Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 985: Block


Strengthening magic needs to hit the target before the next magic can be used.

If the strengthening magic acts on oneself, it is equivalent to a zero-distance release. After releasing one strengthening magic, the next magic can be chanted immediately.

There are many kinds of magic that can strengthen the body’s functions, and there are many skills that have a short release time and excellent effects.

But the vast majority of magicians are only proficient in magic, and their other attributes are not high.

The skill of strengthening magic power is the least among all strengthening skills, and it is also the most time-consuming.

Not only is strengthening magic difficult to learn, it is also extremely energy-consuming. Each large-scale strengthening magic has many small prerequisites.

Just like a priest who wants to learn advanced treatment, he must go from beginner level, to intermediate level, and finally to advanced level.

The consensus among most magicians is that instead of learning those useless and cumbersome enhanced magics, it is better to delve into mainstream magic and run all the way down the road of magic.

Only magicians who need to cooperate with different arms will make great efforts to learn some specific strengthening magic.

The light theory effect and the cost-effectiveness of strengthening the magician are far inferior to those of priests or bards.

The only advantage of strengthening magic is its rapidity when it acts on itself.

And this is the possibility of a melee mage.

Magic is too convenient.

It is so convenient that few magicians can temper their bodies without relying on any assistance like Dianwen.

Two years, two full years, Dianwen went through countless thorns, found a like-minded teacher, strictly adhered to the work and rest schedule, and went through hellish training to forge such a perfect body.

While tempering his body, Dianwen also spent a lot of time to continuously improve his magic.

He firmly believes that only the organic combination of magic and body can create the strongest magician in the world.

The forced interruption skill that Bai Jin will use will also be used by Dianwen.

The strengthening magic chanted in his mouth stopped suddenly, and a light blue light shield rose from Dianwen’s body.

Just when [Double-Sided Slash] was about to hit Dianwen, Yang Yu took back his sword, placed his left hand holding the shield in front of his chest, flicked it hard, and used [Shield Strike] broken】.

A sharp sound sounded, and Dianwen’s defensive shield shattered like glass.

The orange sword blade grazed countless fragments and went straight to Dianwen’s chest. Yang Yu had no scruples and slashed with all his strength.

The dragon will protect the safety of every player, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the opponent.

And Dianwen had already understood all Yang Yu’s movements. He jumped back and threw out his wand.

The orange-red sword blade and the shining wooden wand collided together.

In an instant, a huge pressure rushed towards Yang Yu.

Originally, Yang Yu wanted to use his speed to get behind Dianwen and launch an unexpected attack after a simple test.

However, this strong pressure caused Yang Yu to delay his movement for a while.

The majestic magic power spread out from Dianwen’s feet. Yang Yu felt as if more than a dozen stones were pressed down on him, and his footsteps were unusually heavy.

It is [Magic Gravity Field], a magic that can control the gravity near the user. Both parties will be interfered by the strong gravity.

Dianwen often exercises in such a gravity field and has long been accustomed to such gravity. He can even walk like flying in the magic gravity field.

Locating on Yang Yu’s position, Dianwen took a deep breath, pulled out the wand, and smashed it down with all his strength.

Yang Yu dragged his body to the right and avoided the attack.

Dianwen’s long wand actually struck a deep pit on the ground, splashing countless gravel.

The majestic magic power was released from Dianwen, and the rocks flying into the air were blasted in all directions.

Dianwen used [High-Speed ​​Circuit], bursting out at incredible speed, approaching Yang Yu in an instant.

Yang Yu’s reflexes and speed are extraordinary. If he attacks directly, he will definitely be dodged.

If you want to hit Yang Yu, you must block Yang Yu’s escape route.

The stones and the explosive magic are the victory formula prepared by Dianwen to defeat Yang Yu.

Yang Yu stood there, neither escaping nor changing the equipment in his hands.

Just when Dianwen’s wand was about to touch Yang Yu, Yang Yu squatted down and raised his shield high. The red spikes quickly climbed up the shield and steadily received Dianwen’s blow.

A red electric current followed Dianwen’s wand and pierced Dianwen’s heart, but he did not frown at all and pressed against Yang Yu’s shield with all his strength.

He suffered this painful feeling countless times.

But it feels much better than being helpless when faced with that white clay pot.

After all, there is a thousand strength difference between Yang Yu and Dianwen. Yang Yu’s hand holding the shield trembled slightly, and was lowered little by little by Dianwen.

What’s even more terrible is that the continuous damage magic is transmitted to Yang Yu through the shield, causing him continuous damage. His ears also faintly caught the incantation chanted by the classics.

After all, Dianwen was also a magician and knew all kinds of magic.

With the two sides in a stalemate, Yang Yu could do very little, but Dianwen was able to perform additional attacks on Yang Yu through chanting magic.

It is dangerous to continue like this.

Sparing skills that shouldn’t be spared will only expose more and more of one’s trump cards.

Without much hesitation, Yang Yu took a deep breath and used [Binding of Thorns. Change]. A large number of thorns grew out of thin air from the ground behind Dianwen, entangled and intertwined with each other, and turned into strong ropes.

Aware of the approach of the thorns, Dianwen did not directly choose to give in.

He has experienced the pain of this skill before, but now, he feels that he will be able to deal with these thorns easily.

However, what Dianwen didn’t expect was that Yang Yu’s thorns were no longer what they used to be.

Countless thorns wrapped around Dianwen’s body, as if it was wrapped in a ball of fishing line. The more he struggled, the tighter he got.

Taking advantage of the moment when Dianwen was entangled in thorns because he was overconfident in his current abilities, Yang Yu escaped from Dianwen’s stick.

Moving lightly, Yang Yu’s black shadow curled up the sword blade and used [Shadow Deception] to cut a black wound behind Dianwen.

Seizing the rare opportunity to deal damage, he launched a frantic attack on Dianwen’s back, knocking out less than half of Dianwen’s blood.

Dianwen gathered the energy in his body, and the muscles in his body expanded a bit.

He swung his long stick, tore off the thorns that bound him, and made a 180-degree swing.

Yang Yu put away the sword blade, took several steps back, and jumped out of the sweeping range of the stick.

However, an invisible force roared and hit his right shoulder, causing him to take several steps back and slide a long distance on the battle stage. He relied on [Climbing] and [Incredible Braking Boots] ], they reluctantly stopped.

“What on earth is going on? I should have dodged Dianwen’s wand just now. Why was it still being repulsed?”

Before Yang Yu could think about it carefully, Dianwen’s next attack came one after another.


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