Marvel’s Princess Chapter 315: Handling of traitors


The induction ceremony is over, and the next step is the ceremony of taking over as mentor.

William Myers took out an ancient parchment from the nearby bookshelf. Although he was familiar with every word in it, he still read it word for word according to the written description.

“Please mentor’s successors remember the three commandments of assassins. Do not harm innocent people.”

Bella replied softly: “Yes.”

“Hidden in public.”


“Never involve the Brotherhood.”


According to Bella’s understanding, these three commandments are a bit like reciting sect rules, such as not killing, not betraying the sect, etc.

Actual? In fact, just adapt to circumstances when the time comes. There is no such thing as dogma. For things like sect rules, just listen to them and you’ll be done.

William Myers completed his program and stood aside.

Gavin Banks took out a brown manuscript and also recited in a low voice: “What I am reciting now is the Three Commandments of Assassins written by mentor Altaïr Ibn La’Ahad. There are three assassins with different meanings. Please listen carefully to the mentor’s successor.”

Bella could only continue to nod: “Yes.”

“We pursue peace, but use killing as a means.

We enlighten the human mind, but require members to obey a mentor and a set of rules.

We want to expose the dangers of blind faith to the people, but we ourselves are also doing the same thing.

This is the paradoxical quality we are born with. Subsequent mentors, please remember that a sense of freedom does not mean that people can ignore the consequences and moral constraints. Assassin’s Creed requires assassins to conduct deep self-discipline and moral considerations, and to respect the views, opinions, and beliefs of other cultures. At the same time, they must also Accept your mistakes. ”


Three commandments and three ironies, after going through this set of procedures that were not too cumbersome, Bella officially took over the position of mentor of the Assassin Brotherhood.

The first thing before her at this time was how to deal with Daniel Cross, the blond man who was captured by them before.

As a direct descendant of the Russian Assassin, who has awakened many of the assassin skills of his ancestors, Daniel Cross was able to be brought to his former mentor and receive a personal interview from his mentor, which shows that he is an outstanding talent.

But he took advantage of the brotherhood’s trust in him to kill his mentor and brutally cleanse the Assassin Brotherhood, which was also a heinous crime.

If that was all, Bella took matters into her own hands, went up and wiped her neck with a knife, and avenged her former mentor, her position would undoubtedly be more secure.

But Daniel Cross was brainwashed with golden apples, and his act of killing his mentor was not out of subjective intention. This requires deep thought.

The first of the three commandments of the Assassin Brotherhood is not to kill innocent people. Daniel Cross is a tool in this matter, a knife. Is the knife also guilty? The guilty one is the one with the knife.

If we leave today’s occasion, then many things, whether it is the three commandments or the three ironies, can be ignored. A sentence of revenge for the former mentor can cover it up, and no one will say anything.

But before he finished speaking, he raised his butcher knife high and killed people indiscriminately. It was really inappropriate.

The Assassin Brotherhood is an organization with very high moral standards and does not advocate revenge or grievance. Here, the organization’s philosophy often outweighs personal grievances.

“What are your opinions on how the Brotherhood should deal with Daniel Cross?” Bella asked the two of them.

“It’s all up to the instructor.”

“I have no opinion.”

The two did not respond and kicked the ball back.

Bella didn’t waste any words, she started to act according to her own idea: “Bring Daniel Cross up.”

The door to the basement opened, and two fraternity members dragged Daniel Cross in. They couldn’t see clearly Bella’s face hidden under the hood. They only knew that it was a female mentor. At this time, they all bowed, Without a word of nonsense, leave the person behind and turn around and leave.

Locked in the dungeon of the Osaka Assassin Brotherhood, Daniel Cross was not tortured, but only wore heavy handcuffs and shackles.

“Daniel Cross, you killed the former mentor of the Brotherhood. Do you have anything to defend yourself now?” Bella asked.

The blond man’s face was a little haggard, but his mental state was much better than before. He looked directly at Bella.

“I am the great-grandson of Nikolai Orelov, but I happened to join the Templars. In order to let me infiltrate the Assassin Brotherhood, they deliberately erased my memory.”

He sighed: “The Templars have been very good to me, but the Assassin Brotherhood is also like my home. They are all my family members. I really have nothing to defend. Please let me free.”

He knelt on the ground, put his hands on his knees, closed his eyes and waited for death.

Bella nodded and asked a new question: “Do you want to die as a member of the Knights Templar or as a member of the Assassin Brotherhood?”

Huh? Daniel Cross opened his eyes, and at this time he hesitated.

Both the left and the right are dead, and there seems to be no difference. In fact, for these idealistic people, the difference is huge.

He had to think carefully.

Bella waited leisurely, while William and Gavin stood motionless like sculptures.

Daniel Cross seemed to think for a long time before he said dryly: “If possible, I want to die as a member of the Assassin Brotherhood.”

Bella drew a throwing knife from her belt and threw it lightly.

“Follow the ancient tradition of the Assassin Brotherhood and cut off the ring finger of your left hand to express repentance. I allow you to return to the Assassin Brotherhood and be buried according to the Brotherhood’s rituals after your death.”

What she said was just repentance, a personal matter. She didn’t say anything about forgiveness, because there was no need to say it.

The leader of the organization was killed. Can this be forgiven? No matter how innocent he is, he must die. Daniel Cross must die!

Daniel Cross picked up the throwing knife and looked at his left hand.

A cruel smile formed on his lips, and the next moment, he cut off the ring finger of his left hand with a knife.

“From today on, if members of the Brotherhood want to return to the organization, the first step must be to cut off the ring finger of their left hand.”

Bella issued her first order as a mentor.



William and Gavin nodded together, approving the order.

William turned around and told Daniel Cross again that “all things are false and all things are allowed”, which was regarded as reincorporating this man into the Brotherhood’s organization.

“Thank you, thank you, that’s great.” Daniel Cross smiled and nodded to a few people, then he held the throwing knife in his backhand and cut his own neck with the knife.

The three of them just watched indifferently until Gavin walked over and touched Daniel Cross’s artery, confirming that the man was dead, and then asked his men to drag the body away.


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