Marvel’s Princess Chapter 322: Escape


Bella walked out first, the hem of her long black windbreaker drew a graceful arc, and she walked very quickly.

Galina pushed Ivan Vanke and signaled to follow him.

But Ivan Vanke has muscles all over his body, and you can tell by his appearance that he is not light. Meimei Mao felt as if he was pushed onto a rock, motionless.

The leopard-like female assassin raised her brows, raised her chin slightly, and showed off the pistol under her windbreaker. She was full of threats. Ivan Vanke smiled with some contempt, and then followed Bella’s lead. pace.

Ivan Vanke’s sentence is ten years, while his father’s is life imprisonment. Prisoners of this level have separate cells, a dedicated control system for the power supply at the cell door, and a small team of guards. That’s six prison guards.

No matter how turbulent the prison was before, these six prison guards never left their jobs.

Seeing that the time left for her was getting shorter and shorter, Bella began to speed up.

The tall jailer rushed out from the side with an electric baton. She grabbed the other man’s wrist and pushed the electric baton back with greater strength.

Two prison guards holding anti-riot shields blocked the road. Bella stepped on the wall on one side and jumped behind them with a very beautiful front flip. She reached out with both hands, grabbed their heads, and hit them hard. Together.

The prison guard who was hiding in the dark and trying to shoot a black gun was knocked away by her palm. Then she twisted the prison guard’s wrist behind his back with her left hand, and grabbed the prison guard’s head with her right hand and slammed it against the wall.

The four prison guards were eliminated in a flash of lightning. They did not use extraordinary powers and did not kill anyone. However, concussions were inevitable for the four of them.

Bella strode forward, and the remaining two prison guards showed no fear, shouting and rushing up with electric batons.

Brave, this is a quality Bella sees in many Russians, and perhaps this range can be expanded to the entire former Soviet Union.

These prison guards are definitely not heroes, and they may not even be good people. They are corrupt, accept bribes, deceive superiors and deceive subordinates, and they do many bad things.

But the spirit of fighting tenaciously in the face of powerful enemies cannot be ignored.

Americans don’t have this spirit, the French don’t have it, and the Japanese don’t have it. Bella only sees this spirit in the Russians, that is, bravery.

No matter who you are, no matter how strong your martial arts skills are, we will all fight hard! This is the spirit of Russia, the spirit of the Soviet Union.

Those who do not miss the Soviet Union have no conscience, and those who want to return to the Soviet Union have no brains.

The spirit of a superpower still remains in the hearts of these people. They are proud and refuse to admit defeat. Even if they are defeated, they will fight to the end.

Bella turned sideways, dodged the electric baton, then moved two steps to the left, pushed the shoulder of a prison guard, causing him to hit the electric baton of another prison guard, and then performed a standard side kick, knocking the last An enemy is kicked away.

The hem of the long black trench coat fluttered in the wind. He had superb fighting skills and turned on his eagle vision. He was like hitting a child. No prison guard could resist Bella’s moves.

Her extremely high force value shocked Ivan Vanke, who was a little ready to make a move.

This bear-like scientist extinguished his little thoughts, his eyes full of fear.

Even Galina looked sideways. Through the Animus of the Brotherhood, she also mastered various fighting skills of her ancestors. After a long period of hard training in the real world, she has mastered her own fighting skills. Sure enough, she could defeat six prison guards, but she couldn’t do it as easily as Bella.

They came to Anton Vanke’s cell door, and the electromagnet still locked the door firmly.

“Your attack speed is faster than I expected. Wait for me for another ten seconds.” Rebecca informed them in the headset, followed by some keyboard tapping sounds.

This female hacker is very capable. Bella waited for less than eight seconds before the cell door opened with a click.

It took a while for Anton Vanke, who was huddled alone in the corner, to find that his cell door was opened. He squinted his eyes and looked out the door.

“Father!” Regardless of the character of Ivan Vanke, a bear-like scientist, he is a filial son. Although they are both in a prison, he has not seen his father for many years. He ran over excitedly, and the father and son hugged each other.

Damn old man, this was Bella’s first reaction when she saw Anton Vanke. This man’s physique is not as good as that of his bear-like son. As he gets older, he becomes even thinner.

Furthermore, judging from various sources, this person’s character is not good, and he is talented but without virtue.

“Mr. Ivan Vanke, we are leaving this prison. Is it okay for you to carry your father on your back?” Bella asked.

“Okay!” Although Ivan Vanke is in his forties, he really loves his father. He carried his father on his back when he escaped from prison without any complaints. He didn’t feel relieved if others carried him. .

With Bella’s strong combat power, a group of four people left the prison through the safe passage and joined Sean and Rebecca who were responsible for the response outside. They disappeared into the night before the Moscow security department and police arrived. among.

On the other side, the IMF’s rookie agent Benji Dunn also rescued agent Ethan Hunter.

He gave a quick recount of what happened on the other side of the prison.

“What, there is another group of people? Are they also in Kallan Prison tonight?” Ethan Hunter is not tall, but has a handsome appearance, more like a movie star than an agent.

He quickly pointed out the key point of the problem: “Who were the people they rescued? Can they find any clues about weapons and vehicles? Which direction did they run to?…”

Ethan Hunter asked several questions in one go.

Benji searched for a while: “Well, I can’t see many clues. They should be people with very professional skills. As for weapons…? They don’t use weapons. They only know that their fighting skills are very strong… …Wow, wow! This is a big deal! The people they rescued are called Anton Vanke and Ivan Vanke. They are a father and son, and they are famous Russian nuclear physics scientists. This Anton Vanke is even more famous. He is a top scientist in the field of nuclear fusion.”

Ethan Hunter immediately became alert. Although he knew that the father and son were studying fusion and not fission, he was still worried. Intelligence agencies around the world have always ranked first in their attention to nuclear weapons. This time, his companions rescued him from prison to track down a lost Russian nuclear code instruction document.

Nuclear code? Nuclear scientist? If there is no connection between the two, he himself doesn’t believe it.


On the other side, on the outskirts of Moscow, Bella was watching Vanke and his son with great interest.

This father and son are definitely not saints. Anton Vanke loves money, and Ivan Vanke loves fame. However, the Russian side sent a beautiful assist. The father and son are now infamous and are still fugitives, unless they want to return to Go back to prison or accept Bella’s employment.


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