Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 960: Fast forward to the final round


The troubadour did not speak, but made a sound after another:

“Cokaros, the focus of the mission has changed.

It won’t be long before you succeed.

We will inherit part of the Demon Lord’s power and subvert the entire world. ”

Cocarus tightened the lid of the sugar bowl and smiled,

“That day is coming soon, I’m really looking forward to it.

The abominable goddess will eventually be defeated by the devil, and we will re-establish a new order on top of the ruins.

I don’t know what those dragons thought when they saw us overturning the world. ”

“No matter what they think, there will be no direct intervention on a large scale.

At most, they will distribute tasks and let the adventurers die.

We don’t know if the demon would be able to defeat the dragon if it intervened. ”

Kokaros said: “Be more confident in the strength of the devil. After all, the devil was created for the goddess.”

“That’s right…the only worry now is whether the Pope can tame the devil. Those guys were sealed because they were disobedient.”

Shaking the bottle full of candies, Carlos looked relaxed and said, “Don’t worry, don’t worry.

The current Pope has inherited the will of countless generations of popes and countless dead people.

By then, there will naturally be a solution.

Releasing demons to subvert the world is just a means.

The only thing we can trust is each other, right? ”

Gently plucking the strings, a smile appeared on the boy’s face, and he couldn’t agree more with Kokaros’s words,

“We humans are just like other creatures, birth is a miracle and there is no sin at all.

But unlike other creatures, we humans have something called character.

We are industrious, generous, temperate, chaste, humble, loving, and celebrate the merits of others.

These qualities make this society beautiful and allow everyone to have their own happiness.

But in today’s society, due to the existence of the goddess, countless gaps have been created, and the life trajectories of the favored and the unfavored are very different.

This world is rotten from the very foundation.

Countless people no longer acquire virtue, want to consolidate their current class, want to step on countless people’s heads and climb to a higher class, and then indulge their desires.

In order to reshape this society, we have to uproot the rotten roots, which is impossible. ”

Kokalos nodded while hugging the sugar jar, “The rotten roots are entangled with some soil. If you don’t shovel it out, you won’t be able to plant new trees. There’s nothing you can do about it.

Confirm again, there is no need to change the plan for that guy, right? ”

The young bard said: “Well, it won’t change anymore. His strength is extraordinary and he is extremely cautious.

Probably only this method can work.

If ordinary people are involved, there is nothing we can do about it.

This is a necessary sacrifice to move towards the future. ”

“That’s it.”

Kokaros replied, getting up and heading to the martial arts hall to meet her last opponent in the qualifying round.

The young bard drew a huge teleportation circle on the roof of the building and left quietly.

After a series of selections from nearly 9,000 qualifying contestants, only 26 were left.

These twenty-six people will decide the right to compete in the Dragon God Conference today.

To this day, everyone has never lost and is the best among the best.

Including qualifying places in the qualifying rounds, a total of 256 people participated in the official competition of the Dragon God Conference.

These 256 people will start a fierce one-on-one competition on October 10. In the end, only three people can obtain the dragon essence of the dragon and complete the improvement of their potential.

Anyone who obtains the essence of the dragon race will become a piece of hot cakes, and various countries will throw olive branches to them and give them unimaginable treatment.

Even the giant dragon will invite them to hold some important positions in the Dragon God Council.

Except for the racial essence of the dragon, anyone who reaches the top sixteen will receive dragon rewards. If those rewards are converted into money, they can be enough for ten ordinary families to enjoy a lifetime, which can be said to be quite luxurious.

Bai Jin was the first to appear in the last round. His opponent was a magician from the Library of All Things.

After knowing that the magician’s opponent was Bai Jin, Barona shook her head. As expected, Bai Jin easily defeated his opponent again.

Bai Jin couldn’t believe that he had completed the qualifying rounds so smoothly and qualified for the official round.

Bai Jin also gained some confidence in her own strength.

Kokaros appeared for the second time. Since the qualifying matchups were basically kept secret, Yang Yu was not able to see this game.

However, Carlos seemed to leave his opponent powerless and defeated his opponent extremely easily.

Yang Yu was the last one to appear. His opponent was a spirit practitioner wearing a gray robe with gold trim, and was a disciple of [Collecting the Corpse into the Coffin].

He was an extremely optimistic big boy. When he saw Yang Yu, he kept greeting him with a smile on his face.

Despite looking at him like this, when he moved his hands, he was unambiguous.

He controls the contracted spirit of an ancient cavalry. After materializing, the cavalry’s various attributes exceed 2500, and its attack and defense are extremely powerful and difficult to deal with.

The spirit operator will also drive countless small spirits to be around Yang Yu, constantly releasing various weird skills to restrict Yang Yu’s defense and offense.

Yang Yu didn’t want to show too much strength in the qualifying round. In the last game, he pretended to be in a hard fight.

Then he found a flaw in the knight’s attack, rushed in front of the fragile spirit operator, kicked the spirit operator off the stage, and gained the right to qualify.

After the game, Bronze Dragon Owen personally issued an invitation letter to the official game to each of them.

During the preliminaries, the martial arts club also had another giant dragon supervise it. On the last day, the Bronze Dragon fought for it again and again before finally getting the chance.

Now the bronze dragon Owen can no longer control his mood…

When shaking hands, he seemed extremely calm. In fact, Yang Yu had already begun to send out a series of broken thoughts in his heart:

“It’s exactly what I thought, you really broke through the qualifiers extremely easily.

Hmph, with your current strength, I am afraid that there will be few people who can match you in the Dragon God Conference.

I hope you won’t be proud and keep working hard. We can’t favor anyone.

To this day, it’s still hard for me to believe who you were at the beginning, and I don’t know what other dragons think of you.

All in all, I believe you will become a legend in the future.

Yeah, don’t believe my words too much. Don’t be complacent just because I praised you. There are many people who have been praised by me, but in the end, they have achieved nothing.

In short, come on, I believe you can do it! ”


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