Marvel’s Princess Chapter 257: Sakura


“Death!” Bella ducked sideways to avoid a bolt of lightning, turned back and drew her knife, and slashed a dog to death with lightning all over its body…

This is also the reason why she looks down on the Thunder Sword Technique of the Palace of Origin, or Ba Zhi Lei. Even a dog here can do this! What’s so rare about this?

Jason and Alin were ghostly in the building, killing the Yujia American nobles, while the Snake Eyes clan fought to the death with the Yujia beauty warriors outside the palace and on the eaves.

Triangle Head single-handedly hacked to death a monster named Sakura Cow.

After that, everyone worked together to kill the undead creature named Magikarp who was entrenched in the center of the lake in the Source Palace. The Flying Dutchman absorbed the rich immortal power in King Magikarp’s body.

After Bella killed the two dogs that could release Ba’s Thunder, she climbed to the highest point of the mountain alone. She felt the call of the Sakura Dragon. After the divination showed no danger signals, she walked up the trail.

After passing several torii gates, a half-human-wide gap opened in the air. The other party invited her. This was also a test. She used her spiritual power to expand the gap and walked calmly into what the Yujiamei clan called The space of the divine realm.

The concentration of magic power increased by another level, and she felt as if she was on a calm sea, with the sky high and clear clouds around her, and she could swim here without any worries.

Nature and tranquility, time cannot deprive you of this leisurelyness, and space cannot limit your thoughts.

To a certain extent, she gained true spiritual freedom.

“Well, it’s still a bit fake…it’s too limited and not suitable for me.” As she got rid of the temptation of this power, the scene in front of her slowly became clear.

The surroundings are surrounded by thick white fog. Not far away is a huge evergreen cherry tree. At the top of the tree is a huge, green dragon-shaped creature that is hundreds of meters long.

The dragon’s roar continues to echo in this small space. There is sadness, pain, and many emotions, but there is no joy.

Yinglong is not happy here. She longs to go home and return to the place where she was born.

Although she knew the answer, Bella still wanted to be sure.

“Are you the reason behind everything that happened in Weiming Country? What is your name?”

Maybe it’s because he hasn’t spoken for a long time, Yinglong stuttered a little: “Yingyingyang… Yinglong…”

Bella felt a black line on her forehead when she heard that, your strength is gone, you know? Hey, hey, hey, your head!

The face can be covered and the spirit can be blocked, but the heart cannot be hidden, and she is a master of telepathy.

At this moment, she had a feeling that this guy seemed very young and easy to deceive…

“I can help you, and I think you know that, right?”

It took a long time for Yinglong’s voice to be heard from high up. This time, the voice was wrapped in a dragon’s roar and sounded much more normal.

“Outlander, I can’t trust you.”

“You can try to trust me. I am not interested in your immortality at all.” Bella was indeed not lying. She did not look down upon that level of immortality.

She looked at the Sakura Dragon entrenched on the evergreen cherry tree.

Typical Eastern dragon, but this dragon is injured.

Yinglong’s left arm was missing, which caused her body to become in a broken state. The injury could not be healed for a long time. Life essence continued to flow to the outside world along the Changying tree, and Yinglong’s wound was the entire reed. The source of the immortal power of the famous country.

“Are you injured?”


Bella nodded slightly: “So this so-called immortality is just the energy residue caused by the loss of life essence in your body? This is even lower level than I thought before.”

For psychics, the mind is the foundation, and spells are the means to maintain the mind to a higher level. Their most important thing is the mind, and the body is secondary.

Strictly speaking, Gu Yi’s method of abandoning his body, turning his soul into a rainbow, and completely changing his life form is more like a psion.

Regarding the body as a skinny bag, perhaps this is a way for Gu Yi to stay in Kama Taj all year round, absorb a lot of Buddhist ideas, and seek higher levels of understanding and breakthrough.

Horizontal comparison shows that many religions actually have similar methods, which shows that everyone’s choices at the final moment are actually similar.

The human body is too fragile. When the body becomes old and unbearable, it will in turn affect one’s thoughts. At that time, many practitioners will look for deeper forms of life existence, and Sakuraryu’s immortality seems to be real. It’s too low-level.

The power of dragon in Kuro Hirata’s body is just a way to absorb the surrounding life force. Many mages can achieve similar effects. There is no need to pursue this kind of immortal power. At most, it takes time to develop a spell. It’s done.

“Maybe someone will covet your immortal power, but that won’t be me. This power is really rough in my opinion. Immortality is not equal to eternal life, and even immortality is not as good as eternity. Can you give me these things? So I’m not interested in you.”

Bella’s tone was sincere and her voice was full of power. This was what she felt.

Such a small amount of life energy remains contaminated, which is nothing in the Marvel world!

Throwing her cheeks aside, she blew hard.

Yinglong carefully discerned her thoughts. Bella’s mental shield was always on, and she couldn’t see any problems.

“Outlander, why did you come to see me?”

“Open the barriers of this small world, this small secret realm. I have to go back to my own world. I still have friends and family there.”

Bella also added: “You don’t need to expend much power. As long as you open an opening, my ship and I can return to the material world.”

Yinglong’s voice was loud, like thunder: “Do you know where the area we are currently located is? Do you know the current spatial coordinates? Are you sure you can find the way to the material world?”

Yinglong’s words were a bit arrogant, but Bella scratched her head and did not refute immediately.

This matter involves her blind spot. She has been staying in the material world honestly for the past two years. For a mage who is very capable of causing trouble, she is incredibly honest.

Why are you so honest? Because she didn’t dare to step into the unknown space, without the guidance of her teachers, and without the serious inheritance, if she took one step, she might not be able to come back!

The universe is very large. For the legal system, they can observe and contact many worlds that cannot be observed by physical means, the most famous of which is the star realm.

Different from the dream world and the spirit world, which are realms where all intelligent life can enter, the star realm is at a higher level and more dangerous. It is a world where magic energy dissipates and many cosmic energies are mixed.

There are many big bosses there, and it is said that the trinity of Emperor Vishandi believed in by Kama Taj’s lineage lives deep in the star realm.

The star realm is also connected to many hidden planes such as the scarlet universe and dark space. Each of these places is more dangerous than the other.


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