Marvel’s Princess Chapter 741: Loki and the Power Stone


Of course Fatty Wang will not tell the truth, saying that I think your chief general is about to die, so I want to help prepare for the funeral?

 Say it directly, it’s a bit like curse 006 in person, and it will also make you look very blind in front of Bella. You can’t even tell the difference between the living and the dead? Such a great living person, what kind of funeral arrangements are you planning?

 He gave me a slap in the neck, and that’s all I did. I just like doing carpentry work in a spaceship! What’s going on?

 Bella was in no position to comment. She didn’t steal or rob, but relied on her own skills to do some private work during the long journey. Is this too much? Not too much at all!

 ”Yes, yes, I support you, um, come on! Next time, let Wieland make a vegetable plot in the warehouse for you. The soil in Pandora is good. Go back and get some soil. You Grow some more vegetables in the spaceship? ”

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 “I think it works!”

 ”…I admire you, Wang, you are such a fastidious person!”

Bella had no airs. She and Fatty Wang stood there chatting, while 006 went to the metal room nearby to pour fuel on all the black water-like alien catalysts, and then burned them all on fire.

 Seeing that nothing was missing, the three of them left with the Isu helmets, protective clothing and sleeping cabins.

The Isu’s dormant cabin is very advanced. The last Isu in LV-223 slept for 2000 years and returned to normal quickly after waking up. This is all due to the powerful technology of the dormant cabin.

  This technology is what mankind urgently needs. When exploring the universe, except for people like Fatty Wang who are proficient in all professions in life and can find things for themselves, the limit for ordinary people to endure loneliness is about one month. If there is someone to accompany them, If you keep chatting, you can endure it with gritted teeth for two or three months, but if you constantly travel every year and are trapped in the spaceship every day chatting nonsense, even a healthy mentality cannot handle it.

 Hibernation capsule technology is a must, but Starscream did not have this technology before. Now the Isu sleep capsule can be regarded as making up for Wieland’s last shortcoming.

 Two days later, Vickers and Elizabeth Shaw led everyone to repair the Prometheus, started the engine, and returned to Earth. The spacecraft was loaded with all the gains from this time, including helmets, protective suits, sleep capsules, and even With the data stored in the Isu Horseshoe spacecraft, Bella left Fatty Wang to continue fishing in the spacecraft to earn wages, while she took 006 and teleported back to Earth first.

 006 This CEO with an annual salary of 50 million cannot fish, so he should go back to work quickly.


 In the depths of the universe, in an abandoned planet called Morag not knowing how many light-years away from the earth, Loki is confronting his companions from ten seconds ago.

 Loki was currently wearing a dark green combat uniform that was very characteristic of the Kree Empire, and his eyelids were painted with special black paint. However, the ice box in his hand did not match the overall style.

 “Guys, although you may not be able to hear me anymore, I still want to say, well, thank you, thank you for helping me find this powerful gem, hahahaha——”

 Loki looked at the lavender power gem inside the energy shield and smiled very proudly.

  He grabbed the gem, and even his divine body was overwhelmed by the crazy surge of energy. The dissipated energy rushed in all directions. Loki tried to restrain the gem with his own strength, but he was not good at strength. This aspect is far inferior to Thor. The result of the restriction is that the energy in the gem spreads like a cyclone and is about to get out of control!

  He could only activate the backup plan. He installed the power gem on a two-meter-long war hammer with a square hammer head.

 Although there is a layer in between, the Power Stone is limited by the material of the war hammer and cannot exert its full energy, but broadly speaking, with the help of the war hammer as a medium, he has been able to use the Power Stone smoothly!

 A large group of interstellar pirates and mercenaries were all frozen in the ice. Most of them died on the spot. A few, such as the stalker Korath, still had some breath.

 This brown-skinned general who was criticized for his skin color in the Kree Empire had a weak voice: “The accuser…the accuser will not let you go!”

 Loki has no intention of silencing everyone. To him, this is just a game. If you die, you will be unlucky, but if you live, you will be lucky.

 He swung the sledgehammer left and right twice, seeming to compare the difference between this hammer and Mjolnir.

 The result of the comparison is that he is very satisfied with the long-handled warhammer containing the power gem.

 Thor is short, but you are long! Just thinking about it is cause for celebration!

  In a good mood, he joked a few words to the stalker Coras: “Welcome your master, what is your master’s name? Accuser? Welcome your accuser to come to me, I never knew. What is the name of this accuser, but I think… I don’t think you know my name, right? Let me tell you, my name is Thor, just come to me, hahahaha-“

 He jumped onto the spaceship nearby, where a tall woman with blond hair and a square face was setting the flight path.

 “Hey, dear Carol, are you ready to come back to Earth with me?”

 Carol Danvers rolled her eyes at him: “Don’t call me that, it’s really disgusting! I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it for the earth, so that the earth won’t be occupied by that evil woman. I clearly remember you before Every word you say after you find me, if you let me know that you are lying to me…”

 Loki showed a particularly innocent expression: “Of course, of course, our actions are just. We have known each other since Gorilla King Kong. We are old friends. You should know that I never Lying…”

 His eyes flashed with a strange light. It was not easy to fool Carol Danvers with just a few lies. The energy in this woman’s body was too strong. She was obviously a mortal. , but it is more powerful than the gods! Loki’s priesthood of lies combined with the priesthood of illusion, Che Zuluu talked over and over again, and then implanted an idea, an idea that the earth was occupied by an evil woman.

 ”Let me tell you about my evil brother again. Thor was very kind when he was a child, but when he grew up, he changed. He became sinister and cunning…”

 Loki tricked Carol Danvers into returning to Earth. With the help of this powerful woman, this time he was not alone. He also got the Power Stone. Before, he just wanted to rule Asgard, but now he wants to Even the earth is occupied.

 He didn’t understand spaceships, so he asked Carol Danvers: “How many days does it take to fly to the earth?”

 “How many days?” Carol Danvers smiled: “Stalker Korath’s battle suit has an emergency call function. Once he fails to contact Hala Prime in time, Ronan the Accuser will get News, we can’t lead the Kree army to the earth. I have to circle the outside twice, which will take about fifteen days.”

  Loki nodded silently, and the spaceship quickly left Morag like a meteor.


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