Marvel’s Princess Chapter 323: Ark reactor?


Bella asked: “You two, how have you considered what I said?”

The Vanke father and son did not respond immediately. Ivan Vanke held a toothpick in his mouth and put his feet on the table. He just used his peripheral vision to look at the original design drawings of the Animus.

There is disdain in my heart, but also thinking.

His father, Anton Vanke, was looking at the design drawings of the Russian Brotherhood’s Animus test machine. The old man coughed while looking at it.

It is true that their father and son are scientists in nuclear physics, but their level of mechanical engineering is also not low. The old man was able to be selected by Howard Stark as his deputy because he had two skills. Ivan Vanke could copy the Ark reactor with the blueprint. This was also his ability. Both father and son had real talents and learning.

In terms of creativity, they are not as good as the Starks, but they have the ability to imitate drawings, come up with something similar, and make some improvements.

“I have never made such a strange device. The mechanical aspect is not difficult, but we, father and son, are not good at neurobiology and genetics.” The old man spoke slowly, and Ivan Vanke, who was sitting next to him, nodded in agreement.

They are indeed not good at those subjects, especially neurobiology, otherwise Ivan Vanke in the original time and space would not have just made an electric whip. He just did not have enough knowledge in this area and had no money. After getting out of Iron Man’s armor, he had no choice but to make do with a whip.

Bella is not worried about this. Dr. Harlow on Wieland’s side is proficient in human neurobiology, so there is no problem in bringing him over to help.

“I can solve this problem.” She promised: “What else do you need?”

Anton Vanke glanced at her with his cloudy eyes.

Ivan Vanke then asked a question: “Whether your equipment is debugging or officially used, it requires a lot of power every time it is started. Can you guarantee the normal supply of power?”

Bella looked at Mao Mei. She was the only one who had used the Animus. Her mother was also one of the inventors of the Russian Animus. She should know how much power it consumes.

Mao Mei whispered a number to her, and Bella was stunned.

The power consumption is indeed alarming. In theory, it can be covered up, but the Brotherhood is still disabled. If the Knights rely on the power consumption of the Animus to track it, they can find it accurately. At that time, they might have just tested it, and soldiers surrounded the Brotherhood branch.

Anton Vanke smiled proudly, like an old fox: “Controllable nuclear fusion can help your animus provide enough power. Our father and son are the leaders in this industry, you let us go What kind of mechanical equipment is it? It’s really overkill.”

Bella immediately understood his intention and said with a half-smile: “I know what you mean, Stark Industries’ Ark Reactor, right? Am I right?”

She pretended not to know and said: “That thing is really good. I have seen it. It is about the size of a small house. It is efficient and pollution-free. It is indeed a good idea…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by an angry Anton Vanke: “The Stark family are all liars! They are thieves! They stole my knowledge, it is mine, mine!! Creativity, ideas , all the data are calculated by me! ”

His thin body burst out with huge power in an instant. Bella remained unmoved until he slowly calmed down and then said, “How do you prove that the knowledge is yours?”

“I have…” Anton Vanke just started to say something, then he woke up and immediately shut up.

Bella was a little impatient: “What’s there? The design drawings of the Ark reactor? Where are they? Tell me the address and I’ll get them for you.”

Vanke and his son fell silent at the same time.

This is their biggest reliance. How could they take it out so easily? It was said before that nuclear fusion was just to get a head start and get some benefits by the way.

Bella doesn’t care if it’s something else, but the Ark Reactor is different. It’s okay to take this thing and make her own steel suit.

In 2099, Iron Man can become the Sorcerer Supreme, which shows that science and magic are not so distinct.

Bella let her voice carry a hint of encouragement and bewitchment: “I don’t know if you can see it, but I will tell you the truth now. We are assassins, killers, not scientists. Give me a I have no use for the drawings…”

Her words made Vanke and his son nod secretly.

“Don’t you want to see your drawings turn into real objects? You have this knowledge and mature design ideas, and we have enough resources, manpower and cash. Why don’t we join forces? Why don’t we join forces? If you don’t make something real, does it mean you don’t have much confidence?”

Bella’s provocation method is not very clever, but it just hits the point that Anton Vanke cares about most, and the psychic energy in her voice also deepens her persuasiveness.

Yes, why don’t you make the Ark reactor yourself? I am terminally ill and have only a few years to live. I have to prove myself to the world, right? Anton Vanke fell into deep thought.

After thinking for more than ten minutes, he finally told the truth.

“After I was imprisoned, they confiscated all my notes and books, but I asked my friends to hide the most important drawings in the Kremlin Archives No. 3. If nothing unexpected happens, you should be able to find a factory design drawing starting with Chelyabinsk’s Fifth Tank Workshop in the city planning archives, which contains fifteen drawings…”

Anton Vanke has been in prison for more than 20 years. This blueprint is still not there, and a question mark needs to be placed. Coupled with the previous riots in the prison, the whole of Moscow is now secretly on alert.

Russian intelligence agencies and police are searching for suspicious people everywhere.

Bella no longer delayed, she asked Galina and other assassins to **** Vanke and his son out of Russia to Japan. She sneaked into the Kremlin archives alone to steal the Ark reactor design hidden in a pile of scrap documents.

Most areas of the Kremlin are allowed for tourists to visit, but the leadership offices, government office buildings, and parliamentary office buildings are not within this scope. The archives that store a large number of important materials on the former Soviet Union and modern Russia are also not included in this scope. Not included in the tour.

Bella’s invisibility can deceive human vision, but she is still invisible in front of many high-tech equipment. Due to the existence of a large number of mutants in this world, the Russian security department has also made great efforts in this regard. The security is even tighter, and there are special detection methods for extraordinary powers.


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