Marvel’s Princess Chapter 252: Jason and A-Lin


The female ghost is slender and graceful. She looks so disharmonious in a place as evil and chaotic as Shuisheng Village.

Surrounded by zombies and evil spirits with corpses on their faces and bloated bodies, she seemed to be severely marginalized. She could only stand alone in the corner of the village, alone, like a flower emerging from the mud but unstained. lotus.

Jason was very curious and couldn’t help but take a second look.

The clothes of this female ghost are not comparable to those of the nobles, but they are still gorgeous compared to the common people. The most eye-catching thing is that she wears a basket made of woven bamboo on her head.

Jason walked over in a swagger. He wanted to ask the female ghost if she was in a hurry when she ran away, so she brought the basket to her head. She could not take it off after death. If so, he wanted to laugh at her. Ichiban, this female ghost is too stupid.

The female ghost slowly pulled the shamisen in her hand, and the extremely desolate tone made people feel sad.

Seeing Jason walking up to her, she asked in a sleep-talking tone: “Have you seen Lord Zuo?”

What the hell? The communication between ghosts is different from that of humans. Jason can be regarded as a ghost in a certain sense. He can understand the female ghost’s questions, but he really doesn’t know Mr. Zuo.

He shook his head, took a closer look at the basket on the female ghost’s head, and then walked out with great indifference.

Jason also killed women before, but since he became the boss of Bella, he no longer kills women unless it is a special situation.

The female ghost in front of me looks extremely miserable, and there is really no need to kill her.

He was about to leave, but the female ghost refused. The female ghost became inexplicably angry and pulled out a sharp and narrow sword from the bottom of the shamisen.

Of course, this thing can be called a knife. It is **** thick, and the length is between a tachi and a katana, about seventy centimeters, and the blade has a slight curvature.

“How dare you insult Lord Zuo!” The female ghost stabbed Jason fiercely with a thin sword.

Her swordsmanship is not very good, she just makes a trick, her sword power is erratic, and she can often deliver killing moves inadvertently. This is a ruthless and deadly swordsmanship, combined with her footsteps It’s flexible, and it’s mixed with a lot of ritual and dance movements. It looks swaying, but it’s actually full of murderous intent.

Before Jason understood what was going on, white lights flashed in front of his eyes. The female ghost flicked left and right, as if she was dancing. The sword light was as gorgeous as falling cherry blossoms. He circled around Jason three times, drew his sword more than ten times, and hacked the fierce general to death…

If the hull is there, he will be resurrected inside the ship. If the ship is not there, he will be resurrected in his hometown of Crystal Lake. It didn’t take long for Jason to walk out of the Flying Dutchman again.


Don’t be arrogant in victory and don’t be discouraged in defeat. Jason is not the kind of person who will commit suicide once he loses, but being stabbed to death by confusion is really rare.

This time he braced himself, wanting to take revenge, to retaliate with tooth. He held the machete behind his back, with his hands behind his back, and soon found the female ghost again.

“Have you seen Master Zuo?” The female ghost was still playing her eerie shamisen, and her tone became increasingly sad and downright sad.

This time, Jason no longer had any thoughts of being pitiful, weak and helpless. He walked up to him cautiously. The female ghost asked the original question again as if she didn’t know him at all.

Jason pointed at the entrance of the village, meaning that your **** Master Zuo was in front, and he was just waiting for the female ghost to turn around, so that he could sneak attack from behind with his sword!

But he never expected that the female ghost was furious again: “You are talking nonsense! You are lying to me!”

The sword light was lingering, and relying on the unpredictable footsteps and airtight sword skills, the female ghost hacked Jason to death again…

This time the countdown was a bit long. It took a full minute before Jason walked out of the Flying Dutchman.

Can’t you afford to offend or hide? ! Anyway, there are so many undead that can be killed in Aquatic Village that there is no need to fight with a female ghost.

He turned a corner thirty meters away from the female ghost, trying to go around it.

But I don’t know what the female ghost did wrong this time. She rushed to Jason like a gust of wind: “Why are you ignoring me? Are you trying to pretend not to see it?”

Jason was also angry, you stinky woman, you won’t let me go! I have never suffered this loss since I grew up in Crystal Lake!

Ignoring those dazzling swordsmanship, his moves are simple and direct, that is, exchanging injuries for injuries.

Taking advantage of my thick blood and flesh, I forcefully fight against the female ghost. You stab me three times, and I’ll chop you once. Let’s see who dies first! I can be resurrected infinitely, can you!


Not knowing what happened to Jason, Bella and Triangle Head came to the deepest part of the aquatic village, where there was a shrine dedicated to the White Snake.

The shrine has long been abandoned. There is a thick stone door deep in the shrine. According to the legend of the aquatic village, it leads to another world. Through the stone door, one can go to the ‘capital’ which is like the heaven on earth.

There is an open space in front of the heavy stone gate. Even the villagers of the aquatic village who have lost their self-awareness are unwilling to come to this place. There is a phantom lingering here that is neither alive nor dead and will never leave.

The phantom is dressed almost the same as the main body. It is wearing a cassock, a Buddhist bead in its left hand, and a three-meter-long sword in its right hand. It wears a white monk’s turban, and its face is covered with a Prajna mask. This is a tantric monk who has broken the ordination. , the locals called her the Eight Hundred Bhiksuni, a female monk, according to ancient legends.

The monk who broke the precepts personally guarded the gate of the Palace of Origin. She separated part of her soul and placed it at the entrance of the cave in Shuisheng Village. Her duty is still to guard, guard the door and prevent any other people from getting involved in the immortality of the Palace of Origin. Power.

“It’s so sad, just kill her.” Bella pointed forward and slashed with the knife at the triangular-headed man who was interested in the inner qualities of the broken monk.

One is the phantom of the broken monk, and the other is the monster imagined by Alessa. Both sides have extraordinary qualities, but they are just phantoms themselves. Facing the fierce attack of the triangle head, the phantom of the broken monk quickly falls into a disadvantage. .

The phantom possesses part of the memory of the real body, but after all it is just a phantom. The three-meter-long knife is wielded with great momentum and has a huge attack range. The phantom flies and spins, combining strength, speed and martial arts. She holds the knife in one hand , trying to defeat Triangle Head with quick attacks.

With a crisp “click” sound, the sword was full of power, but the difference in strength was too great, and she was caught in the first move of spinning.

The triangular head took advantage of the situation and swung the sword, attacking continuously, slashing forward and backward for more than ten times. Finally, the sword was raised high, carrying a murderous aura, and slashed from top to bottom, splitting the phantom in half. .

Before the phantom dissipated into smoke, the triangular-headed sword stirred it quickly.

Part of the inner substance belonging to the phantom was quickly absorbed by him, and then a long string of prayer beads appeared on his left wrist, and the rest of the changes disappeared.

Not enough! I still want it! Relying on the contract, Triangle Head conveyed such a message to Bella.

A string of Buddhist beads cannot satisfy him, he wants more.


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