Marvel’s Princess Chapter 326: Bomb disposal


The Flying Dutchman responded to the call. The thirty-meter-long sailing ship suddenly appeared in the room as a ghost. The ship was too big to fit in a cabin of more than ten square meters. The corners, stern and most of the hull are exposed.

The sudden cold wind and the sound of the ocean tide made many staff members in the Kremlin look at each other. What did they feel at that moment? How did that sound of waves hitting the rocks come from?

“Didi-di-di-” The beeps of several machines suddenly sounded, and alarms were sounded in several important places. A powerful supernatural force invaded the Kremlin!

Bella doesn’t care what they think. A haunted Kremlin is better than a bombed Kremlin, right?

She needs to use the hull of the Flying Dutchman to contain all the explosives in this room. Even if there is an explosion, it will explode inside the hull, and the ghost ship is very resistant to such explosions.

“Jason, stand in front of me.” Before defusing the bomb, Bella found herself a human shield.

Jason stood in front of her silently.

With human shields and ice shields, the premonition of the word ‘danger’ in her heart gradually disappeared, which meant that even if it exploded, it would not cause fatal damage to her.

“Appear!” Following her command, the Flying Dutchman canceled ghost mode and turned virtual reality into reality.

The tall mast suddenly penetrated the two floors and went directly to the third floor.

The ferocious collision angle was at a forty-five-degree angle, and it passed directly through the east tower of the Kremlin. At this time, not to mention the staff in the building, even the tourists on the Red Square probably saw the collision angle. .

Bella heard the sirens in the building and the sound of many soldiers running.

Ignoring external interference, she mobilized her spiritual energy. Layers of frost rose up from her hands. The energy accumulated to the extreme, and then she suddenly hit the timer.

After that, she launched an ice storm inside the Flying Dutchman. Countless snowflakes wrapped the explosives in the house layer after layer. The temperature dropped rapidly, and the ground and walls were covered with ice and snow.

Her magic also triggered the weather in Moscow. Dark clouds and heavy pressure seemed to hide a giant beast behind the clouds. A heavy snow was about to fall on the city.

Bella continuously outputs psychic energy, and the timer is the focus of her freezing. This thing is frozen solid by her from the outside to the inside. Finally, the timer freezes at twenty-five seconds left, and will never be seen again. Moved.

“Huh…” She exhaled a breath of white air, and the gas instantly turned into crystal clear ice crystals. At this time, the temperature in the room was nearly minus 70 degrees! Even she herself is freezing, and she has her limits. No matter how high her ice resistance is, or how good her physique is, she cannot stay in this environment for a long time.

She estimated that the explosives would not explode, and immediately sent the Flying Dutchman away.

The holes in the floors on the first and second floors, the damage on the towers, walls, and several surrounding houses were all left to the Russians to repair.

The large pile of ice lumps in the room also remained. The Russians should be able to solve it themselves after seeing this scene.

Whether they arrange for someone to defuse the bomb or look for clues has nothing to do with Bella.

At this time, the building was in chaos, and she did not dare to stay longer. She took off her stealth combat uniform in the bathroom, changed back into her own clothes, put away Anton Vanke’s drawings, put on simple makeup, and then followed the large number of government workers who were evacuated. People fled the Kremlin.

Late that night, under the cover of the Brotherhood, Bella left Russia for Japan.

On the way, she called Natasha.

Doing good deeds without leaving a name is for outsiders, but you still have to say something to your own people, and get a wave of praise by the way…

“Dear sister, this is the third phone call you have made to me tonight. What should Comrade Charlie and Samantha do if they are woken up?” There was no wave in Natasha’s voice. .

Bella was extremely nervous when she saw a room full of explosives. Now she relaxed and couldn’t help but talk nonsense.

She joked: “Those are our parents, they won’t blame you, hehehehehe.”

“Smiling like that must be up to no good. I’m warning you, Isabella Swan, you are not allowed to seduce women! …Say, is that ancient sailing ship in the Kremlin? What happened there?”

When it came to business, Bella became more serious. She told her story about freezing explosives.

Natasha bit her lip, talking on the phone and communicating with SHIELD to get the latest information.

She quickly told Bella something: “The Ethan Hunter you asked me to find before was caught in the Kremlin.”

Bella was a little surprised. She really hadn’t thought about this. She had completely forgotten about this guy, but she really didn’t have time to pay attention to an American agent at that time.

The Kremlin has entered a state of alert, and it does not seem surprising that Ethan Hunt was caught. U.S. agents and massive amounts of explosives appeared in the Kremlin at the same time. This is a bit troublesome, but it is not impossible. Explanation, that’s a matter for politicians.

“It won’t implicate you, right?” Compared with Ethan Hunter, whom she has never met, she cares more about her cheap sister. Natasha has investigated Ethan Hunter tonight, and it’s hard to say that it won’t. Come into the sight of those who care.

Hearing the deep concern in her words, Natasha smiled very charmingly: “Can such a small thing implicate me? You underestimate me too much.”

The two ended the call quickly. Bella estimated that she would not make a fourth call today. She was tired after a busy day.

The next day, she rushed to Hokkaido and then took the Shinkansen to Osaka.

Give the drawings of the Ark reactor to Anton Vanke.

The father and son were dishonest. According to Mao Mei, they once wanted to escape, but under the close surveillance of the assassins, they could not find a chance.

In terms of sneaking and escaping, assassins are more professional.

Father and son couldn’t escape in Russia, and it would be even harder to escape in Japan.

Scientists have little ability to resist when faced with assassins’ blades. When scholars meet soldiers, they can’t explain why. Bella promised to give them a new identity and work remuneration. The father and son could only agree to work for the Brotherhood.

Anton Vanke is mainly responsible for theoretical work, while Ivan Vanke is responsible for mechanical design.

Sean Hastings and Rebecca Crane from the Brotherhood also have good scientific research abilities and can serve as their deputies and monitor them at the same time.

Whether it is the Ark Reactor or the Animus, both father and son need a period of preparation. The time in prison is too long. They need to check the papers in their respective professional fields over the years to see the latest research results.

Bella took the time to use her identity as ‘Daisy Johnson’ to talk to several technical backbones in the fraternity. The mentor’s identity is still a bit condescending. The fraternity has long regarded the mentor as a spiritual leader.

Bella knows her own weakness. She does not have deep theoretical knowledge. Now theoretical knowledge cannot save the Brotherhood. She needs some practical ideas, so she and the technical person in the Brotherhood, Rebecca. Crane chatted several times.


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