Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 974: On the way, on the way


“Damn it! There is indeed something wrong.

Is this considered self-inflicted?

How could a girl who had been rescued still attack her benefactor! ”

Regardless of whether he brought it upon himself or not, Lang Yi would never allow this girl who deceived their relationship to disappear like this.

Stretching out his hand, a large amount of water appeared out of thin air, gathered in Lang Yi’s hand, and condensed into a flowing long sword. Then, Lang Yi pulled out the long sword that was inserted between the gaps in the stone and originally belonged to Yang Yu.

“I’ll lend you your sword for a while and I’ll return it to you later!”

The sword of water flow and the long sword are swung at the same time, and the two sword energies are intertwined and converged with each other,

“[Breaking Waves]”

In an instant, the light barrier in front of Langyi collapsed and was chopped into countless flickering fragments.

Gathering energy under his feet and preparing his skills, Lang Yi was about to pursue him when suddenly, he felt countless magic waves coming from behind him.

Looking back, several magic arrays appeared in the void, and the brewed magic was shot at him.

These magics were not only aimed at him, but also at Jiao Xi.

And the magic power fluctuation behind Jiao Xi far exceeds the magic power fluctuation behind him.

Asshole, white-eyed wolf, Jiao Xi tried his best to treat you. How can you have the heart to kill such a kind person?

Countless waves rolled up under his feet. The waves instantly reached behind Jiao Xi and wielded his two swords. Ordinary long swords could only cut off substantial magic attacks, but swords made of water flow could cut off all magic attacks.

Even as a magic swordsman who has experienced hundreds of battles, these magics make Lang Yi feel vaguely troublesome.

Originally, Carlos did not want to use all her strength, but with the lessons learned from Yang Yu and the others, she did not dare to hold back anymore.

Regardless of whether it can hurt two people, delaying it for a little time is definitely enough.

While Lang Yi was defending, Carlos had already put a long distance away from the two of them.

A gray magic circle slowly formed in the sky in front of Kokaros. She had already communicated with the remaining [Praise] and asked them to cover her retreat.

Holding two knives, he chopped the last magic into pieces. Lang Yi stared at Kokaros and said to Jiao Xi:

“Stay with the captain and don’t get separated. I’m going to get that girl back.”

With a few simple words, Lang Yi launched a charge, but in the end he was still a step too late.

Kokaros crossed the gray door that was approaching quickly, and was not affected by the [Silent Hymn] in any way, and fled all the way to where the [Praises] were.

Lang Yi also passed through the gray door. He instantly felt something blocking the magic power in his body.

At this moment, several melodious piano sounds sounded, and dozens of “strings” flew from the sky, like pillars, trapping Lang Yi from all directions.

Swinging his double blades and slashing several times, Lang Yi finally cut off a few pillars and escaped.

The pair gradually moved away from each other and flew into the stone forest, chasing Kokaros.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late.

Shortly after Kokaros flew into the stone forest, the majestic energy gathered bloomed in the stone forest, and a fleeting flame rose into the sky.

With a powerful explosion, stalagmites collapsed, throwing up a cloud of dust.

Lang Yi sped up and rushed into the dust, looking left and right, looking for Cocolos.

However, the stone forest is empty, and there is no human breath.

The smoke gradually dissipated, leaving only piles of broken stones.

The teleportation circle used by the Cursed Sect, once again due to the destruction of the surrounding environment, there is no way to confirm its style.

No one knows where exactly the teleportation circle transported the people of the Curse Sect.

The water blade in his hand fell away and fell on the still hot stones, turning into magic power and slowly dissipating. Lang Yi clenched his hand tightly, looked at the remaining long sword in his hand, and fell into deep thought. .

Yang Yu watched this scene from a distance and sighed secretly, but Carlos ran away after all.

Kokalos did not continue to try to take advantage of the compassion of drifting on the island and borrow a knife to kill people, but took a more secure method to preserve her strength.

After all, it is not good to use a borrowed knife to kill someone, because someone else’s knife will be put to your own neck.

Yang Yu had a hunch that after today, the Curse Sect would definitely list him as the top priority to pay attention to.

After the Dragon God Conference, the Curse Sect will not be able to come to encircle and suppress him again, but should be able to calmly wait for the demon’s power to mature.

When they master the real demonic power, they will surely launch a series of revenge.

Eradicating the cursed sect has a long way to go.

Lingshan looked into the distance. She also saw what Kokalos had done and asked in disbelief:

“Could it be…could it be that we were really deceived by that girl?”

“This has happened. Do you still plan to believe her now?

Listen to what we have been through.

We are disturbed by that cute girl. ”

When Yang Yu mentioned the word cute, his tone became a little more serious.

After that, Yang Yu told Lingshan what happened in the qualifying round of the Dragon God Conference, and also revealed all about Kokaros’ abilities and her relationship with the Curse Sect.

Lingshan quickly confirmed Colos’ ability in Lang Yi’s mouth.

As for the qualifying rounds of the Dragon God Conference…

A spirit body slowly flew to Yang Yu’s side.

That is the spirit sent by Icaro Flo.

As soon as he found Yang Yu through the spirit body, Icaro Flo immediately greeted Yang Yu,

“I have heard about the matter from the dwarves.

Hold on, we’re on the way.

Remember not to be lured in by them…”

Icaro Flo kept urging him, not knowing that by the time they contacted him, the battle would have already been over.

They are as slow as the Japanese police, waiting for the matter to be resolved before slowly appearing.

Yang Yu let out a long sigh, “Didn’t your ghost see the body lying on the ground? We have already killed many people, and we have also beaten away the curse sect.”

When Icaro Flo heard what Yang Yu said, his expression immediately became serious:

“I didn’t see any bodies at all.

After searching around for a long time, I didn’t see any changes. I even suspected that the dwarf told us the wrong location.

If the body can be found earlier, the spirits I sent should be able to find you earlier. ”

Hearing Icaro Flo’s words, Yang Yu was full of doubts. He handed Jasmine’s body to the care of everyone. He mounted Lotkar and ran towards the defeated members of the Curse Sect.

But when Yang Yu ran to the other side, he found that the fallen corpses had disappeared one by one out of thin air.

“Is there such a thing? Do the people of the Curse Sect have such leisure time to clean the battlefield?

Or are those corpses turned into food for the demon seeds just like they were in the Forest of Elves? ”


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