Marvel’s Princess Chapter 253: Countercurrent


“Well, there should be this guy’s body on the top of the mountain, but now… you wait a moment, I’ll go in and take a look.”

Leaving the triangle head outside, Bella walked along the stone door. After walking more than a hundred meters in the dark, her vision suddenly became clear.

A not very big waterfall fell from a very high place. She looked up and saw that the height was more than 800 meters, which was about the same height as the Burj Khalifa.

The layout here can be described as miraculous. The waterfall penetrated the ceiling of the cave, dripping water through the stone. I don’t know how long it lasted. The hole got bigger and bigger. Now, you can see a bunch of water with a diameter of more than ten meters. The beam of light hit the center of the cave, like an earth bag. The villagers of Shuisheng Village placed a somewhat tattered sedan on the earth bag.

The waterfall falls from an altitude of 800 meters into this cave, then bypasses the high ground in the center, exits from both sides, and enters the aquatic village.

It was the villagers who drank the water that fell from the sky on a daily basis that turned into monsters with pale skin and body covered with blisters and body spots.

Bella searched the high ground first. She kicked the broken sedan chair used by Shuisheng Village to connect with the Source Palace to pieces. She had a flying carpet and did not need this thing. For the people of Ashina Country, , the height of 800 meters is simply an insurmountable chasm, but for her, it is only a little troublesome.

As for magic? Does she need to worry about magic?

There is a rough altar in front of the sedan, with a shimmering stone enshrined on it. This thing is called the stone of knotting.

Sacred water dropped from the sky can also grant immortality. The villagers of Shuisheng Village were very excited after discovering the magical power in the water.

They believe that the top of the mountain 800 meters above is the capital, and the water flowing out of the capital is capital water.

They have been keeping this secret tightly and supervising each other. Everyone must drink this water. If everyone drinks this bowl of capital water together, they will be water people in the next life!

Some people noticed something was wrong after drinking water. This immortality is a bit weird, but it is affected by the fanatical environment. Who wouldn’t drink it? Who is the enemy in the village.

Some people have a weak constitution and die after drinking water for a few days. Some people have a strong constitution and slowly form something called a knot stone in their body.

” The noble people get together.

Isn’t this just a stone? It’s still a poisonous stone!

Bella was full of disdain for this and drew her sword to cut the stone in half.

Leaving the cave, she asked Triangle Head to walk back together.

“Well, there should be a big guy on the mountain. That guy must be enough for you to suck. Let’s go and meet Jason first.”

Bella saw Jason ten minutes later and was speechless for a while. This guy is really a winner in life. He is so energetic! In such a dire straits, he suddenly found a girlfriend!

A-Lin, the female ghost from Aquatic Village, was still wearing the basket, and she couldn’t see the expression on her face clearly, but it could be seen from her position that she and Jason were quite close.

“What exactly is going on? Can you tell me about it? Dear Mr. Jason?” Bella looked surprised.

Inexplicably, there is another ‘person’ on the ship?

Bella always believed that her actions were just! Now, these guys have made it look like an alliance of revenge ghosts.

What a mess! A boatload of lonely ghosts!

Someone wears a mask, wears an iron helmet, wraps himself up in bandages, and now here comes another one wearing a basket. Are you too embarrassed to see anyone? Or is it that his beauty makes them feel ashamed?

Bella’s thoughts began to wander.

Jason relies on the contract to convey what happened before with his mind.

This guy is also a model of repeated defeats and repeated defeats. Once, twice, three times, ten times… Jason was ravaged by the female ghost A Lin over and over again.

He can be resurrected, but Alin cannot. Alin only died once, and his soul was absorbed by the Flying Dutchman.

The Flying Dutchman is also very angry. Jason has lost too much vitality. At this time, he must recover some interest.

By such a strange combination of circumstances, A Lin, the ‘Sword Master’ of Shuisheng Village, boarded the boat.

Bella nodded speechlessly. Jason cooperated with A-Lin, one was fierce and the other was cunning. They were invincible in ordinary battles.

That’s it!

In the evening of that day, the second night after she traveled to Ashina Country, the aquatic village was finally cleared.

All the undead have been wiped out. In line with the principle of preferring few to too many, Bela doesn’t want these villagers. Regardless of whether they believe in Buddhism or other gods, let them rest in peace.

The Flying Dutchman has gained a lot of immortality. The hull has now soared to thirty meters long and six meters wide. There is no need to consider the draft. This is a ghost ship and it can sail underwater. It needs to be What draft?

Different from the previous superficial appearance, this time the hull of the ship was dark, as if it had been smeared with a heavy layer of ink, with three masts standing high, and a spine-like horn at the bow.

There are artillery in the cabin, six on each side. It is still far from the thirty-six artillery pieces at its peak, but it has enough attack capabilities. The artillery can switch between ordinary cannonballs and energy cannonballs.

There is an extra triple gun at the stern of the ship that is very characteristic of the Flying Dutchman. The three gun barrels are tied together. When the enemy is pursuing them, they can quickly fire three shells and then turn around to fight back.

It is not easy to upgrade from a two-meter-long wooden raft to this kind of caravel-style sailing boat. The villagers of the Aquatic Village have made a huge contribution, and Bella is grateful for this.

Invite all the crew members to board the ship. The triangular head has nothing to do with the Flying Dutchman, but it can be briefly boarded as a guest.

At this time, including Bella, Triangle Head, Jason, Alin and the twenty-four Musketeers of the Snake Eyes clan, there were a total of twenty-eight ‘people’ on the ship.

Worried that her family in the real world is anxious, Bella plans to solve the problem of the Palace of Origin today. She will use part of her immortal power to activate the extraordinary ability of the Flying Dutchman and go upstream to the Palace of Origin along the river. .

Wherever there is water, there is the Flying Dutchman!

After receiving ‘successful’ predictions from two consecutive fortune tellings, Bella stood at the rudder and imitated Barbossa, turning the rudder as fast as a windmill.

“Let’s go! Tonight we are going to visit this fairy palace! Set sail! Move forward–!”

She shouted energetically, but after waiting for two minutes, she found that the hull had not moved at all…

This made her very embarrassed. What the situation was, she looked back at everyone.

Jason immediately shook his head. He was the boatswain and was responsible for charging into battle. He didn’t care about rowing.

Alin quickly pulled the shamisen twice to indicate that she was the musician on the ship.

The triangle head also shook his head in an incomprehensible manner, indicating that he was a guest general and that he did not understand water fighting.

The Snake Eyes clan raised their muskets one after another, meaning that we belong to the long-range troops and we should not be allowed to do this foul language of rowing.


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