Marvel’s Princess Chapter 246: Departure


Yongzhen didn’t say that the leader of Weiming Kingdom you are looking for is the old man who competed with you before. The old man was chopped into pieces by you, and Bella also pretended to be confused.

Yongzhen sighed: “We did not initiate the war, and it will not be ended unilaterally by us.”

Bella estimates that she already knows the situation outside. There are so many ‘travelers’ moving around. Even if they have low status and cannot directly contact, the ‘travelers’ will use all conditions to create opportunities. It’s normal for senior executives in the Ming Dynasty to know the news, but it would be strange if they didn’t.

Whether it is the Wei Ming family or the inner army, they are all alone now. Victory is meaningless, and failure has no retreat.

It is really stupid to continue fighting here.

As a defensive party, everyone in the Wei Ming family is holding their breath. The internal army has invaded us, and now we are taking the initiative to negotiate? Can’t do it!

The inner army has advantages in terms of strength, equipment, and morale, but they cannot accept unconditional talks, and now the two sides are in a stalemate here.

Since Bella has joined the Wei Mingjia camp, she must balance the strengths of both parties before she can discuss the matter of cooperation: “Then we will hurt the imperial army in one battle, and then force a peace with war?”

Yongzhen smiled and shook his head: “It’s useless to tell me these things, I’m just a doctor.”

It’s weird that it’s useless! With her help in talking, the success rate of the matter increased by at least 30%, but Bella did not expose this matter: “Well, I will just tell you the reason.”

The prayer ceremony for the fallen soldiers ended, and the head of the Hirata family, Hirata Tajima Morisunori, began to lecture the family’s members and samurai.

Pingtian is his surname, but Ma Shou is his official position, and Chang Fan is his given name.

From Bella’s point of view, his words were really lackluster.

It was just a few words back and forth, not ‘My Hirata family is a branch of the Ashina family, and we share the honor and disgrace of the master’s family. For hundreds of years, no one has betrayed the master’s family. ’ It’s just a bunch of people chanting the slogan ‘The day the teacher comes out, there will be glory in death, but there will be disgrace in life. ’

According to Bella, this man’s strength is really weak, but he has a good momentum. When he roared with that loud voice, the dust on the beams fell in pieces…

Many biological sons and godsons of the Hirata family died in the war.

The Hirata Goro whom I met before is undoubtedly the fifth son. In front of him is Hirata Ichiro, the heir of the family, and the three in the middle were all killed in the battle.

After him there were three boys. According to Yongzhen’s introduction, they were Liulang, Qilang and Jiulang.

These three are all adopted sons.

Bella looked at Kuro Hirata emphatically. He was indeed a very handsome boy with pure eyes and decent manners.

Although he was respectfully listening to the master’s instructions, he was not actually dominated by that kind of fanaticism and was as calm as a pool of spring water.

Great concentration!

Perhaps due to the influence of Shura, the air here is filled with extremely violent restlessness.

In other words, the people here are particularly easy to get on top of. With a few words of incitement, there are many people who will scream and fight the enemy desperately.

The only person who can stay calm and resist external interference is the handsome Hirata Kuro, apart from his own psychic abilities, the quiet-natured Nagama, and the dry, skinny old man Ashina Isshin with amazing kendo skills.

After the energetic internal mobilization meeting of the Hirata family, Yongzhen introduced Bella to the head of the Hirata family.

“Outlander, do you have any advice?” Perhaps it was Yongzhen’s recommendation, or perhaps it was Bella’s temperament. The head of the Hirata family did not treat her as an ordinary person, and his expression was quite sincere.

The title has also been upgraded. Now she has been upgraded from ‘Southern Barbarian’ to ‘Outlander’.

Bella did as the Romans did and addressed the other party by his official position: “Sir Taimamori, the Hirata family suffered heavy losses in the face of the invasion of the inner government army. The Hirata family needs support. Why not hire bandits to fight? Once the inner government army If they occupy Ashina Country, they will also lose the soil for their continued survival. I think there is a basis for cooperation between the two parties.”

She repeated what she had said to Yongzhen before, but she did not say anything about the final discussion. The man in front of her was a general, and he did not have much say in whether or not they would agree.

Bella remembers that there are many opposition forces near Ashina Kingdom, groups of thirty and fifty people. Organize these groups and establish a united front, and things will be easier to handle in the future.

A young man like Hirata Goro still clings to his dignity as a samurai because he is young and the higher-ups are not so naive.

The head of the Hirata family intended to contact the bandits, but the bandits had attacked the Hirata family before, and the dignity of the samurai had kept him alive. He could not take the initiative to do this. If anyone in the family made this suggestion, he They will also scold each other.

Now that this suggestion was made by a ‘foreigner’, it was much easier for him to handle it.

This is also one of the main reasons why Yongzhen brought Bella to meet the head of the Hirata family.

Everyone knows the pros and cons, but no one dares to say this just because of reasons such as face and morale.

The head of the Hirata family refused, Bella tried to persuade him again, but he refused again, so she persuaded him one more time.


The two parties reached an agreement, the Hirata family provided money and Bella provided the strength to hire bandits to fight for the Hirata family.

Two boxes of gold and silver jewelry were packed. Japan’s silver production was one of the few in the world at that time. It was easy to mine and the content was reasonable. The Edo shogunate specially built gold, silver and copper pedestals for nationwide inspection. Management of precious metals.

The Weiming Country is a typical poor place. What you sow will not grow. You are starving for most of the 365 days a year. However, this kind of place is quite rich in resources, and there is no shortage of gold and silver. If you spend two Hiring bandits with gold and silver in boxes to reduce the casualties of his own samurai was really profitable for the head of the Hirata family.

I issued her a voucher for free passage in Wei Ming’s house, and gave her two boxes of treasures.

The box is quite big and heavy, but Bella can carry it. Not to mention carrying it, she can still run! But this image is not good-looking!

Kujiro and Iwata, the two ‘senior time travelers’ who had been transformed by Japan during the Warring States Period, became her followers, responsible for carrying the boxes and treated as proper tool men.

The two of them were familiar with each other near Hirata’s house, but when they arrived outside Ashina Castle, they were dumbfounded.

Bella is not familiar with the terrain, so she hopes that the Hirata family will send people to assist her.

The samurai in several families want to save face and are unwilling to deal with bandits. The head of the Hirata family can only send ninjas to follow him. Ninjas cannot just find any ninja. The image of this ninja represents the Hirata family and cannot be too vulgar and martial arts. There must also be someone who, if the negotiation breaks down, it is best to be able to fight back by yourself.

Nowadays, every combat power is valuable. Who should I look for?


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