A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu Chapter 5945: She was numb from being kissed (1)


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Chapter 5945: She was numbed by kissing (1)

“Wei Wei, kiss…just for more than one moment.”

——Ye Zhiwei is still digesting Su Yinuo’s words.

Su Yinuo, no longer scrupulous, had approached her again.

The tip of his handsome nose gently rubbed the tip of hers.

A seemingly casual but intimate movement made her soul tremble, and her vision was immediately blurred, and her eyes were filled with moisture…

More than once… just more than once.

The temptation of Brother Yinuo is too great…

Ye Zhiwei thought and unconsciously opened his lips…

Her appearance was too well-behaved, but she summoned the wild beast in Su Yinuo’s heart.

“Our red pandas are so good.”

As soon as Su Yinuo’s last words fell, Ye Zhiwei was overwhelmed by the turbulent kiss.

Ye Zhiwei was mentally prepared and remembered what Su Yinuo said just now – she held Su Yinuo’s waist with both hands, slowly leaned into his arms, raised her head and kissed him…

She said nothing,

But she has already expressed her attachment and love.

Su Yinuo hugged her and couldn’t help but kiss her deeper.

He thought that he could just teach Ye Zhiwei how to kiss someone.

Her previous brief kisses… He liked them, but they were really just small fights.

Ye Zhiwei felt like she was exchanging breaths with Su Yinuo.

Her brain fell into a happy blank again…

So this is what kissing feels like!

I don’t know how long it took, but Ye Zhiwei began to feel uncomfortable on her lips.

Then a heavy kiss came, and she couldn’t help but hum: “Brother Yinuo, it hurts…”

Su Yinuo immediately let go of her, and then noticed that he had kissed Ye Zhiwei’s lips, which were swollen…

Coupled with her misty eyes, she looked like a pitiful little girl who had been bullied by a bully.

Su Yinuo felt heartbroken – he never expected that the little girl was so fragile.

But after two kisses, he was indeed very satisfied, and his smile was particularly pleasant.

With a very complicated mood, he gently touched the corners of Ye Zhiwei’s lips, “Your lips are a bit swollen… I’m sorry, I’ll be gentler next time.”

Ye Zhiwei’s lips were numb…

The first time they kissed, Su Yinuo made her swollen with kisses!

But what attracted her attention now was Su Yinuo’s action.

Several times before, he gently touched the corner of her lips like this and looked at her with eyes that made her enchanted.

Now she understood that every time he made this move, he wanted to kiss her, but he held back in the end.

Fortunately he held back!

She would definitely be scared if her lips were numb after being kissed by him within a few days of dating.

She was a little scared now, so she decided never to provoke him again.

This provocation resulted in numb lips.

I don’t know where I will get numb next time.

Maybe… there are even worse things!

In short, from now on, she will be a peaceful little girlfriend!

Su Yinuo did this action before because he really wanted to kiss Ye Zhiwei.

It’s different now. Now he is thinking about the future.

After Uncle Ye said those words to him, he has restrained himself until now.

It’s embarrassing to say that when he was dating a girl in her early twenties, she kissed him first, and she was the one who initiated their first kiss.

He can’t be inactive at all.

Otherwise, the little girl will doubt his feelings.

So he decided that every step after that would be taken by him.

He will take Ye Zhiwei into the world of adults.

Welcome to the world of adults, my little panda!


Su Yinuo stopped what he was doing and asked softly: “Does it hurt?”

Ye Zhiwei’s little voice almost sounded like she was crying, “A little bit!”

After a pause, he added: “But I don’t blame you, after all, the old house is on fire…”

Don’t blame him.

But pierce his heart.

Su Yinuo’s breath was almost choked: “Where did you learn this?”

Ye Zhiwei smiled brightly: “The statement I saw on the Internet!”

Su Yinuo thought for a while, “In the future… use the Internet less.”

Ye Zhiwei murmured: “I know that things on the Internet may not be true… The first time the male and female protagonists in idol dramas kiss is not like this!”

Su Yinuo laughed, and his clean voice was inexplicably sultry: “Weiwei, there are many things that have not been filmed in idol dramas… I will teach you slowly.”

It’s definitely not a good thing!

Ye Zhiwei looked at Su Yinuo warily, thinking about how to refuse.

Su Yinuo had already begun to comfort her, “Be good, next time… I’ll try not to use so much force.”

Ye Zhiwei relented, with only a small expression remaining serious, “You have to control yourself!”

“You don’t know, I have been controlling myself for a long time…” After Su Yinuo finished speaking, he held Ye Zhiwei’s face and kissed her lips gently, which fully demonstrated that he still had unfulfilled intentions.

Finally, ask: “How did you feel just now?”

Just now?

My brain is blank, but every blood vessel in my body is full of happiness.

For the first time, Ye Zhiwei learned that contact with a person of the opposite **** can produce happiness that reaches the soul.

I just… don’t know how to tell him.

Looking at her expression, Su Yinuo already knew the answer, “It seems pretty good?”

Ye Zhiwei looked directly at Su Yinuo, not denying it, just saying: “But I still feel a little pain, you can’t kiss me anymore!”

Su Yinuo’s heart almost turned into a puddle of soft water.

The next second, he kissed Ye Zhiwei on the corner of her lips, “Okay.”

Ye Zhiwei: “…” This person!

The two of them stopped talking, and the look in their eyes made the air in the car become ambiguous.

However, both of them enjoyed it.

Next, Su Yinuo took Ye Zhiwei to play.

Whatever little girls like, he would take Ye Zhiwei to play.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhiwei was actually very excited.

After asking, I found out that she rarely played since she was a child.

On the one hand, because she is obsessed with the law, she has never liked playing since she was a child, and her motor cells are not very developed.

On the other hand, since junior high school, she has become younger than her classmates every year. As a result, she has no good friends of the same age, and no one asks her to go out to play with the things that little girls love to play.

Although her family doted on her, they all thought she was very mature and treated her as an adult early on.

Even she herself never regarded herself as a little girl.

On the contrary, today’s Su Yinuo made her an innocent and wanton little girl.

After returning to the apartment downstairs, Ye Zhiwei was carrying a bag of trophies with a still unfulfilled expression.

She looked at Su Yinuo, “Brother Yinuo, thank you today!”

Su Yinuo put his hands in the pockets of his coat, “Shall I take you up? I’ll go home tonight, and tomorrow… I guess we won’t be able to meet.”

“I have to go back to the law firm to work overtime tomorrow!” Ye Zhiwei held Su Yinuo’s hand, “Then you can send me up.”

After entering the elevator, Ye Zhiwei realized there was a problem——

Does she risk attracting wolves into the house like this?


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