Marvel’s Princess Chapter 306: Weird


“Old Yashida… When did Ichiro Yashida announce Mariko Yashida as his heir? Are you sure it was yesterday?” Bella asked.

Natasha asked the other person on the phone a few more questions and said with certainty: “It was indeed yesterday. There were lawyers, the head of the foundation and an executive from Yashida Enterprises at the will-making site. Yesterday In the evening, Ichiro Yashida passed away.”

“Impossible! Could it be false news?” Bella felt as if there was a thin layer of fog in front of her eyes.

Natasha hung up the phone and looked at her strangely.

Bella said her doubts: “Six days ago, I saw the body of Yashida Ichiro with my own eyes. He died in the battle of Izu Oshima. I also specially checked his body. How could he be dead yesterday?” What kind of successor are you going to announce?”

The two of them didn’t come up with an answer. Natasha didn’t care about it. It just happened to be the right time, so she could care about it or not. Bella became a little interested. She wanted to see the old devil’s body to confirm whether he was alive or dead.

The old Japanese’s body has been transported back to Hiroshima County for burial. They are going to open the coffin and conduct an autopsy to see the actual situation.

But Bella is worried that there are too many enemies over there. Neither she nor Natasha is suitable to get involved too much in this matter, fighting with dozens or hundreds of people in public? That doesn’t fit their role.

Bella needs someone to throw stones at.


At 2:30 that afternoon, less than three hours before the old Japanese’s funeral, an even more incredible news spread in several major mainstream media in Japan.

Mariko Yashida, who has obtained the inheritance rights of the Yashida family, announced her marriage to the American Wolverine Logan. The reason is that Wolverine hero saved the beauty. She fell deeply in love with Wolverine and was ready to invest all the assets in her name. Forward to your fiancé.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves. This kind of news involving tens of billions of dollars in assets alarmed all the political figures in the East and the West.

Even Bella was surprised. She had not expected this development. Why was the development of things so different from what she remembered? She was full of doubts. What was the accident?

Wolverine and Mariko are getting married? This is so weird.

The death of the old devil is a strange thing, and the abnormality of Wolverine is also strange.

Originally, she wanted things to develop more naturally and leave less traces of herself in the whole thing, but now, she had to use the quickest method.


Mustache Max received Bella’s message and read it ten times before he contacted Yashida Shingen quite anxiously and gave him a piece of great news, at least for Yashida Shingen. good news.

At this time, Zojoji Temple was in chaos. The Yamaguchi-gumi dispatched more than 200 Yakuza members and fought a **** battle with the bodyguards, police and others on the scene.

Later, Wolverine killed another three-in-three-out in order to take Mariko Yashida out of the temple.

Now this Pure Land Sect temple is covered with bloodstains. The corpses of bodyguards and Yamaguchi-gumi members are everywhere. Broken limbs and broken arms can be seen everywhere. The former pure place of Buddhism is stained with a layer of extremely thick blood. The smell makes People gag.

Yashida Shingen has long seen the hypocrisy of Mustache Max, and originally wanted to find the master behind him. However, in the past two days, in order to gain control of the family business, he has been fighting wits with the old devil, and he really has no energy to spare. God, after a little hesitation at this time, he still answered the phone.

“Mr. Shingen, my divination shows that your father died six days ago.” Max tried his best to make his words sound true and reliable, and his tone was determined, as if he had known it for a long time.

Huh? My dead ghost father is already dead? Yashida Shingen was stunned at first. You must know that yesterday morning, he was talking to the dead ghost father, and this man was already dead at that time?

After doubts, ecstasy emerged in my heart. Can the words of a dead person be used as a will? The biggest obstacle to his inheritance has been cleared.

Mariko’s inheritance rights are invalid, so if she wants to donate property that does not belong to her, it will naturally have no legal effect.

He suppressed his joy and asked expressionlessly: “What evidence do you have?”

Max said what Bella asked him to say: “I want the head of the Shida family to help me do something in a few days.”

“Yes, I promise you, anything is OK.”

“Okay, the evidence is very simple, you should be able to imagine it. The corpses of people who have been dead for many days can be distinguished from those of people who have just died for a day. As long as you send your trusted men to do the autopsy, you can Find the problem.”

Actually, Bella doesn’t know if the autopsy can reveal the problem, but that’s not important. Once Yashida Shingen goes to find the old devil’s body, he will definitely collide with the backhand arranged by the old devil. At that time, it will be interesting. ……

Yashida Shingen is only average in business, but he is indeed a talent in the underworld.

His pseudonym is Akihiko, and he has a very high status within the Japanese Yakuza organization.

Stabilizing a bunch of important people in the business and political circles, that afternoon, he led a large number of underworld men to the burial place of the old Japanese corpse, the Yashida family’s castle in Hiroshima.

The Yashida family did have an old castle passed down from their ancestors, but an atomic bomb destroyed it all, and the current buildings were all rebuilt.

As soon as Yashida Shingen brought people to the town below the castle, they encountered a sudden attack by a large number of ninjas.

He didn’t know these ninjas at all. If there was nothing wrong inside, there would be ghosts.

The gangsters and ninjas of the Yakuza organization soon got into a fight.

Ninjas are skilled in martial arts, cooperate with each other tacitly, and their moves are even more mysterious.

They used the familiar terrain and various pre-set traps to cause considerable damage to the members of the Yakuza organization.

The ninja in the front holds a samurai sword, and the ninja in the back bends his bow and arrows. They are like the ninja army coming out of the Warring States Period.

Arrows were like locusts, and many shirtless gangsters from the Yakuza organization died in a pool of blood.

This level of killing did not scare away the gangsters of the Yakuza organization. They were tall and strong, carrying machetes, and relying on the rage in their hearts, they slashed at the ninjas desperately.

Some of the little bosses even held daggers. They were as fierce as hungry wolves and were pierced by several samurai swords. With their own attacks, they tore apart the formation of the ninjas.

Among them, Yashida Shingen is the most powerful. He holds two samurai swords, slashes left and right, and looks horizontally. Very few ninjas can catch his three moves.

Bella and Natasha, who were hiding in the dark and watching the battle from a distance, sighed repeatedly. Natasha, who was not familiar with Japanese swordsmanship, could only watch the excitement. Bella’s feelings were relatively deeper. This Yashida This was her first time meeting Shingen, and she had to say that he looked good.

He has the appearance of a handsome middle-aged man, who is not angry and shows off his dignity, but his martial arts skills are even more extraordinary.

Bella was originally worried that this stone-throwing stone was not strong enough, but now she was relieved.

She sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, wanting to see what monsters and monsters were hidden behind this incident.


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