Marvel’s Princess Chapter 279: Solution


Ogun did not interfere in these matters. He sat on the ground, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Old man Yashida didn’t say anything either.

The area of ​​this well is not large, and no more than six soldiers can enter it at a time. They use all their strength to push the stone out little by little.

Twelve soldiers were divided into two groups and took turns pushing the stone.

“Boom” When the stone was completely knocked down, a few soldiers didn’t have time to take a look at the well. They saw a black gas as black as ink coming out of the well. The black gas rushed towards the well like oil in an oil well. The sky fell back in an instant, grabbing the three soldiers at the entrance of the well and dragging them down. The three men only had time to let out a scream, and then there was no more sound.

Ogun was very close to the mouth of the well, but he had no intention of rescuing him. Instead, he watched with interest.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, he waved his hand and held out a talisman. Seeing the talisman floating in the air burning rapidly, he shook his head with dissatisfaction.

“Isn’t it the resentment of the real body?” He said to himself, and then he moved like lightning and pushed the three soldiers into the bottom of the well again.

He is relying on the lives of a few people to kill the resentment accumulated in the well.

The remaining six soldiers are all on guard. Ogun is using their lives to fill the hole. This matter is not complicated. Everyone can see that now this strange guy wants them to die, and they will not just catch him. .

Six soldiers carefully guarded Ogun and formed a semicircle to surround the old Japanese Yashida. This financial backer could not die.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a necessary sacrifice.” Ogun gave a rare explanation, but it still couldn’t dispel the soldiers’ concerns.

The guns of several soldiers were still pointed at him.

Ogun didn’t care, he glanced at the bottom of the well.

What a blessing!

From his vision, he can break through the confusion in the well and see Sadako’s true body.

At this time, a golden Chinese character for “zhen” was suppressing Sadako’s body. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not move even half an inch.

After all the resentment accumulated in the well was consumed, this female ghost no longer posed any threat to him.

Yashida old devil said that his filial son found someone to calm Sadako. He didn’t believe it at first. It is difficult to find such a person in modern society. Even in his time, someone like Sadako could be restrained. The level of ghosts and monsters is suppressed, and that is also a very important figure.

Ogun is an old man who has lived since the end of Japan’s Warring States Period. If we simply count his soul, he has lived for four hundred years.

Relying on the psychic mutant’s powers, he continuously condenses his spiritual body, and then seizes his body to extend his life.

A person with a particularly high moral level like Professor Charles would not do such a thing, but Ogun would have no trouble doing it. He is not a modern person, and modern moral concepts cannot restrict him at all.

Seizing a body is very convenient, but some spells and techniques must be relearned after taking the body.

Every time he seizes a body, he needs to hide in the mountains to practice the many abilities he has mastered, which is very time-consuming.

The level is too low, and he dare not leave the mountain. Every time he takes a body, whether it is for the soul to adapt to the new body or to practice the spell again, it takes a long time.

The environment of the earth is so harsh! Cultivation is getting more and more difficult. During the Edo shogunate period, it would take up to twenty years to re-cultivate, and you could basically restore your own level. What about now? After twenty years, the new body has become old and has not yet returned to 70% of its original level.

He originally knew the spell of suppression. He had lived for so many years and traveled all over the world. Why couldn’t he?

But he will be reunited, but now his body is limited by various factors, and he has not yet learned the suppression spell.

According to Ogun’s inherent understanding, magic power is extremely thin in modern society, and his time is limited, so he should specialize in life-saving skills.

Don’t look at the bragging between him and the old devil. In fact, it is difficult for him to suppress Sadako in a normal state. At least Ogun can’t do it now. He has specialization in the art. This is not the direction he is good at. Killing is no problem. Suppression is difficult.

Now it’s like getting a bargain.

“Look.” He stretched out his hand and gestured at the mouth of the well, but there was no movement at the mouth of the well.

“The things down there are full. I need you to go down and bring out the bones.”

After he finished speaking, the scene was silent for two minutes.

Old man Yashida slowly said: “You obey his orders.”

The remaining six soldiers were finally mobilized. They were going to the bottom of the well and dig out the bones of Yamamura Sadako.

In the eyes of Ogun and Bella, Sadako was suppressed in the corpse, but in the eyes of ordinary people, there was only a pile of foul-smelling mud in the well and a corpse that had been dead for many years.

After confirming that there was no danger, the soldiers installed pulleys and slings. A thin soldier threw away his firearm and hung down to the bottom of the well to look for the body of Yamamura Sadako.

Ogun drew a forbidden magic circle with a bit of oriental color on the side.

Bella hid in the dark and sneered.

She finally understood Ogun’s plan. This guy wanted to make Sadako a shikigami!

You must know that Yamamura Sadako’s strength is no less than Alessa. If you make good use of it, you will definitely be a powerful fighter.

But how could Bella watch Ogun succeed? Who suppressed Sadako? It was suppressed by her. She can suppress nature and also solve it…

She watched quietly, watching several people tearing down the well, watching Yamamura Sadako’s body being wrapped in cotton and being dragged out from the bottom of the well little by little.

She also saw the extremely excited eyes of the old devil Yashida. The old devil must want to restore his body to health, and then go home to surprise his filial son, right?

The body of Yamamura Sadako slowly appeared in front of everyone, and many soldiers exclaimed.

The corpse is not much different from that in life. The skin is dull and the face is pale. Except for some damage to the clothes, it seems to be a normal person. How is this possible? This man has been dead for more than thirty years!

Not to mention turning into ashes, at least it shouldn’t be in this state where it looks like it has only been dead for a year or two.

“Don’t worry, bring it to my side.” Ogun pointed to the magic circle he drew.

The people who were hired by the old devil Yashida were all desperadoes, and all of them had human lives in their hands. There was not much fear at this time, and they carried Sadako’s body closer to the magic circle.

“Unsolved!” Seeing that Sadako’s body was only three steps away from Ogun, Bella took the next step and directly unlocked the psychic power that suppressed Sadako.

A dark wind instantly filled the scene, and countless shrill and piercing howls appeared all around. Several soldiers couldn’t help but listen carefully, and there seemed to be a strange murmur hidden in the sound.

At this time, with the well as the center, the area with a radius of 100 meters became extremely dark, and it was impossible to see any fingers. The rich and pungent corpse odor filled everyone’s nostrils, and it was as terrifying as entering the Shura Hell.

Ogun discovered Bella this time. The movement was too big to hide, but he didn’t have time to turn around and see now. All his attention was focused on the front.

Sadako Yamamura is out of trouble! Only one meter away from him!


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