Star Odyssey Chapter 5236: Spine

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Base walked out of the river of time only one step later than Wang Wen.

At this moment, Lu Yin was already standing on Xiangcheng, waiting for the master’s return.

He expected that the Overlord would come with terrifying pressure, and was mentally prepared. However, he did not expect that the person waiting for him was not the Overlord, but Wang Wen.

Wang Wen appeared outside Xiangcheng in the Illusionary Realm, with his hands behind his back and facing Lu Yin, with a smile on his lips, as if he was an old friend meeting again, and he came to his face with a soft breath: “Master Chess Piece, long time no see, Are you taking over my home?”

Lu Yin looked at Wang Wen in surprise: “You?”

Wang Wen smiled and looked at Lu Yin: “Accident?”

Lu Yin also smiled: “It’s not surprising, and it confirms my guess.”

“Yes, that’s good. I’m glad that you, Master Chess Piece, can guess my return. So, is there anything you want to say?”

“Have time?”

“I said yes, there is.”

“Half of your domineering power comes from me.”

Wang Wen agreed, looked around the universe, and sighed: “Yes, without you, I would still be imprisoned in the ancient city of years.”

“But without you, I wouldn’t be able to gain a foothold in the inner and outer world.” Lu Yin said.

Wang Wen smiled lightly: “So we cooperate very well.”

“Thank you also to Xiangsiyu.”

“I should thank her.”

Lu Yin looked deeply at Wang Wen: “What are you thinking about?”

The smile on Wang Wen’s lips grew wider: “Why are you suddenly questioning me? You don’t need to know what I’m thinking, and I don’t want to know what you’re thinking. Now we are close comrades-in-arms.”

“You joining forces with me is only one-sixth, right.”

Lu Yin’s tone became colder: “It’s okay if you don’t want one sixth of this.”

“That means giving up everything in front of you, Xiangcheng, human beings, everything you care about.”

“You almost made me lose everything.”

“But you came out.”

“Why can you come out? Wang Wen, you can kill all of us, but you still let me come out because you saw me.”

Wang Wen’s eyes flashed: “I have seen many people, you are not the only one.”

“There is a lot in the future?”

“The infinite expansion of time brings infinite possibilities. You can see the past clearly because the past is the only one, but you cannot see the future because the future is changeable.”

“Do you expect this kind of result now?”

Wang Wen exhaled deeply: “Master of the chess piece, do you want to be the master?”


“Then don’t think too much. The more you think about it, the less likely it is.”

“But I have thought enough about cause and effect, time, and the universe is a circle.”

Wang Wen interrupted: “What you should be thinking about is how to recreate the glory of the ninth base and how to lead mankind to survive under the pressure of the master.”

Lu Yin said solemnly: “Do you hope that the ninth base will be glorious again?”

“There is no Ninth Base anymore, only you, Tianshang Sect.” Wang Wendao.

There was silence outside Xiangcheng.

No one interrupted the conversation between Lu Yin and Wang Wen.

Wang Wen did not ask about the situation of the Wang family in Huan Shang Xu Realm, nor did Lu Yin ask what he had done to Ninth Base and what his purpose was.

They are enemies, always have been and will always be.

What Wang Wen did to Nine Bases cannot be erased. He let Lu Yin know and control the framework of the universe, because only if Lu Yin controls the framework of the universe can he cooperate to get out of the ancient city of time, and they must join forces.

The purpose is the same, but the stance is different.

In Xiangcheng, countless people looked outside and saw Wang Wen, including people from the original Wang family.

Many of them were excited and hoped that Wang Wen would rescue them, but they knew that there was little hope. Human civilization today is too strong.

And Chang Chu, Hun Ji and the others looked at Wang Wen and wanted to kill him.

Wang Wen was one of the culprits of the ninth-base rout.

At this time, the inner and outer heavens suddenly shook, and all the power condensed at this moment, as if the entire universe was stagnant.

The flow of time, the roar of life, cause and effect are boiling, luck is surging, and death is gradually coming.

All the power of the beautiful universe suddenly condensed on its own, as if welcoming the arrival of something.

In the seventy-two realms, all the power was drawn out in an instant and turned into five rays of light towards the starry sky. The huge mother tree was bending, as if it could not withstand some kind of pressure.

Countless creatures were horrified and kneeled down subconsciously.

The master is back.

Above Xiangcheng, Lu Yin raised his head, his face gradually turning pale.

The Lord is back. This power that nearly controls the universe is different from anything he has ever seen. It actually makes him feel like a mayfly is shaking a tree at this moment.

They can strike so hard that the sky inside and outside shakes, and the mother tree sways.

But Lord, just returning has already made the mother tree bend.

You can imagine how huge the power of the Lord is.

Lu Yin knew that he still underestimated the master. The ascending channel is blocked, which means that they cannot break through to the level of dominance, which also means that they cannot understand the strength of the dominance. Everything can only be guessed.

At this moment, he felt the power of the sky’s collapse. He was terrified and unfathomable, and five vast forces were oppressing him in an invisible way.

Press anyone who dares to look directly.

Lu Yin’s pupils shook, and he stared at the five rays of light above the starry sky. Blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and his pupils were actually cracking, which was unbearable.

Inside his body, he clearly heard the sound of his internal organs shattering.

