Marvel’s Princess Chapter 314: Join the Assassin Brotherhood


Gavin Banks chose his words carefully and quickly talked about the second issue that Bella was concerned about.

“Mentor is a position that gives far more than it rewards. It is very dangerous. Once the Templars discover their true identity, mentors are the first targets to be killed, but all members of the Brotherhood will unite under Mentor. All around, follow the path designated by the instructor. As long as you don’t retreat, we will not retreat.”

“As for the third question…”

Gavin Banks has obviously not thought about the future of the Assassin Brotherhood: “How the future develops is up to you to measure. To put it simply, the Templars have killed many of my brothers and brothers. Friends, but… this is a dispute of ideas, not a personal grudge. I don’t hate them. We are assassins who give people the right to make free choices, not terrorists. Revenge is not the purpose, at least not my purpose.”

“I haven’t thought about the long-term goal. Really, the current situation of the Brotherhood is too bad, and talking about the future is a very extravagant thing. To put it simply, I hope you can lead the Brotherhood out of the predicament, no Please lead the Brotherhood to suppress the Knights, but at least maintain a balance with the Knights. As long as you can do this, I will die for you.”

Bella gave a positive answer this time: “I understand, I am willing to serve as a mentor, and I hope Mr. Banks will continue to support my work in the future.”

“It’s my pleasure.”


After repeatedly considering the pros and cons, Bella finally decided to take over the position of mentor of the fraternity. She needed the fraternity’s eyes and ears to find out all the information for her.

It has been more than two years, almost three years, but she has always been passive in terms of intelligence.

006’s intelligence network is his own. Bella can only use it occasionally. The same is true for Professor Charles. Natasha is willing to help. The two of them do not distinguish between each other, but can SHIELD be trusted? Haha, don’t mention it.

Bella is no longer an unknown person who has just traveled through time. She needs an intelligence network that she can rely on, an intelligence network of her own.

Moreover, the allocation of funds and the processing of various invisible assets require manpower.

It would be a good choice to encounter the Assassin Brotherhood after the Templar Purge.

Now that she is in urgent need of medical treatment, the normally functioning Assassin Brotherhood will not give her such a chance.

Even a broken ship has its three pounds of nails. No matter how depressed this organization is, it still has thousands of years of heritage and will not be destroyed so easily.

There are many advantages to taking over the Assassin Brotherhood, but there are also many disadvantages.

The Knights Templar are hostile from the outside, and the Virgin-like assassins inside may not fully obey her orders. Rebuilding the assassins’ branches around the world, re-recruiting people, and re-training personnel all cost money. The Assassin Brotherhood probably doesn’t have much money.

There are advantages and disadvantages, but the position of a leader can more than make up for those disadvantages.

Ten days later, Bella secretly returned to Japan. She met at the Assassin Brotherhood branch in Osaka with Gavin Banks and the only remaining giant of the Brotherhood, William Meyer, who came specially from the United States. Meet here.

Gavin Banks received training from the Japanese Brotherhood, which always gave him a bit of vigor in his daily life. Coupled with his relative youth, his daily actions would show some aggression from time to time. . William Myers, on the other hand, looks plain, with some brown skin, a high hairline, and a little gray hair, a typical image of a middle-aged American farmer.

This is a villa located on the outskirts of Osaka, dedicated by members of the Assassin Brotherhood. Strictly speaking, this is an organizational asset and does not belong to individuals.

Bella needs to complete the initiation ceremony today before taking over as mentor.

She wears a white robe, with a hood shaped like an eagle’s beak covering her face. She has a long sword tied around her waist. Three throwing knives are inserted diagonally on the other side of her wide belt, and she has a hood on her left arm. A very traditional assassin’s hidden blade.

Among several types of clothing, Bella chose this one similar to Altaïr’s.

Assassins no longer need to chop off their ring fingers. This outfit is also for a sense of ceremony. If anyone walks onto the road wearing such an outfit now, let alone sneaking and hiding, he will be arrested as a psychopath in less than three minutes. .

The only ones hosting the ceremony were Gavin Banks and William Miles.

They also wore the traditional costumes of assassins, their faces covered by hoods, and they were arranged on the left and right.

There are no other bystanders, mainly because they are worried that the onlookers will be caught by the Knights Templar, and then drink half a kilogram of Veritaserum and betray Bella. Bella is a celebrity after all, and anyone knows her face. Not too much, but definitely not too little either.

On the other hand, it is true that the brotherhood is short of manpower. Everyone is hiding in Tibet and has no time to come to Japan.

Fortunately, the Assassin Brotherhood has long since changed some of its rules for membership, and does not limit the number of people present when new members join.

There are torches in the basement, and the breeze blows, and the light of the fire seems to symbolize the current precarious situation of the Assassin Brotherhood.

The older man William Miles, who was born in 1948 and is 50 years old, started the initiation ceremony.

He said: “When others blindly pursue the truth and reality, remember that everything is false.”

Bella lowered her head and repeated it silently.

Gavin Banks continued: “While others are subject to legal and moral constraints, remember that all things are allowed.”

Bella repeated it silently again, and then it was her turn to speak. She popped out the hidden sword in her hand and said: “We walk in the darkness, pursue the light, we are assassins.”

Normally, there would be a ritual of an assassin standing on a high place, jumping into the river with a leap of faith, and entering modern society. Because of the rarity of haystacks, this part of the ritual would be dispensed with.

There were no flowers, no one applauded, and now Bella had joined the Assassin Brotherhood.

The previous position was that the two of them were lined up on the left and right, with Bella standing at the back. Now the two of them took a step back. Bella strode forward, took three steps past the two of them, and then turned back to form a circle. She is at the top, and the two are on the flanks.

This is the iconic position of the Assassin Brotherhood, and it also represents the logo of the Assassin Brotherhood on many occasions. The shape of this logo is like a modified letter ‘A’, and the outline shape comes from an eagle skull necklace. It was the predecessor of the Assassin Brotherhood. The leader of the Hidden Ones, Aya, was preparing to leave for Rome. Her husband Bayek threw the necklace on the sand to form a mark. This symbol has been circulated in the Assassin Brotherhood for more than two thousand years.

Bella looked at the huge A symbol and thought in her mind, she would never be able to get rid of this A symbol in her life, right? Why do I always get A’s wherever I go?


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