Marvel’s Princess Chapter 936: Pennywise


The three of them looked around. The wooden house was so small that they definitely couldn’t hide Professor Charles and Qin. Now they could only go down the well.

Bella lay at the mouth of the well and looked down. Oh, I don’t know how deep this well is. It was so dark that even she couldn’t see the bottom of the well. It was probably a hundred meters deep.

“Shall I go down and have a look?” Cyclops volunteered and wanted to explore the way, but Bella thought that she couldn’t be reckless now, so she took out another snake from her sleeve.

Faced with the strange looks from Cyclops and Storm, her explanation was that she was a doctor of biology, so it was normal to carry a few snakes with her.

She tied a glow stick to the snake’s tail, then let go of her hand and threw the snake into the deep well.

The snake was frightened and kept shaking all the way. Its shaking allowed Bella to see the general situation in the well.

It’s about three hundred meters deep, which is fine. There’s no ambush. She’ll be fine if she jumps from this height. It’s hard to say for Cyclops and Storm.

However, this well is connected to the sewer of Deli Town. The three of them went round and round, and they were back on the same old road.

Bella jumped in first, and Storm used the airflow to support herself and Cyclops, and landed to the bottom of the well little by little.

The space at the bottom of the well is also very small, about ten square meters. Various debris, wooden boards, and fallen leaves fall from above from time to time, and accumulate over time, like a hill.

They started cleaning up the debris and soon found another entrance to the underground cave, which was deeper and darker.

“How many meters have we descended? In such a deep place, will the professor be down there?” Storm looked a little tired. Cyclops practiced boxing with Long every day, and his physical fitness was good, but the physical fitness of other mutants was not. After all, Storm was out of breath at this time, and the dark environment was causing her body temperature to drop rapidly.

Bella gave her an affirmative reply: “It is estimated that we are about to reach a depth of 500 meters. There are many obstacles below and the induction is very blurry, but I did sense the presence of the professor. I will take you to teleport there. ”

She was too lazy to follow the enemy’s script and play in the cave here. She closed her eyes and sensed the weak telepathy of Professor Charles, and then held the hands of Storm and Cyclops.

“Let’s go!” In an instant, they crossed the long distance of the underground cave and appeared directly beside the old professor.

The old professor was sitting in a wheelchair, his face full of exhaustion. He used his mental power to build a barrier, and then locked himself and Qin up.

“Professor! Are you okay!” Cyclops shouted.

“Scott, you are finally here…”

The old professor’s face was pale. His mental barrier was completely modeled after the Xavier Youth Gifted School. Every room and every detail was exactly the same as the school. It was obvious that the school held an important position in the old professor’s heart.

Looking from the outside, the neat classrooms, simple furnishings, and students coming in and out from time to time, it seems that the old professor is using the pure land in his heart to resist the erosion of the outside world. His resistance is getting weaker and weaker, even if he uses 100% of the superpowers were obtained, but the huge school still seemed extremely empty, and the noisy students were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bella looked around the ‘school’ and asked, “Professor, where is Qin?”

The old bald man was still sitting in a wheelchair. He shook his head repeatedly: “Inside, her condition is still very bad, and she needs your help.”

Needless to say, Bella also felt that there was a strong spiritual fluctuation in this school built with pure spiritual power. If Qin did not count the power of the Phoenix, she was also a powerful telepathic and astral projection user. , invisibility, telekinesis, flying, and creating force fields. The Phoenix Power only amplifies her own abilities a thousand times. She is not weak, on the contrary, she is very strong.

But today, Bella didn’t feel the foretelling of death that would definitely occur in the past. Has she become stronger? She was a little stronger, but far from a qualitative change. The reason why the death prediction did not appear was because Qin had become weaker.

Qin was very weak, so weak that she was about to die.

As Professor Charles opened the door to the mental barrier, the three people’s eyes were unobstructed into the school. Bella saw Qin in a translucent room.

Qin was huddled in the corner. It could be seen that she was still trying her best to maintain her former intelligence and elegance, but her poor mental outlook still made her look very embarrassed.

Cyclops wanted to go over, but when he saw Bella and Storm standing there with serious faces, he also retracted his left foot that he was about to take.

“Professor, I don’t know what you have been through, but what you are doing is wrong.” Bella said pointedly.

The old professor still had his trademark gentle smile on his face, but this smile looked a little sinister against the dim light of the underground cave.

“Come in, Qin needs your help, Miss Swan, we can work together to help Qin return to normal.”

He seems to want the three of them to enter the illusion school he created.

“Come in quickly, I can’t hold on anymore. That monster will come back at any time. He feeds on fear and is a monster far higher than our current dimension. We need to work together to find a way to defeat him. I need your help.”

The old bald man presented facts, reasoned, sometimes persuaded, sometimes begged, and his vague telepathy had been affecting the three of them in a subtle way.

As if to prove his words, a clown’s head the size of a hill appeared above several people’s heads. His forehead was bulging high, his hair was a little sparse, his hazy yellow eyes were filled with evil spirits, and he was painted with red paint. On the eyelids, the bright red lips seemed to be filled with blood. When he spoke, the bright red blood started to flow out.

“Hey hey hey, look, a new toy has appeared. Are they here to play with old Pennywise?”

“Quick! Scott, Ororo, Miss Bella, we must work together to defeat this powerful enemy. Come in quickly!” The old professor looked anxious.

Bella looked at Cyclops and Storm, the three of them exchanged glances and quickly made plans.

Storm raised her hands, and a whirlwind suddenly blew in the underground cave. The wind rotated extremely fast, and under the stimulation of magic power, it turned into invisible sharp blades and rushed towards the mental school built by Professor Charles. Go, continuous fierce attacks opened a hole in the side, and Cyclops rushed in. He wanted to rescue Qin who was struggling to hold on first.

It can be seen that the old professor is still struggling a little in his eyes: “Why are you all forcing me? Why? Why can’t you do it as I say? Qin is like this, and so are you. It disappoints me so much. ”

The next second, the mental power equivalent to 60% of Professor Charles’s peak state attacked the two people.


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