Marvel’s Princess Chapter 938: Dead light


Bella doesn’t want to talk nonsense to him. This thing is already a conceptual creature and cannot be killed by conventional means. Since it can’t be killed, let’s not kill it yet. She is interested in the floating behind the other person’s head. The three shining spheres hanging on it.

This thing has a lot to do with me… It seems that I can use it to study it!

She opened the Cosmic Cube and anchored all the surrounding space coordinates. Then the blue light of the Cosmic Cube swept up, down, left and right at the three spheres, and she wanted to forcibly capture the three luminous spheres behind the opponent’s head.

Spider Clown didn’t know what she was planning. He just took out a red balloon from his lower back. It seemed he wanted to say something, but he found that a luminous sphere behind his head had been transferred away by the other party using some kind of spatial characteristics. .

“I’m going to tear you apart!” He was furious, his red eyelids seemed to be split, and his hazy yellow eyes were staring in Bella’s direction.

The comic show could not go on, so he revealed his trump card in advance.

He bit into the red balloon, put it in his mouth and chewed it viciously twice. Then a huge number of spiders fell from the sky, like rain. Spiders of all sizes covered the entire underground cave and the ground. There were so many spiders that they covered several floors and were crowded together. Many spiders had human faces. They had sad faces and started crying and wailing as soon as they landed on the ground. Their messy and mottled spiritual power swept across in all directions.

Bella is the first to bear the brunt. Her mental shield will encounter thousands of impacts every second. Cyclops and Storm, who are still fighting Professor Charles in the distance, are also disturbed.

Storm tried to blow these spiders away, but there were too many spiders. Some spiders were as heavy and big as small trucks, and they couldn’t be blown away at all.

“Can you still hold on?” Bella was the main target of the spider’s attack. At this time, she kept using Ice Nova to freeze the spider swarms, and asked from afar despite her busy schedule.

“No problem, we can persist!” Cyclops responded loudly.

Bella is very pleased. The only good thing about a superhero is that she has strong ability to withstand pressure. It would be really troublesome for her to come here alone.

With someone to share the pressure with, she would have time to respond.

Her time clone cooperated with the main body to cast spells, and a passage to the dream dimension was quickly opened.

The murmurs of hundreds of illithids were transmitted through the dreams of countless intelligent beings.



“Enjoy this last peace…”

A large number of whispers filled the battlefield. Pennywise’s spiders fainted in pieces, and Bella’s night stretched out countless tiny tentacles, dragging the unconscious spiders into the night.

One side is chaotic, the other side is quiet.

Using this stalemate, Bella used the Cosmic Cube to remove a luminous sphere behind Pennywise’s head.

The only remaining luminous sphere could no longer rotate. The connection between Pennywise and the alien space was severed. The last ray of light was extinguished, and the surrounding area was completely plunged into darkness.

“Where are you?!”

“I’m going to eat you!”

“Come out! Old Pennywise curses you!”

He bumped around in the underground cave like a headless fly, and his extremely withered appendages kept waving around, trying to kill Bella and get his things back.

Bella stood far away, weighing the luminous sphere she had snatched, and found that it was quite warm in her hand, like a blazing flame.

“Death Ray?” She read the current name of the flame, and then shook her head. The name Death Ray was given by Pennywise, which was not appropriate. In fact, the essence of this thing is love, and it is love. flame.

Bella took a quick look and realized that her former love had been distorted by hatred. It would be difficult for this love to return to its original appearance. With the help of the Mind Stone, she temporarily blocked Penny’s pregnancy. Seeing the resentment and hatred stored in the flame, she pointed directly at the core of the flame, wanting to see the past of this thing.

Although it was just a quick glance, she really saw a lot of things.

The God of Beginnings, this love belongs to a God of Beginnings.

These guys should be at a level below the five great gods and above the elders of the universe.

Unlike the Five Gods, who are completely abstract entities, the Gods of the Beginning are semi-abstract entities. As life forms at the beginning of the universe, they transformed the universe according to their own wishes, causing a large amount of imbalance in the universe and planet-devouring They were either imprisoned or destroyed. Now in the universe, the God of Beginnings has been eradicated as a class.

The God of Life, the Creator, who first created Gaia, Osutu, Set and Sithorn, the ancient gods of the earth, belongs to the ranks of the gods of beginnings.

Both of these two past memories of Death Ray mentioned a place called the Core of Reality. According to Bella’s understanding, that is where all multiverses intersect and where time, space, dreams and reality collide.

This information is of little use to her. Even if the information in the death light is incomplete, she can guess that the core of this reality is the earth! All multiverses have one Earth, which is the basis on which all universes are closely tied together. Bella, the planet devourer of time and space, wants to destroy the earth because she wants to separate the current universe from the multiverse. If something big happens in the multiverse in the future, it will not affect this side.

From the perspective of Galactus, this is definitely a good thing, but from the perspective of Bella and the people on Earth, it is a bad thing. It’s not about who is right or wrong, it’s just different perspectives.

Bella sighed secretly, the more she knew, the more troubled she became.

Learning about the core of reality allowed her to gain a lot of divine power from the secret priesthood. She also wanted to know more about the God of Beginnings, and immersed her mind into the flames to see, but what she saw this time The information is extremely incomplete.

“If you get the third piece of death ray flame… Huh? Grandson, don’t run!” Bella just thought of the third piece of death ray. When she looked up, she saw that the spider clown Pennywise had posted It’s leaning against the wall and moving out little by little.

The surroundings are indeed shrouded in darkness, but he is familiar with the terrain, and there are spiders everywhere causing interference. If you give him some time, this guy can really run out.

Bella hurriedly took out the Sword in the Stone, teleported and appeared a hundred meters away, then jumped up and slashed Pennywise’s neck with the sword.

Now in a dark night environment, her speed and strength are greatly enhanced, while the opponent’s eyes are completely dark and there is no defense ability at all.

The blade of the Sword in the Stone struck Pennywise on the forehead. With one strike, the opponent’s huge head was split into one third.

“Hehehehe, eh? Is this? Is this the king’s sword?” Pennywise pointed at the sword in the stone and suddenly became excited: “Hahahaha, idiot! Don’t you know? The king can’t hurt the clown! ”


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