Marvel’s Princess Chapter 260: The war is over


To degenerate from a dragon to a dragon, you don’t actually need any essence of flesh and blood.

My level is high. If I can’t go up, why can’t I get back down? It’s just that Yinglong needs to make up for the incompleteness of his limbs without damaging his vitality, so he needs a lot of life essence, and White Snake is the main source of essence.

Racially speaking, Sakura Dragon has a huge suppressive effect on White Snake, but White Snake also has its own pride. It struggled hard, and even though it watched its own flesh and blood being absorbed by the opponent bit by bit, it did not give up resistance.

The white snake died after all. The life essence in the flesh and blood was sucked away, and the remaining bones, skin and muscles were all turned into a dry and sticky gelatinous substance.

The Sakura Dragon received a large amount of life essence, and with a loud dragon roar, it began to turn into a dragon.

The body size shortened rapidly, from a few hundred meters to a hundred meters, then from a hundred meters to ten meters, and finally stopped at three meters in length.

All the originally slender and powerful claws were retracted into the body, and there was a crackling sound in the bones. Relying on the life essence provided by the white snake, Sakura Dragon’s four dragon claws grew out of the body again, but they were a little small. It’s soft and doesn’t look strong at all.

The only thing that has changed a lot is the dragon’s horns. Nowadays, only a very short corner can be seen on Yinglong’s forehead. You can’t find it without looking carefully. Jiaolong sticks a dragon character on it, but it is not actually a dragon. Jiaolong is There were no horns, but now there are horns, just because Sakuraryu was originally a dragon.

The strength has dropped a lot, but Yinglong has undoubtedly gained a new life. She left the Changying tree where she had been entrenched for many years, laughing and swimming in the wind and rain, and then… fell to the ground with a ‘snap’ .

Bella was a bit face-palmed. This guy was stupid. He was just messing around without being familiar with the dragon’s state. Did he lose the dragon now?

Yinglong has a pretty good character. She shook her head and shook her head for a while. After confirming that she was completely free and her missing limbs had regrown, she was very happy.

Transforming into a dragon is not difficult at all for her. She has the foundation of a dragon, and after spending some time, she can rise to the level again.

“Let’s go.”


Sakura Dragon shrank in size again. She is a divine dragon after all and should not be seen by mortals. At this time, she turned into a small white snake, coiled around Bella’s arm. If no one noticed, she could still see her from the collar. Get out and get some air.

Looking at the Palace of Origin for the last time, Yinglong no longer had any attachment to this place. She lay on Bella’s shoulder and fell asleep.

At this time, Bella can break through the space and return to the real world, but things must have a beginning and an end. If the barrier outside Ashina’s country is lifted, they will be exposed to the consciousness of **** in an instant.

Hell is vast and boundless, and the devil is even more boundless.

But precisely because of Guangbo, this is a good place to hide.

The angels in heaven are strong, while the demons in **** are numerous. This is the main reason why both sides can maintain a balance of power.

Sakurayu moved the entire Ashina Kingdom once and his vitality was severely damaged. Now that he has degenerated into a dragon, he will definitely be unable to move. If these 8,000 people in Weiming Country do not want to go to modern society, they must survive here.

The only way out for them is to fight each other and finish together. Uniting with the outside world is their only way out.

Bella set sail from the Source Palace. This time she did not go to the aquatic village through the waterfall. Instead, she entered the underground river of Ashina City from the collapse canyon. Finally, she emerged from the mountain stream and came to the place where Bella and the others first descended, Longquan. Sichuan.

The war is over.


One day later, the entire Wei Ming family was dispatched.

Starting from Ashina Isshin, the head of the country, Hirata Tajima Morisune Nori of the separated family [biquge], General Onite Senbu Masataka, Yamauchi Shikibu Toshimori, and Matsumoto Uchizo Yu were all present. , on the bank of Longquan River, like a decisive battle, the whole army attacked and fought fiercely with the inner army for a whole day.

That night, Hawker Xueshan reported the news to the inner army, which also suffered a lot of losses. He said that Wei Ming country was short of salt, and bandits were attacking the main city of Wei Ming family, preparing to take advantage of the chaos to rob supplies.

Wei Mingjia has sent a team of 100 people back to stabilize the situation in the main city.

After receiving this news, the general of the internal expeditionary army was overjoyed. He led his army to a night attack without saying a word. He also contacted the leader of the bandits, asking him to create greater chaos, and promised to give him some relief after the war. in return.

The two sides fought another battle at night. At the critical moment, the bandits and the centurions who left early appeared behind the Inner Army and attacked from both sides. The Inner Army was defeated.

In the chaos, Sword Master Ashina single-handedly charged into the enemy’s formation, wielding his sword in all directions. In the end, he took a cold shot and killed the general of the Imperial Army’s crusade, and the Imperial Army was completely defeated.

The remaining soldiers retreated hastily, preparing to flee back to the camp, but at this time their camp had been breached by Bella in advance.

The Flying Dutchman bypassed Longquanchuan. The defenseless inner camp did not expect the enemy to appear behind them. The few soldiers left behind were no match at all.

Ashina Isshin’s grandson, Ashina Genichiro, led fifty of the most elite warriors in the family to block the only way for the Imperial House’s crusade to retreat. These fifty men were not miscellaneous soldiers, each one counted as one. They are all samurai! They fought to the death, and with the long-range support of the Snake Eyes clan, relying on a wooden bridge, they resisted the inner army for more than an hour, and persisted until the end.

The army surrounded them.

At the mouth of the Longquan River, the Imperial Crusade was trapped in an extremely small area with no food or water, and finally had to surrender.

At this point, the internal war against the Ashina Kingdom has come to an end.

But the aftermath is far from over.

After receiving the report from the ninja, Bella, Isshin Ashina, Genichiro Ashina and many generals, including Nagama, the doctor, and Wolf, the ninja, gathered in front of a dilapidated Buddhist temple outside Ashina City.

The gray-haired Buddhist sculptor with a broken arm fell in a pool of blood, and a sharp knife passed through his heart. At this time, he was lying in front of the temple door, no longer breathing.

Hand-carved Buddha statues were scattered on the ground. Judging from the traces, he also tried to resist, but after all, he had not done anything for many years and his body was extremely sluggish. The ape he once was died silently.

An old lady was also lying on the ground not far away. There were a large number of darts and thousand books scattered around her. The signs of the battle were obvious, but in the end she still could not escape the fate of death.

In front of the temple gate, a figure that could be called majestic stood there proudly, seemingly unafraid in front of everyone.

The afterglow of the setting sun reflected on his face, and at a certain moment, his figure seemed to be taller than the temple gate.

His face is extremely old, and his face is covered with scars. There are old wounds, and there are also new wounds that were cut by the old lady’s hidden weapon.

He was covered in blood, but he didn’t care at all.

He is Wolf’s adoptive father. Back then, he and Ashina Isshin and the others seized the power of Ashina Country, and was called a member of the bandit nation by the world.

Kui Ren, Xiao.


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