Marvel’s Princess Chapter 255: Triangle Head vs. Broken Monk


Looking purely at appearance, there is no difference between the broken monk and her phantom. The only difference is that the Buddhist beads on his wrist are missing. At this time, his left hand is empty. The string of Buddhist beads inscribed with many tantric scriptures is currently in the hand of the triangle head. superior.

A-Lin was a little eager to give it a try, but Jason held her back.

The triangular head dragged the sword and stepped forward. This was his battle and no one needed to intervene.

His own evil spirit has reached its limit, and he needs some pure mana to reconcile it before he can go further.

The monk who broke the precepts also has a similar problem. Eight Hundred Bhiksuni is an honorific title, but in fact she has nothing to do with the figure in myth who lived for eight hundred years.

Before drinking the immortal water from the Palace of Source and allowing the immortal insects to inhabit her body, she was also a tantric practitioner with extremely superb magic power.

Breaked out of the door, but her Buddhist cultivation was still too high. Without a Buddhist realm to relieve her mental pressure, she needed enough murderous aura to counteract the Buddhist aura so that she could embark on a new path.

The monk who broke the precepts also saw the triangular head by relying on the subtle induction of the Buddhist beads. Both ‘people’ saw some qualities from each other. If they obtain these qualities, they can go one step further.

The two sides were unusually silent, and a deadly fight suddenly broke out the next moment.

The sword and the triangular-headed sword were chopped together. Both swords were powerful and heavy, and the sound after the collision was like thunder.

After Triangle Head absorbed some of the power essence of the phantom of the broken monk, there have been some changes in his moves. It is no longer the repetitive mechanical moves of dragging the knife, cutting, and dragging the knife again.

After a fierce slash, he held the handle of the knife with one hand and the back of the knife with the other, blocking the side slash that the monk who followed closely followed.

The monk who broke the precepts practiced many tantric techniques. Although he was not as strong as the ten dragons and ten elephants, he was extremely powerful, his body was as strong as fine steel, his speed was agile enough, he was magnificent, and he was full of explosive power.

The ten-meter-wide Zhuqiao was completely covered by her within her attack range, and the three-meter-long sword often swung and slashed like a whirlwind.

The triangular head followed the Romans, and also mastered Ashina Kuni’s sword-playing skills. He constantly parried and blocked, and swung the sword fiercely when the broken monk spun around and tried to slash with the big whirlwind.

The knife is a bit like the Eastern eyebrow knife. The blade is long and narrow, with a curved angle. The handle is made of fine steel. It is surprisingly long and can be held with both hands. It was originally a weapon used by monks and soldiers to guard the monastery, and later it was gradually spread Entering the samurai class, during the Edo shogunate period, some female samurai also used swords.

The handle of this knife is two meters long, and the blade is one meter long. When it is swung, the wind will blow, and the fallen leaves on the Zhuqiao will fly all over the sky.

Without the protection of dharma robes, without the blessing of Buddhist magical powers in all aspects, even the weapons were inferior to the opponent’s. The triangular head was beaten badly by the monk who broke the precepts, and his bare chest was covered with scars, but he did not retreat even half a step. Still maintaining the rhythm of two moves to defend and one move to attack.

Bella, the self-proclaimed swordsman of the West, realized that it was only a matter of time before Triangle Head’s defeat. His strength, speed, stamina, and tricks were all suppressed. It was a fair fight between the two sides, and Triangle Head had no hope of winning at all. It even looked like the monk was able to defeat two Triangle Heads at the same time and still win.

Even if she is wasted, ordinary people can’t wear her down. Buddhism’s endurance is first-rate.

Bella put her right index and middle fingers on her forehead, singled out? That’s right! Duel is great, I support it, but if I cast two invisible magic spells in the air, you can’t say I’m cheating, right?

Through the contract with Triangle Head, she raised her hand to bless the other party with a third-level spell that she named “Discover Potential”. As the name suggests, it is used to improve combat effectiveness, but it is an improvement from the spiritual level, from the inside to the outside. .

If thrown into the game, it would have the effect of adding one to all values ​​of attack, defense and saving throws.

Such a little blessing was not enough to erase the opponent’s advantage. She reached out and pointed at the broken monk. The opponent was very alert, but was tightly entangled by the triangular head and could only let out a roar like a wild beast.

Bella doesn’t care about this. Anyway, this guy will be hacked to death by the triangle head. There is no way he can be taken on the ship. No matter how he is offended, he is not afraid of it.

She connected a bit of the mind of the broken monk to Jason, then raised her katana and stabbed Jason to death with her backhand…

Through the spiritual connection, the monk who broke the precepts was also fatally injured by the knife. The movement of the knife instantly became extremely scattered, and the triangle head slashed him **** the shoulder.

Forced damage sharing, this is also a third-level psychic spell invented by Bella.

In a normal duel, this move is useless at all. The typical self-loss is 1,600 and the enemy is killed 800, which is a bit like Hidan in Naruto.

However, it is more useful in melee. For example, grabbing an enemy minion, and then using telekinesis to connect to the boss, and then stabbing the minion to death can theoretically cause 2,400 damage!

Bella had never had a chance to use this spell after it was developed, but now that she has tried it, the effect is extraordinary.

Five seconds later, Jason was resurrected and ran back from the ship.

“Don’t be afraid, I’ll be gentler this time.” Bella comforted Jason, and then stabbed him in the heart.

Jason died again…

The broken monk staggered. The flaw this time was too big. The door was wide open. Without saying a word, the triangular head chopped off with his knife.

The broken monk’s neck was slashed with a triangular head, almost cutting it off, but instead of dying, she struggled on the ground for several seconds and stood up unsteadily.

The head wearing a white monk’s turban was tilted to one side, and the Prajna mask looked weird. The broken monk’s neck squirmed, and a giant insect that was five meters long and looked like a centipede suddenly burrowed out. come out.

Undead insects!

The huge centipede firmly occupied the position where the head should have been. This undead insect took over the body of the broken monk and still fearlessly attacked the triangular head.

Bella clicked her tongue when she saw it. This thing was almost the same as Resident Evil. At most, one was a technological product and the other was a magical product.

Ten seconds later, Jason ran back again.

He looked at Bella with a bit of resentment in his eyes. He hadn’t done anything yet. He was running around all day long. When did this end?

Bella apologized repeatedly, but in order to win, she didn’t mind losing a little face.

Jason is dead.

Jason dies again.

Jason died again.

Jason died again.

Jason died again!

It is true that they do not have immortality in their hands, but how can there be true immortality in all things? Isn’t Odin more powerful than Sakurai? Die or die.

The universe will be destroyed, let alone a small undead insect.

The Breaking Monk in the state of the undead insect is indeed strong, but it does not have the skillful martial arts before, and has also lost a lot of blessings from Buddhist power. It can’t beat the Triangle Head just by relying on the attribute of immortality.


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