Marvel’s Princess Chapter 308: Behead


Old Bald Professor Charles has been paying attention to several extremely outstanding mutants, and Wolverine is undoubtedly one of the top ones.

He listened carefully to Bella’s story.

“Now I suspect that Wolverine is possessed by an ancient Japanese mutant named Ogun. I want to drive out Ogun’s consciousness, but Wolverine’s self-awareness is too confusing for me to distinguish, so I need to Some outside assistance.”

After listening to her story, Professor Charles was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly said: “I understand, let me check on Logan’s situation.”

Natasha patted Bella on the shoulder and pointed to the castle in the distance, indicating that she was ready to go in and take a look.

“Be careful.”


Bella made preparations secretly, and the old bald man in New York also brought a brainwave amplifier and projected his telepathy ability to Japan through the air.

How powerful can Professor Charles and the brainwave amplifier be together?

If the pro-mutant faction in the government, or someone like Bella, asked, he would say that his consciousness could see most of New York.

If asked by his students, he would laugh and say he could search the entire United States.

If Cyclops’ life was threatened and he was asked to tell the truth, he would say that with the brainwave amplifier, he could project his thoughts to any corner of the world.

If you put a knife to the neck of his old friend Magneto, he will say that his thoughts can reach as far as Pluto…

Although the old bald man will be reduced to a unit of measurement at the spiritual level in the future, his current strength is still first-rate.

With the help of a brainwave amplifier, he amplified his psychic powers a thousand times, and found Bella and Wolverine without much effort.

Just by looking at it, he knew that something was wrong with Wolverine’s current state. In addition to self-awareness, there was a completely unrelated consciousness in a body. This didn’t look right.

There is no control problem with the psychic abilities stimulated and amplified by machines, because these mental powers do not belong to him and cannot be controlled at all.

Bella and Ogun simultaneously noticed a huge amount of spiritual power falling from the sky. Ogun subconsciously raised his head. He did not recognize what it was, but then he discovered that the layers of protection he had arranged in his brain were acting in a kind of way. Collapsed at an extremely fast speed.

Devastated, the protection he arranged was like using wooden boards to resist the flood.

In an instant, Professor Charles relied on a brainwave amplifier to break through Wolverine’s brain and tried to remotely control the body.

Despite the ability he exploited through cheating, the old bald man still caught Ogun off guard. Faced with the incoming wave of spiritual power, he even thought that some ancient **** was taking action against him.

His memory was now completely open for Professor Charles to watch, which frightened Ogun so much that he turned and ran away.

Yashida Shingen was stunned. He was a warrior and had not discovered any spiritual power. At this time, he subconsciously pursued him.

The samurai sword made of Adamantium alloy slashed Wolverine’s Achilles tendon several times. Even though all the bones in Wolverine’s body were replaced by Adamantium alloy, despite the rupture of the muscles, the movement speed was still the same. It dropped by more than half.

“You are looking for death!” Ogun injected a large amount of junk information into his brain to temporarily resist the control of Professor Charles. He also discovered a problem. This god-like mental body has poor control ability and is at odds with the other party. Conflict head-on, try your best to set up obstacles, and he can delay it for a while in a short period of time.

“Poof” he let Yashida Shingen’s katana stab into his chest. At this time, Ogun seemed to be one with Wolverine in his subconscious. He clamped the katana with his muscles, and then tilted his neck back , a headbutt hit Yashida Shingen in the face.

Wolverine’s skull is also made of Adamantium alloy. It is extremely hard and has considerable strength. This time, Yashida Shingen’s face was covered with blood.

After that, Wolverine became even more unforgiving. He clenched his fists with both hands, his face full of anger, and stabbed Yashida Shingen’s chest and abdomen with the sharp blade between his metacarpal bones.

Once this stab hits him, Yashida Shingen, who has no strengthening effect, will definitely die.

Fortunately, Bella jumped out at the critical moment.

Wearing a ghost mask she bought on the road, she rushed in front of Wolverine like a sharp arrow, turned around and kicked away Yashida Shingen, who was already at the end of his strength.

After observing in secret for a long time, she still couldn’t tell which of the chaotic consciousnesses was Wolverine himself, but the consciousness that was resisting Professor Charles now must be Ogun.

She raised her palm, with the four soul jade she got from Himihu wrapped around her wrist. This artifact can maintain the stability of the spirit body, so it can naturally repel it to a certain extent. Her right hand is aimed at O The direction of Gong is a palm.

Half of Ogun’s formless spirit body was knocked out. At this time, in Bella’s perception, there was another half-fuzzy humanoid shadow around Wolverine’s waist.

She was about to fight again when old man Charles’ voice sounded in her ears: “Miss Swan, please wait a moment.”

Bella hesitated and did not continue the attack, but just watched as the huge spiritual power wrapped around Ogun’s spirit body and pulled it out like a carrot.

She couldn’t help but grit her teeth a little. The old bald man looked steady, but he was actually quite reckless. When it comes to spiritual matters, shouldn’t you first ask yourself, an expert? With such a pull, have you considered Wolverine’s feelings?

While pulling, the old bald man used his huge mental power to grind Ogun’s spirit body like a stone mill.

His methods are rough, but effective.

When Ogun lost nearly one-third of his spiritual body, Wolverine, who possesses beast intuition, awakened!

After being deceived into coming to Japan, Wolverine experienced a lot of Eastern military tactics such as beauty traps, hard-to-capture schemes, and scheming to attack the west. Beautiful women, poisonous wine, and all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, he muddleheadedly handed over control of his body. Got out.

Now he was so filled with hatred that he slashed at the air regardless of whether he could cause harm to Ogun’s spirit body.

“Mr. Logan, you are not afraid of the cold, are you?” Bella chuckled, and the next moment she raised her index finger. With herself as the center, a range of more than 150 meters was surrounded by a bone-chilling ice storm. .

Many ninjas and Yakuza thugs fled from the scope of the ice storm. A few slow or injured guys were frozen on the spot. This four-ring spell can be regarded as a kind of miracle in ancient society.

A phantom gradually emerged from the snowflakes flying in the sky. After being strangled several times by Professor Charles, Ogun’s spirit body trudged hard in the ice storm and could no longer maintain its human form.

“You should die this time!” Bella picked up the Immortal Slash, and the black sword light raised a sharp slash from bottom to top. The sword light slashed Ogun’s spirit body diagonally into pieces. Two sections, and flew back more than ten meters.


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