Clearly see that your legs are about to bend.

He seemed to be looking at him from a third party’s perspective, as if he wanted him to kneel down.

Kneel down, it will be less painful.

Facing heaven and earth, surrender is the only way.

Kneel down.

Kneel down.

“Kneel down ++” A roar shook the heaven and the earth. Lu Yin raised his head, and blood oozed from his body and dyed the wall of Xiangcheng red. He faced the world arrogantly, clenched his fists, and used all his strength to hold on.

Don’t talk about these five forces, even if the master himself comes, he will still curse.

Having come this far, and still kneeling to you++, you are a person who is fighting to the death. Who has ever seen anyone kneel before an enemy?

“Stop pretending, these old guys. If you come out, come out. If you don’t come out, get out of here–“

Lu Yin roared loudly, waking up everyone in Xiangcheng.

They stared blankly at the figure standing on the pool of blood. That person stood in front of everyone and blocked the sky from falling. That person was their bones, their roots, and their backbone.

Hunji roared, it had been bent down just now, how could it be unreasonable, how could it be unreasonable, that as a ninth base creature, it actually bent down to those masters? If it reaches Master Mi’s ears, he won’t be able to peel off his skin?

Changchun, Qinglian Shangyu, and the others all have heavy eyes. Is this the oppression of the master? It’s too exaggerated. They are already so terrifying without even showing their faces. There is no need to take action. This oppression alone is enough to kill them.

Outside Xiangcheng, Wang Wen laughed and looked up at the sky: “Old guys, come out, don’t let the younger generations look down on you.”

To scold the Lord, only Shengrou has done it in the past, but Shengrou did it by blocking the door. It seemed aggressive, but in fact she was scolding alone. It was impossible for both the inside and outside to hear it. At that time, the outside world heard only legends. .

And Lu Yin is the first person in the universe to scold the Lord in the eyes of endless creatures.

I don’t know if they are the last, but they are definitely the first.

The huge thunder roared and exploded, both in the inner and outer sky, and also within a short distance. It was a wave formed by the combination of five forces, pressing hard against the entire inner and outer heavens, as if it was going to completely annihilate the seventy-two realms.

Lu Yin gritted his teeth. He didn’t believe that these masters dared to attack.

If you don’t believe that Wang Wen will die with you.

I don’t believe that the entire inner and outer world is so worthless.

The waist will never bend.

There is no need to hide.

Just looking at the starry sky, watching the power that would destroy the world come down.

The minds of all the creatures in the entire Inner and Outer Heaven are blank, including Ancestor Hui, Lord A, and the others. They are looking at the disaster that is coming in disbelief. They are about to die. The Lord actually wants to destroy the entire Inner and Outer Heaven? Really dying.

Everyone in Xiangcheng was stunned, but with Lu Yin’s unyielding will, he forced himself to look at the starry sky, forcing himself to be fearless.

No matter whether you are really afraid in your heart, when you dare to face death, it is courage.

The terrifying power disappeared at the moment when he was about to fall, and the sun seemed to penetrate the dark clouds and shine down, shining on Lu Yin’s face, the entire Xiangcheng, and the seventy-two realms.

Endless creatures have never felt so warm, so warm that they want to cry.

Lu Yin’s clenched fists slowly unclenched, and his cleft eyes were closed. When he opened them again, they were back to normal. Only the blood-stained hem of his clothes proved the hardship he had just endured.

“Are you really not afraid of the remnants of the Ninth Base?” A voice fell, invisible, but spread throughout the entire inner and outer world.

Lu Yin looked at the starry sky: “Who are you?”


“If you want to have a conversation, just come out. You have lived so long without knowing any manners.”

“Li, let’s decide. Do you want to live, the remaining nine bases?”

Lu Yin sneered: “You don’t have the final say whether you live or not. I want to ask you, do you still want this universe framework?”

“How did you find the complete frame?”

“Who are you?”


“I don’t want to answer.”

“Where do the humans you lead come from? That chaotic distance? By the way, I am life.”

Lu Yin still couldn’t see any of the masters, but he could feel their magnificent power. Whether they were in the inner and outer heavens, whether they were in their true form or their power, he couldn’t feel anything.

“I once played a game with others. They asked each other a question. If they didn’t answer, the game was over. Now I can also play with you, but because there are five of you, I asked five questions and you answered them. Then you can ask me a question.”

“You are very smart. Did you know that no one has ever been able to trade with us?”

“You are lucky.”

“You once joined the Silent Sea Death Realm as a clone and recognized the voice of the Lord of Death. Several of them have heard it, so it is normal for them to infer that it is me.”

Lu Yin said calmly: “Stop talking nonsense, I just want to ask if you can play this game.”

“Let Shengrou be released first.” Karma said.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: “No.”

“Human, do you know that she is my daughter.”

“So what?”

“Equal dialogue is not about being tough for the sake of being tough. You give us the feeling that you are bluffing.”

Lu Yin didn’t care: “Then let’s talk to someone else.” After saying this, he looked at Wang Wen.

Wang Wen smiled: “Guys, he is not bluffing. As long as he is willing, the consciousness framework will collapse. I can’t calculate what losses you will have by then, including my own losses.”

“Wang Wen, we guarantee that your loss will be the greatest, including your life.” Sui Yue spoke.


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