Marvel’s Princess Chapter 282: Resurrection


“Underworld?!” Ogun, who serves Izanami, is no stranger to underworld, but he has never been there, and he doesn’t dare to go there…

At this time, Leng Buding discovered that the entrance to Huangquan appeared in the material world, and he was shocked.

What was even more horrifying was that Xiao Sadako was clinging to his spirit body, and the two people were pulled by the huge suction force and flew towards the entrance of the underworld.

“You go in, too!” Ogun struggled hard, but suddenly Bella appeared behind him, slapped her palm, and the angry little Sadako led Ogun towards the entrance of Hirazaka.

“I’m not willing to give in! I’m not willing to give in!” Ogun’s real strength is actually better than Bella’s. He is struggling hard at this moment, but little Sadako holds him tightly. Even though he has extremely strong mental power, The magic power is unpredictable, and at this time, there is nothing I can do, and in the end I am dragged in forcefully.

Until he left the material world, he didn’t know who was against him. He only knew that it was a woman, and her death was so inexplicable…

“Kaka…kaka…” The sound of shattering sounded not far away, and the body that was hit by the sword of Undead ‘Open the Door’ was like a porcelain body. , split in half from the middle, and then Sadako Yamamura, wearing a white dress and a confused face, came out little by little. She came back to life!

Bella looked around and saw that the old devil Yashida died of anger the first time Ogun and Sadako fought.

The remaining soldiers were also killed. In her eagle vision, except for her and Sadako, there was no human life response within a one kilometer radius.

“Ms. Yamamura, have you returned to normal?” Bella picked up her Immortal Slash and ‘opened the door’. It was with this knife and her casting spells on the side that she opened the door that symbolized Sadako’s evil side. The little Sadako was sacrificed and the kind and simple eldest Sadako was resurrected.

Ogun was taken away in a wave. It was entirely Sadako’s own initiative and had nothing to do with Bella. The situation at that time was about who was close to her and who she took away. It had nothing to do with hatred or not.

Exchange one for one, good business…

The resurrected Yamamura Sadako was lying on the ground. She was panting and seemed to have forgotten the frequency of breathing. Like a newborn baby, her breathing was fast and slow, and sometimes she even forgot to breathe.

Seeing how her face was flushed from holding back, Bella didn’t dare to ask after asking a question, for fear that Sadako would suffocate herself to death.

Take a breath first and talk about anything later.

Bella put away the Immortal Slash and opened the door, and looked at the body that Ogun left behind. This body was pulled back and forth like a saw by several people, and was eroded by the aura of Huangquan Hirasaka. It was completely unrecognizable.

She was a little disgusted. Seeing that there was no vitality left, she stopped paying attention.

After nearly half an hour, Yamamura Sadako finally returned to normal. She stood up tremblingly and looked around.

Although it was badly damaged, she still recognized this place as her father’s retreat and her own burial place.

Bella has been watching from a distance not too far but not too close.

Speaking of which, Yamamura Sadako is really very similar to Alessa. She was also treated unfairly and separated the good and evil in her nature.

The only difference is that Alessa completely abandons good and evil, letting them take their own forms, fight and make trouble at will, without her own body being involved.

Alessa was burned like a mummy, but she never died.

Sadako once again merged her own good and evil, and then died, beaten to death by her biological father, and thrown into a deep well.

In general, Alessa’s resentment is smaller. She hates her mother, those in the church, and Silent Hill.

Sadako Yamamura’s resentment is greater. She hates her father and everyone! However, because there is still a kind side in her heart, there is still a certain amount of room for maneuver. Bella communicated with her kind side, and through her ‘opening the door’ feature, she sacrificed her evil side and took away almost all of them. Resentment.

“Thank you, I feel better.”

Sadako Yamamura, who has returned to normal, is a very kind woman, with evasive eyes and seems to be a little timid.

Such a person would definitely not be able to be dragged onto her boat. Bella secretly screamed that it was a pity, but she was also happy for him to be able to come back to life.

Kind people should receive good rewards, whether they get on the boat or not is secondary.

“How much memory do you have? Do you know what year it is now?” she asked.

Sadako Yamamura was stunned and thought for a long time before tentatively answering: “1970?”

“Okay, it seems you need to add a lot of knowledge, please leave here with me first.”

The previous gunshots and the aura that penetrated from Yomiharazaka have affected the entire Izu Oshima, and now we must leave quickly.

“Thank you, thank you, but…who are you?” Sadako looked at the ruined home, sighed and followed her footsteps, walked for a while, and then asked in a low voice .

Bella was a little speechless: “I was just passing by…”

They left the scene quickly and found a villager on the road to change Sadako’s clothes.

The white dress was burned directly.

The two then left Izu Oshima by boat and returned to Tokyo.

Shortly after they left, a ball of lightning sounded in the battle area. Most of the extremely rich negative energy aura was dispersed, and a vague shadow emerged from the air.

Ogon fought his way back from the other side of Hirazan Mountain! Seven or eight hands behind him were pulling him, as if they wanted to drag him back, but he still struggled to get his spirit seriously injured. Like a gecko with its tail cut off, he kept cutting off his spirit body, and returned to the material world with great difficulty.

Stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice, that’s who he is talking about.

At this time, Duo She’s body was rotten and there was no way he could go back. As a lonely ghost, if he didn’t want to be ground into powder by the material world, he had to find a new body.

Ogun wanted to conduct a spiritual search, but he was so weak that a strong wind could blow him away.

The spirit body condensed for four hundred years is on the verge of collapse. The material world does not need to punish him in any way. It can completely destroy him simply by relying on a demon-free environment.

At this time, he was struggling. He searched for three bodies and found that they were all dead.

A living person can take away a dead person’s body, but not a dead person. Once a dead person is taken away from him, he must die with him.

Immortals of Tieguai Li’s level can only seize the bodies of recently dead people. Ogun is still far behind. Dead people must not be touched. When he was extremely anxious, he accidentally discovered a living dead. .

It’s old devil Yashida!

During the battle between Ogun and Sadako, the old Japanese was caught in the aftermath of the battle and died on the spot.

However, the life support device behind him is indeed very powerful. The brain is dead, but the heart is still beating.

Bella’s eagle vision is mainly based on brain waves. In her opinion, if the brain waves are gone, the person must be dead. Modern medicine also believes that brain death is true death.

At this time, there is only one choice before Ogun.


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