Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 984: How can a mage add some points? Thank you.jpg


Time passed by, and the staff of the Dragon God Conference were in place, ready to welcome the start of the first game at any time.

The invited dragons have transformed into human forms and took their seats at the viewing platform with the best view. They talked and laughed with each other and expressed their respective opinions on this Dragon God Conference.

“From a statistical point of view, this Dragon God Conference is much more interesting than the past ones.

Contestants of this caliber are rare in history. ”

“It’s definitely going to be fun. Who do you think will win?”

“I think they are the next clan leaders from the Wind Wolf Clan. Their race is ranked high in our Dragon God Council.”

“I think it should be Loland from the Shadow Hand clan. Their clan’s abilities are very special. The grouping is also extremely beneficial to him. In the semi-finals, he should not encounter too strong opponents and expose his own abilities. True strength.”

“I think so too.”

“I heard that the colorful-haired masked man who was active in the war between the two countries also participated in this Dragon God Conference.”

“He? His performance is also worthy of attention.

It’s just that his group… is a hellish difficulty for anyone, and every game requires him to try his best.

Exposing one’s full strength early is a very dangerous thing. ”

“After being exposed, how to adjust is also one of the things to watch.

Whether it’s a mule or a horse, let’s see how he behaves later. ”

The conversation between the dragons did not last long. The host walked to the center of the high platform again and spoke enthusiastically:

“Everyone, viewers have been waiting for a long time, the first game is about to begin.

We have arranged a very tight schedule and will definitely be able to feast the eyes of all spectators.

Please don’t be anxious.

First of all, let’s welcome the players. ”

The applause sounded like thunder, and the audience had been impatient for a long time.

The host continued to mobilize the atmosphere, raised his right hand, and sounded excited,

“Coming towards us from the east is player Yang Yu who broke through from the qualifying round.

He is the leader of the new S-class adventure group. He easily broke through the qualifying rounds and his strength is a mystery. ”

Yang Yu looked relaxed. Under the applause of the audience, he walked up to the stage while greeting people.

“Coming towards us from the west now are the classical contestants from the Library of All Things.

As we all know, the Library of All Things is a gathering place for magicians.

The person who can get the invitation letter from there is definitely very powerful. ”

Amidst the applause of the audience, a young man with black hair and blue eyes walked quickly onto the stage. He was wearing a purple robe and had a nameplate on his chest. There were three golden five-pointed stars on the nameplate and he was holding a three-meter-long stick in his hand. wooden staff.

Compared with two years ago, Dian Wen did not change much, and Yang Yu quickly remembered what happened when he met him two years ago.

But it would be wrong to say that the text has not changed at all.

When he opened the panel, Yang Yu felt a little strange. He looked at the text and then looked at the panel again…

Why does a mage have more than three thousand powers?

Could it be that when adding points, I added them by mistake?

“Both sides come to the center of the field.”

Under the referee’s instructions, Yang Yu and Dianwen stood in the center of the battle stage.

Before the game even started, Yang Yu felt Dianwen’s eyes piercing him, burning.

Dianwen showed a very kind smile and said: “I really didn’t expect that my first opponent would be you… Have you received the challenge letter?”

Yang Yu nodded, “If you want to avenge your shame, then go ahead. I am much better than I was two years ago.”

“Of course I know.”

Every word in Dianwen’s words is full of indescribable confidence,

“I am also different from two years ago.

After fighting with you, I thought a lot, and finally found the true meaning of the mage.

I’m so happy that you will get to see a new me.

You are the first opponent, and I don’t have to think about how I can hide my strength before I can meet you.

Today, I will show you all the results of my practice in the past two years. ”

Yang Yu took out the shield and said, “Then just let me take a look.”

“No problem!”

Dianwen agreed, bound the wooden staff with magic, made it hover in the air, and then made a bodybuilding movement to spread his chest sideways.

In an instant, a powerful energy burst out from Dianwen’s body, tearing all the clothes on his upper body to pieces.

Dianwen’s figure doubled in size in an instant, and his numerous bulging muscles formed an unimaginably perfect curve.

Anyone who sees this beautiful curve can’t help but indulge in it and want to touch and caress his strong muscles.

Yang Yu stood there with a confused face

Is the classmate Dianwen in front of me the kind of person who wears clothes that make him look slimmer?

Or is it that Dianwen classmate has some giant genes?

No, you are such a good mage, why did you switch to martial arts?

Yang Yu’s heart was turbulent, but he didn’t show it on his face. He asked calmly: “Is this what you have achieved in two years?”

“That’s right!” Dianwen categorically admitted. Picking up the wand was like picking up a stick, and he also displayed offensive techniques. “From that day on, I understood that ordinary mages are There is a limit. If you encounter an enemy who can seal the demon, you can only sit back and wait for death.”

“That’s true, but this is also the risk that a mage needs to take for high output.” Yang Yu scratched his cheek, “I think that improving magic is much more reliable than temporarily changing careers.”

“No! The body is the only thing worth relying on. Muscles will never betray us!” Dianwen took a step, “I will defeat you here today and prove my chosen secret. That’s right. Come on now!”

Yang Yu had nothing to say, so he could only pull out his sword from its scabbard and prepare to fight.

“Everyone is in your place!”

Seeing that the exchange between the two sides was almost complete, the referee raised his hands in the air and his loud voice echoed through every corner of the Colosseum,


As the referee gave the order, Dian Wen, holding a martial arts stick…no, holding a magic wand, took a deep breath,

“[Advanced physical strength strengthening magic]

[Advanced Attack Strengthening Magic]

【Body coordination optimization】


[Attack Magic Enchantment]


Dianwen stood motionless, as if reciting a spell, constantly applying various strengthening magic to his body, and various attributes increased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yang Yu is not Ias. He does not have any magic that can dispel other people’s gains.

If you don’t attack now and wait for Dianwen to complete all the buff magic before giving yourself an acceleration, you will definitely be in a hard fight by then.

Without stopping, Yang Yu waved his long sword and came to Dianwen’s side in the blink of an eye.

A streak of red pierced Yang Yu’s palm, illuminating his sword blade with orange-red light.

And all this has been anticipated by Dianwen.


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