Marvel’s Princess Chapter 263: Gift


Yongzhen’s belief is no less firm than that of the old sword master. Bella did not try to persuade him anymore. She looked at the third person, Ashina Genichiro, who was preparing to succeed the family head after Ashina Isshin left.

The two of them didn’t have much contact, but Bella could tell that this man’s talent and talents were not low, but his ancestors were too dazzling. Amid internal and external troubles, he tried to make greater achievements, which was reflected in the He seemed like a failure.

Actually Ashina Genichiro’s martial arts skills are not weak, and he has learned all kinds of moves extremely well. Maybe it’s his personality, or maybe it’s because of his childhood education. He is too demanding about perfection. How can there be so many perfect things in the world? Ah, the more you pursue perfection, the worse the final result will be.

This is not a brave and enterprising pioneer, but he is the best defender.

The samurai class of Ashina Kingdom are not willing to go to the current Japan to live a healthy and prosperous new life.

They don’t know any modern skills, they know **** people and set fires, and that’s all they do.

They don’t go to Japan. Modern Japan is not their home at all. The soil under their feet is. This is their home.

There is no need to promote the spirit of democracy. There is no need to consider the opinions of ordinary people, and there is no need to talk to them.

The Ashina Kingdom, including the surrendered inner warriors, reached an agreement to hold on to this land. No matter if it was **** or some other place, they would stick to it because this was the only thing they had.

Now Weiming Country does not need the sharpness of a sword master, but a young leader to lead everyone to continue to survive in this new world.

“Outlander, you allowed Ashina to end the war. If you need help in defeating the Hand, you can come to us at any time.”

Ashina Genichiro made a promise that they would not live in this world, but there would be no psychological barriers to killing people in this world.

“Okay, I’ll definitely come to you if I need help.”

“This knife is no longer useful to me. I give it to you as a souvenir.”

Ashina Genichiro handed her a pitch-black sword, one meter long, with a handle in the shape of a lotus petal. This is an immortal slash called ‘opening the door’, which has the power to sacrifice the living and resurrect the dead. effect.

Only immortal people can use Immortal Slash.

Bella guessed what Genichiro Ashina was thinking. This guy was still testing her, wanting to know if she had gained the power of immortality.

In fact, for Bella, this knife is a bit like a golden apple. People without the corresponding bloodline will lose their vitality crazily when using it. The golden apple can be replenished after it is used up, and the immortal sword is much more fierce. People who do not have enough vitality Not usable at all.

But is she afraid? Yinglong is right next to her. When she wants to use it, just let Yinglong spit into her palm twice and that’s it!

“What a fierce knife…” Bella didn’t draw the knife in the end, she just smiled and accepted it as a courtesy gift.

“Then I’m leaving. My friend is still at Xianfeng Temple. If you run into trouble, you can also go to him for support.”

The triangle head stayed in the temple called Senboji in the north of Ashina Country.

He owns the entity and accepted some gifts from the monk who broke the precepts. As a price, he must conduct some Buddhist practice every month. Xianfeng Temple is a good place, and Triangle Head will be stationed here for a long time.

Bella used to summon him from the dream world, but now she needs to summon him from hell.

Bella gave Genichiro Ashina a piece of his own jade talisman in return. With the help of the jade talisman, Ashina can communicate with Triangle Head to a limited extent. If he encounters an enemy that cannot be resisted, Triangle Head will also take action according to the situation. help.

“That guy is a bit dangerous, so don’t trust him too much. He doesn’t have our samurai character.”

Ashina Genichiro pointed his chin toward the stern of the Flying Dutchman. A monk in monk’s robes was studying the triple cannon at the stern.

This is the only person in Weiming Kingdom who is willing to follow him to the real world, the monk of Xianfeng Temple, Daoshun.

Most of the monks in Xianfeng Temple died after withdrawing their immortal power. The only few who survived were also monks. They didn’t know how to read a lot of Chinese characters. So when they picked and picked, Bella only found Daoshun like this. A research monk.

This guy is a crazy monk who likes to do all kinds of research on immortality. He also gave birth to a second personality during long-term research.

Bella does not have the golden apple in her hand now, so she can only rely on her own spiritual power to block his evil personality first, and then return to the real world for follow-up processing.

Of course she was not studying immortal water or water-changing, but was interested in Xianfeng Temple’s specialties, several types of sugar that could strengthen the human body but had serious side effects.

These sugars are very powerful. As long as we understand them through research and reduce the side effects, we will prepare a lot of them for Natasha in the future. Will she consume sugar during battles? What kind of motivation is that?

“Everyone, take care!” Bella waved goodbye to the people from Ashina Country, jumped up, and landed lightly on the deck. Her movements were elegant, and she also used some secret skills of flying across the floating boat.

Isshin Ashina and Nagama dismissed it as it was too fancy, but many survivors on the ship were amazed, and Bella quietly received another wave of praise.

“Sail!” There were more than a hundred people standing on the thirty-meter-long sailing ship, which seemed very crowded. The Flying Dutchman was a warship, not a merchant ship. It was a bit overloaded at this time, but with magic as the driving force, the crowd was crowded. It can still fit once you squeeze it.

The Sakura Dragon has been lying on Bella’s shoulder. At this time, she looked back and looked across the mountains and ridges, all the way to the Evergreen Sakura tree where she was perching in the Palace of Origin. She had stayed here for too long and it was time to go home. .

Sakura waved his hand, removing the fog that shrouded the entire Ashina Country, and the Flying Dutchman broke through the somewhat weak barrier between the two realms.

This is the junction of **** and the material world. At the moment of impact, Bella felt the existence of hell’s will. This plane is very vast, and the Ashina Kingdom only occupies a small and inconspicuous area. Here The King of Hell gave this plane a name, called Limbo.

“The border of hell? The place where the mysterious guest is?” Bella blocked the erosion of the consciousness of **** on herself. After absorbing this power, it can indeed greatly increase the strength, but the hidden dangers are also endless.

She is not curious about this kind of becoming stronger, but is rather interested in the vastness of hell.

In the future, we can use this fulcrum of Ashina Country to catch a few demons here and study them!

A mage who doesn’t study demons is not a good mage!

The border of **** is too close to the material world, and the concentration of magic power is still low. Many powerful demons cannot get through. Compared with the entire **** force, this place can only be regarded as a novice village, which is more suitable for a newcomer in magic like her. .

“Bang–” there was an explosion in the invisible world, and several creatures like fire crows flew over to inspect, but the Flying Dutchman had already broken through the space and returned to the material world.


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