Marvel’s Princess Chapter 725: Loki’s Expedition


 Frey’s persuasion work was quite difficult. Killing the gods was no problem, but Zeus was famous for his playfulness. He saw one after another and had no love for the Mother of Night at all, and he didn’t care about Hypnos. Well, the birth of Hypnos is a legend. It is said that the Mother of Night gave birth to her alone without the help of any male gods. Does Zeus believe it? No one knows what Zeus thinks, so there needs to be a question mark here.

 Whether Hypnos dies or not has nothing to do with Zeus. He still wants to applaud him after he dies! The Mother of Night can also die, but the Priesthood of Night must be returned to Olympus.

 The two sides launched protracted negotiations on this issue.

 Bella is a little impatient, but she can only go back to Earth and wait patiently

 This side of the earth is still as chaotic as ever.

 The Super Bowl final was interrupted by the Destroyer. After more than a month of arduous negotiations, the organizers finally appeased the audience representatives who wanted to sue themselves. However, restarting the game also requires huge investment. Both Chanel and Coca-Cola The compensation was so bad that no one was willing to advertise this time even if I begged grandpa to sue grandma.

 The organizers raised funds in various ways and finally held the final again after more than a month, that is, in early March.

 The tragic experience of Miami Stadium has cast a shadow over this event. A bunch of quarterbacks who are 1.9 meters tall and weigh more than 100 kilograms are crying and calling for their mothers in their dreams.

 The organizers of the event were so worried that they ended the competition hastily and decided the champion as if they were fooling around.

 The game was really unsightly. There were no advertisements or half-time show. The game was not intense at all. The athletes looked at the sky while running, just worried about what Tigada would fall from the sky. They finished the game in fear. After the game, the champion was still the Indiana Colts, but they only sent their captain to get the trophy, and the remaining athletes fled the stadium at a speed that was 30% faster than on the field.

 Whether it will be done next year will have to be decided next year!

 The world outside the stadium is also chaotic.

 Tony Stark returned to Earth, and without bothering to find Bella to learn the secrets of Asgard, he aggressively attacked S.H.I.E.L.D.

 The S.H.I.E.L.D. team’s combat effectiveness is average, but their ability to clean up the battlefield is the best in the world. After Bella and the others left, SHIELD agents rushed into the arena to pick up trash despite a tornado that was still strong at level 7 or 8. Now, The remains of the Destroyer fell into their hands.

 Stark is not calm anymore, why? He thought that Bella was worried about exposing her identity, so she didn’t say anything. He didn’t have such worries. You, SHIELD, took away the loot without asking for my opinion? no! It must be taken out!

 Let me study it for half a year first, and then I will give it to you after I finish the study.

  He competed with Hei Lu Dan, and in the end he occupied Hei Lu Dan’s office and refused to leave.

 Let’s see who can outlast whom!

 Equally urgent is Benjamin Asher. After Charlie announced his candidacy, as the current president, he was under great pressure.

 If you are under great pressure, you will be very harsh on your subordinates.

 Three days of work must be completed in one day, and any slight dissatisfaction will be criticized.

 He ordered all agents to go out to investigate the true identity of the militants in London. He believed that the Cobra Force was not really destroyed.

 His agents were looking for people all over the world. In order to deal with the impatient and impatient Benjamin Asher, they could only hand-make some Cobra troop leaders.

 In just one month, the commander of the Cobra unit with the same name and the same appearance was shot to death three times by heroic American agents!

 Three times, there are photos as evidence, as if there are pictures and the truth is there.

 After knowing this, Bella was shocked. What kind of power is this? Get shot in the head three times and be able to get up on your own in two days? It sounds like something only Omega-level mutants like Vulcan and Lingdan can do.

 After her subordinates reported the report, she realized that she had misunderstood. There was no such thing as superpowers here. It was a bit excessive to say that killing good people and taking credit for their merits, and using evil soldiers to take advantage of them, but the methods of these new century agents to fool their superiors and officials from the East and the West were also different. No difference.

 Hypothetical, a group of agents really deceived Benjamin Aishe. In their mouths, there is no such thing as a death row prisoner or plastic surgery after death. The reason why a person with the same name, the same surname and the same appearance is… He was beaten to death three times and resurrected three times. This was all a pretense for the successors of the Cobra Force to maintain their reign of terror. A person was beaten to death three times in a row and still refused to die. Would you say it is scary or not? You are right to find it scary!

 The time in the dream dimension is completely different from the real world. A month has passed outside, but more than a year has passed in the dream dimension. Loki spent a lot of effort and finally left the dream dimension.

 He is not Bella, and does not have a dream-related priesthood, so he cannot accurately locate the dream owner’s location in the real world.

Bella could find a way to escape from the dreams of earthlings, and exit from the dreamland to the earth. Loki did not have this ability, so after all his efforts, the place he came out of was completely different from what he expected.

 ”Cough, cough, cough, cough!” As soon as he left the dream dimension, he lay on the ground, his expression distorted, and he coughed hard. Bella was so injured that it took a month to recover from her injuries, and Loki was even more injured. It’s heavy.

 Divinity, psychic powers, the aura of the undead, and the negative emotions in dreams all put a considerable burden on him. His ability to return to the real world is a sign of his strong willpower.

 Feeling the hostile gazes from all around, he calmly wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, raised his head, and looked at the enemies in front of him.

  Humanoids with fish-like heads, humanoids with three arms, gelatinous creatures like ooze monsters, and all kinds of weird life forms. Loki turned around and found the dream owner who he regarded as the exit of the dream. Already dead, this is also a guy covered in charcoal, like he crawled out of soot.

 Aliens! These guys in front of me are all aliens.

 ”Hahahaha” He stood up calmly and looked at the many aliens who were obviously not of the same race: “It seems that you lack a leader. From today on, I will lead you.”

 The aliens were definitely dissatisfied, but under the threat of force from Loki, they immediately abandoned their original captain and joined Loki’s command.

 ”Tell me, where is this place now? What is your spacecraft going to do? It would be better if you knew how far away from the solar system it is.”

 Even though Loki has a good psychological quality, he is still a little speechless when he heard that he is now in the Kree Empire. It is too far away from the earth! Bella’s teleportation spell couldn’t reach such a distance, and Loki, who was half-assed in spells, had the same problem.

 The spaceship he is currently on belongs to the stalker Corath of the Kree Empire. Of course, he is not directly subordinate, but a subordinate of a subordinate’s subordinate. It is said that he is looking for some kind of cosmic rough stone.


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