Marvel’s Princess Chapter 935: Another well


The clown’s dress is very ordinary, but his smile is full of evil.

The playful eyes, the curvature of the corners of the mouth, and even the white teeth. Taken alone, these physical features have no effect at all, but when combined, it is very weird. Even through photos, Bella You can all feel the chaos and the cruelty beneath this middle-aged man’s calm appearance.

Bella couldn’t help complaining: “I’ve always wondered, clowns look so evil. Why do amusement parks and circuses always like to have a clown? Aren’t you afraid of scaring children? In horror movies None of the clowns are good people.”

As she said this, someone could be heard scratching the wall with their nails angrily.

Storm shrugged: “Is this a trick in white society? Kenya definitely doesn’t have such a thing.”

Cyclops analyzed it carefully: “Maybe it’s for the visual effect, white skin and red lips? I don’t know the specifics. I can’t see the color in my eyes.”

Bella raised a finger: “Go back and ask my dad to sign the presidential decree. From now on, clowns will not be allowed to appear in amusement parks. Anyone who dares to accompany clowns will be arrested and thrown into prison. If Ronald McDonald goes out in the middle of the night It’s quite scary to see it. It must be removed. KFC Grandpa is good. My method is so perfect, hahahaha——”

She put her hands on her hips, acting like “I am a second-generation official, who am I afraid of?”

Their indifferent teasing completely angered the old lady. The sound of scratching the wall became louder and louder, and the other party couldn’t hold it anymore.

“Are you coming, or am I coming?” Bella asked Storm.

“This is the professor’s house after all. My spells are too loud. Come on.” The other party made a gesture of invitation, and Bella was not polite.

Her eyes looked towards space and time, and then she shot a bolt of psychic lightning at the feet of the three of them.

The lightning penetrated the floor and went all the way down, almost without any hindrance, breaking through two space barriers in a row.

Her move broke the fragile balance.

“Die! You bastard–” The image of the eighty-year-old lady has changed drastically. From a rickety old lady who is 1.5 meters tall, she has become a girl who is more than three meters tall, has long legs, long hands, and is covered with thick fur. monster.

Her face still vaguely looked like before, but her eyes had turned blood red, and her nails had become extremely sharp, like iron hooks.

There is no need for Bella to take action. Cyclops hit the old lady on the chin with an extremely powerful dragon punch. The cold murderous intent mixed with the alien space behind his eyes, and a layer of black and red flames wrapped around it. On the old lady.

Cyclops’ movements were as fast as lightning. He took advantage of the pause when the opponent was in mid-air, exerted force on his waist, leaped up, and rotated his body rapidly with his spine as the axis. His left foot kept kicking the old lady’s head, chest, and abdomen. Everywhere, finally he closed his palms and pushed hard, and a black and red wave fist exploded the monster into a ball of meat.

The whole set of actions was done in one go. Storm was dumbfounded. Is this the Cyclops she knew?

Bella was not surprised by this. Her nose twitched and she found that there was a smell of fear in the air. This old lady was no longer an ordinary person, she was more like a creature of negative emotions.

“A strange place.” She muttered and walked down the channel opened by the psychic lightning.

The bottom is very deep. It does not look like a path paved by humans with tools, but more like a channel dug by wild beasts when they built their nests. From time to time, traces of sharp teeth can be seen on the rocks on both sides of the road.

Bella and the others went all the way down, falling for more than three minutes before their feet touched the ground.

“Professor? Professor!” Cyclops shouted, raising his voice.

Bella pulled him: “Get out of the way.”

The three of them all avoided the entrance of the passage. Not long after, they saw a sphere following them and rolling down the road.

“What is this?” Storm asked.

She raised her palms, and the breeze in the channel was controlled by her. The airflow turned the sphere in one direction, facing the three of them head-on.

This thing was black, like a burnt ball. At this time, the three of them could see that it was the head of the old lady who had been killed by Cyclops just now.

Bella wanted to say that people are coming to seek revenge on you, but as soon as she spoke, she saw the eyes on the front of the head suddenly opened, their eyes were cloudy and crazy, with an extremely ferocious cruelty.

“Hahahaha, do you want…to drink some meat porridge? I’ll give you…a bowl for each of you?” The old lady’s head began to twist and deform, from her left and right sides A furry appendage poked out of each ear.

After that came the nostrils, temples and mouth. Eight appendages with dark brown horizontal stripes sprouted from the side of the old lady’s head.

The place where the mouth used to be was suddenly split open, and the **** mouth was filled with sharp teeth. The cloudy eyes looked at the three people.

“Oh, my God!” Bella was shocked by this weird shape.

I can’t talk about fear, just a little uncomfortable.

This is also a sequelae of her still retaining her humanity without completely replacing it with divinity.

She still has fear in her heart. Watching horror movies with Natasha at home often scares her into silence.

She couldn’t help but take two steps back, and then found that Storm was also taking a step back.

“Aren’t you a princess from Kenya? There should be many such things in Africa, right?” She preemptively asked the other party first.

Fear is contagious, and Storm subconsciously retreated. When she retreated, she saw Bella retreating too, and she suddenly felt dumbfounded.

“Aren’t you a god? Are gods afraid of this thing?”

“It’s okay to be afraid, but… let’s leave it to Scott!”

The two ladies were hiding behind, and Cyclops could only continue to be the thug.

Actually, he was also a little scared. This kind of fear could scare Bella to her wits. It was far from a fear of sight and hearing. It was at a higher level and affected a wider range.

Under the influence of huge fear, Cyclops’s own murderous intention dropped a lot. In the end, Bella fired an ice gun from a distance and stabbed the spider monster to the ground.

They continued to move forward, and the three of them came to a wooden house underground.

The wooden house is extremely dilapidated and looks to be at least several decades old.

Cyclops was still taking the lead. He looked inside twice and found that there was no danger, so he waved to the two ladies behind him.

The wooden house has two floors. There is a deep well that has collapsed in half in a room full of debris on the lower floor.

“When I saw the well, I thought of Sadako…” Bella was really not afraid at first and felt very calm when she came. Now she is not afraid either, but not being afraid and not being afraid are two different things. The fear accumulated together, and she still felt a little guilty in her heart.


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