

“Teacher, I can’t do it. This is too grand.” Modu persisted under the light of the mind gem for about half a minute. After that, his inner lake began to swell, and veins popped out on his forehead, and he was about to reach his limit.

Qin does not use the Phoenix Power, and relies solely on herself. She is stronger than Mordo, but her strength is limited. For about forty seconds, her mind goes crazy, and she is about to lose control of the Phoenix Power boiling in her body. .

After letting them know the powerful role of the mind, Bella began to lecture on the principles of spells, the construction of spells, the relationship between spells and the world, and how to interpret the world through magic.

Ninety percent of the time, Bella spoke and the two listened.

While Qin was practicing magic, Bella was also taking the opportunity to observe and learn the nature of the Phoenix, hoping to integrate some of its inner qualities into her own path.

After half a month of teaching, Qin still has not broken through the bottleneck between the fifth and sixth rings, but she has been able to control the Phoenix Power in her body to a small extent. The remaining personality belonging to the Dark Phoenix is ​​slowly merging with the main personality. There is no problem with them. Bella continues to use the herding teaching method. Just practice it by yourself. If you have any questions, come back to me.

The three of them knew how to teleport, and there was no geographical distance from New York to Kamal Taj. They were left to continue learning, and Bella turned around and went home.

She learned a lot from the Phoenix Force and the Chaos Force. Creation and destruction complement each other. When she wants to obtain something, she must give up something.

Accumulation is necessary, but moving forward courageously is also necessary.

She turned the golden spiritual energy into flames, and first burned the sleep and nightmare priesthoods. These two priesthoods were of little use to her. ’ She is now the master of the dream dimension, and it doesn’t matter whether she has a dream-related priesthood.

Back then, Nightmare had no dream-related priesthoods. After being the ruler for so many years, it was still as stable as a mountain. Bella destroyed the two priesthoods without any hesitation.

She filled in the night-related parts of the two priesthoods of sleep and nightmare into the night priesthood.

She thought about the Secret Priesthood for a long time, but decided to keep it. She felt that she had not developed even one-tenth of the effectiveness of the Secret Priesthood, and it would be a pity to burn it for nourishment.

“Not enough!” Bella thought carefully for a while, and then burned the two night priests of the Egyptian and Japanese gods one by one.

In a short period of time, she lost four priesthoods in a row, which can be said to be a serious loss of vitality. However, with constant filling and strengthening, her night priesthood has begun some kind of transformation, but the change is very small and the speed is very slow. .

“Oh, oh! I’m so impulsive!” She was like a player who spent money on money. She was full of confidence before spending money, but after the money was spent, she felt a little regretful. Why didn’t she play it safe?

With four priesthoods burned, it would be fine if she could take a further step, but she seems to have only taken half a step now.

It’s still a little bit worse. If there is another night priest, she can completely turn the night into darkness.

She has spent all her money, and has nothing to regret. The total amount of her divine power has decreased, but the quality of her divine power has improved a lot, and she has become completely clear about the future path.

In the future, if she goes outside to find a night priesthood, she will be able to undergo a real transformation.

Using golden psychic energy to simulate phoenix flames to burn priests was very labor-intensive. Bella felt dizzy. She called Natasha and asked her daughter-in-law to take her sister home and play with her daughter. I fell asleep and slept for twelve hours. When I woke up, it was already the next day.

“Xiaobei, you are so lazy!” Yinglong walked over like an old man holding a teapot, expressing his contempt for someone’s laziness.

Bella pulled her aside: “What do you know? Only enough sleep can maintain beauty. Without beauty, what’s the use even if I practice to be the best in the world? Go, go, aside. Go ahead, a guy who plays games every day dares to talk about me? Besides, I’ll send you back to Kunlun!”

She blasted Sakura Dragon away.

Out of the bedroom, the Easter Island stone statue moved from the Museum of Natural History greeted her with a buzzing voice: “Hello, Benben.”

This big stone statue is really too stupid, and its head is missing a heel. Bella taught it several times, for example, who is the most beautiful woman in the world, and who is the most beautiful woman in the world? She didn’t answer any questions and kept saying “stupidly long” and “stupidly short” every day. If the children at home didn’t like it, she wouldn’t have kept such a thing.

“Yeah, that’s good for you too.” She said casually.

Wash up and play Twitter while eating breakfast. It’s a bit exaggerated to rule the country by Twitter, but now is an era of information explosion. Many times when you wake up, you don’t know how much the world has changed. Use Twitter It’s really convenient to know information about the outside world.

After playing with her mobile phone, she sent her younger sister Katie to kindergarten, and then took her daughter to Arendelle to play with the little unicorns, little lions, and little deers all morning. Then she returned to Earth and played crazy all morning. After putting her daughter to bed, Bella took out her phone and continued to play on Twitter

She taught two disciples psychic magic on Twitter, asked the Brotherhood to secretly cooperate with the CIA to arrest two fugitives, instructed 006 to continue establishing a gravitational wave observation station in Antarctica, and chatted with Charlie about banning clowns nationwide. A professional thing.

She was extremely busy, chatting with several people at the same time, and while she was chatting, suddenly a dialog box with the default avatar popped up.

“Is it Bella? I’m not very good at using this thing. I’m Sif, and Asgard needs your help!”

Bella was chatting with Natasha about bed sheets, and she passed by without paying attention at first glance. She had just finished typing her words. She liked more atmospheric and fashionable bed sheets. The thought in her mind changed, and again I took out the previous dialog box with the default avatar and took a closer look.

What? Sif? Sif has started using Twitter?

Bella has no loyalty to Asgard. It is impossible for her to run over to save people as soon as she says Asgard is in trouble. She has not reached that point.

She asked: “Where are you?”

After waiting for a long time, the other side replied: “Avengers Tower.”

Bella asked Natasha to pick up her sister from get off work today, and asked Sakurai and Bumblebee to help her take care of her daughter. She hurried to Avengers Tower.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Pepper. In order to become a competent Iron Man, Pepper worked very hard. She was usually responsible for the operation of the group company. Whenever she had free time, she would come over to receive special training from Barbara. Too busy.


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