Marvel’s Princess Chapter 296: Tomb Creed


“Holy Trinity is not the first group of people to come to Himihu.” Laura said with certainty.

Bella can see it too.

This Japanese World War II-style military base, surrounded by metal buildings, pipelines and more intricate underground routes, all illustrate this point.

The Japanese targeted Himihu fifty years ago. Did they finally abandon the plan due to lack of troops, or were all the soldiers killed by the Storm Warriors? The answer is unknown. Just looking at the current size of the base, they were actually very close to Himiko’s underground tomb at that time.

Bella said her guess: “Most likely Holy Trinity obtained some of their research notes after the war, but the records were incomplete, so seven years were wasted.”

Laura nodded silently and did not continue this topic.

She guessed that most of the clues her father obtained also came from the Japanese during World War II, but this matter had nothing to do with the current rescue operation.

They abandoned the jeep, one carrying a knife and the other carrying a bow and arrow, and carefully walked deeper into the base.

“Relax your steps and adjust your breathing…”

“Using the strength of the waist, this three-meter-high wall can easily be climbed over.”

“Have you seen the two enemies in front? Let’s take care of each one.”

Bella kept talking about her stealth experience, which included some of Natasha’s skills as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and some of the ancient knowledge gained from the golden apple.

Lara learns quickly, and can learn various climbing skills and sneaking skills in one go. After killing two enemies in a row, she also mastered certain assassination skills.


After Bella solved her target, she watched Laura use stones to attract the guard’s attention. Then she went over and stabbed the guard’s neck with an arrow. The attack was very fast and the angle was very clever. There was no blood on her body. Didn’t stick.

Excluding cheaters like Bella, Laura and Natasha are the most talented women she has ever seen. Miss Mockingbird Barbara is inferior to them in every aspect. If there are more, the actual accumulation will make the gap obvious.

Laura’s physical strength and strength are stronger than Natasha’s, but her agility, body coordination, and reflexes are worse. She also has a fatal flaw, that is, Laura is not ruthless enough.

Natasha’s endurance is not good, and she also lacks Laura’s spirit of never giving up. She is a typical agent style. She will kill the enemy completely when she has the chance and run away if she can’t beat her. Laura’s character is natural Adventurer, if you can’t beat me, you’ll have to fight hard!

The two have their own strengths and weaknesses.

“Go!” Bella beckons Laura to move on after killing a soldier by slitting his throat.

This underground base of the Japanese army occupies a large area, and due to the destructive excavation carried out by Holy Trinity nearby, the base has serious water seepage, and many areas are covered with water.

Old tables, chairs and benches can be seen everywhere. Japan is a high-risk area for earthquakes. In the past fifty years, the internal topography of the island has also undergone considerable changes.

It was obviously a straight road, but as I walked, I found a thick rock completely blocking the road. Not to mention that Bella’s condition had not recovered, even if she recovered, she did not break an entire rock with one punch. ability.

Although there was A Lin guiding the way in the distance in their minds, and some battle traces left by Holy Trinity soldiers could be found on the ground, the two of them still circled the underground base twice.

When they pursued them to the deepest part of the underground base, the battle was over.

The soldiers of Holy Trinity endured huge casualties and killed more than ten Storm Warriors.

After that, they sent people to lure away General Storm. Now the road from the underground base to Himihu’s Tomb has been opened. The stone door in front of the tomb is a curtain like water waves, with more than fifty corpses of human soldiers scattered around. and the storm warrior who was beaten to pieces.

The immortal power of the storm warriors comes from Himiko. Now Himiko and Sadako have reached a critical moment in the battle. They are too busy to take care of themselves and have no time to pay attention to these storm warriors.

“Let’s go in too…be careful!” Bella and Laura came to the entrance of the tomb.

She felt the existence of the Yata Mirror from afar. This artifact has the effects of hallucinating, trapping enemies, and misleading others. As for the more specific content, it cannot be seen from the outside. If she wants to break the illusion barrier, Bei La had to go in and have a look.

Just as she was about to take a step, a death warning appeared in her heart.

He hurriedly pushed Laura and jumped to the other side.

The next moment, a heavy weapon like a mace was seen slamming into the place where the two were standing.

General Storm killed the Holy Trinity soldiers who were used as bait and returned.

He knew he had been tricked.

There must have been many little mice breaking into the Queen’s tomb now, and he was filled with anger.

With a “Kang” sound from the sword, A-Lin, who had been hiding in the dark for a long time, unsheathed her sword. Her figure was erratic, and the thin sword pierced the back of General Storm’s neck like a poisonous snake.

Bella also cooperated and pulled out the Immortal Slash.

She took two quick steps and then jumped up. At this time, General Storm used an old and threatening mace to hit the ground, leaving the door wide open in front of her.

General Storm was two and a half meters tall. He quickly retreated and raised his mace in an attempt to parry.

Halfway up his arm, Alin’s thin sword pierced the back of his neck, stabbing him from back to front.

His parrying movement deformed instantly, and Bella’s Immortal Slash was also in front of him. The black sword light looked a bit evil. The sword went from bottom to top, diagonally cutting off General Storm’s right hand holding the mace, and then Bella was in mid-air, holding the knife in both hands, slashing rapidly, using a very beautiful secret technique. Flying across the floating boat left a dark scar on General Storm’s neck, chest and lower abdomen.

“Let’s go!” Bella left the seriously injured General Storm to Alin to deal with. They were both Japanese. After absorbing General Storm’s spiritual essence, Alin was at least much stronger than before.

She took Laura and rushed into the light curtain set up by the Yata mirror.

“Huh? Who is that woman? How…” Laura didn’t see clearly where A-Lin appeared from. After a quick glance, she only felt that the other party’s dress was a bit weird. After thinking about it, When he took a closer look, he was dragged into the light curtain by Bella.

As soon as she entered the light curtain, she was moved by the unique space rules in the Yata Mirror, and was directly separated from Bella.

After she got rid of the dizziness caused by the spatial movement, she happened to see Mathias, the current leader of the sect of Himihu, standing not far away.

She raised her hand and fired an arrow, and the other party also rolled and fired. They came and went, and started fighting in this fantasy realm.

Madias has lived in Yamatai for many years. Although he was just an ordinary person before, his skills are no weaker than those of ordinary soldiers now.

He deliberately fired to attract Laura to shoot arrows. This was not an unlimited quiver. Laura’s arrows were quickly shot out, and he walked out of the hiding place with a sinister look on his face, pointing a SIGP226 at Laura. Pulled forehead.

“Are you the woman who landed on the island last night? It’s a pity that I can only die here today.”

Laura looked at his finger and said: “There is only one bullet left in your gun.”

Madias smiled: “Kill you…”

While he was talking, he was also counting the bullets in the gun. He remembered that there should be two more bullets.

The subtle change in her expression was caught by Laura, and she saw the female adventurer touch her waist. The next moment, she took out the shotgun she had picked up on the road and had been hiding behind her.

There was a “bang” and the distance between the two sides was less than three meters. Mathias was shot into a sieve and died on the spot.

“Idiot!” Laura put the shotgun back on her waist and collected her arrows. She wanted to continue to look like an archer.


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