Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 953: Demon Seed


“I didn’t expect that such a young child would be a disciple of the cursed sect.”

After listening to Yang Yu’s story, Bai Jin found it hard to believe that the Curse Sect came so blatantly to attend the Dragon God Conference.

Putting his chin on his hand, Yang Yu looked around at all the partners present,

“She may just look like a child, and it is not ruled out that some dwarf blood flows in her body…

The purpose of the Curse Sect is most likely the racial essence of the dragon.

If the essence of the dragon race falls into the hands of the Cursed Sect, the consequences will be disastrous.

Don’t be soft-hearted just because the person opposite you looks like a poor girl.

The disciples of the Curse Sect all seem to have special abilities, so be careful and move together as much as possible to avoid being taken advantage of. ”

Yang Yu explained the matters to be paid attention to to his partners one by one, and after repeatedly telling them not to alert others, he asked everyone present to go back and rest.

The Dragon God Conference is about to begin.

According to the dragon’s urinary nature, unless things get too big, they will sit back and watch.

The Curse Sect must also know this.

Otherwise, it would be possible to send disciples to participate so blatantly.

The Curse Sect must also want to keep a low profile and make a fortune in silence.

It should be safe until the end of the Dragon God Conference.

After the end, we will probably have to face the encirclement and suppression of the Cursed Sect.

Before Bai Jin completely put away the barrier, Yang Yu began to think about how to deal with the encirclement and suppression of the curse sect.

Ias and the humanoid Lotkar each took steps and left first.

Before she could leave the room, Ias’s ​​steps stopped abruptly, and she suddenly turned back and shouted:

“Yang Yu, I feel like there are two ominous things approaching us!

It is the power of the devil!

Close! Right outside the window! ”

Yang Yu came back from his thoughts and kicked open the window.

The bright light illuminated a strange scene, with two black shadows dangling outside the window.

Suddenly, a group of black shadows crazily crawled toward the window, suddenly grew in size, and turned into a ferocious crocodile dog with fangs and claws. The sharp claws instantly smashed the window sill, and the flat crocodile mouth bit Yang. Yu’s shoulders.

Taking a step back, Yang Yu took out his shield and blocked the mouth of the giant crocodile dog. The giant crocodile dog opened and closed its mouth and repeatedly bit Yang Yu’s shield.

The shield clicked, and the black shadow in front of him seemed to be alive. An indescribable heavy impact rushed towards Yang Yu’s face.

“This is the Dragon God Council. How much do they hate me that they dare to take action directly in this city!”

While Yang Yu and the crocodile dog were in a stalemate, another group of black shadows rushed in from the gap between the crocodile dog and the broken window, and went straight towards Bai Jin and Ias.

Ias and Bai Jin quickly picked up their weapons and prepared to defend themselves.

He Meng, who had been staying in Bai Jin’s hood, climbed onto Bai Jin’s shoulders and jumped up. His body was launched like a missile. Several water **** surrounded her and turned into sharp objects with her. drill.

The black mass expanded rapidly and did not completely transform into a body.

It opened a hole in its body, allowing Hemeng to go straight through its body and into the floor behind it.

Heituan’s body changed instantly and turned into a strange creature with the upper body of a mantis and the lower body of a human.

Before Bai Jin and Ias could attack, the Mantis man moved and instantly came to Bai Jin and Ias, waving his sickle-like arms.

Forcibly changing the chanting magic, Bai Jin’s body was covered with a thin light shield.

The sharp blow of the mantis man only splashed countless light spots.

Ias stopped drawing the bow and stretched out her hand. A hammer-shaped holy light burst out from her hand and penetrated half of the mantis man’s body.

But the mantis man did not fall. Other parts of its body suddenly extended to cover the missing part, and it continued to attack Ias and Bai Jin with its sickle-like arms.

Taking a deep breath, Lotkar clenched his fists and launched [Broken Blow]. With the help of the equipment he got from Yang Yu, he punched the mantis man’s head off.

Just like before, the Mantis man’s broken head actually re-condensed, and he even wanted to turn it into a thread to tie Lotkar’s arm and seize Lotkar’s power.

A dazzling golden light emitted from Ias’ body, turning into ripples, and the mantis nearby quickly bounced away.

Even the crocodile dog biting Yang Yu’s shield was affected by the sacred ripples of Ias, and nearly half of his body was blown away by the ripples.

But despite the ripples blowing away the body, the black crocodile dog’s claws were firmly embedded in the ground, “If you wander happily”.

The black mist fluttered, and after the ripples stopped, the dissipated black mist quickly climbed up the fragmented body of the crocodile dog, reshaping everything.

Before the crocodile dog’s body became completely solid, Yang Yu’s black shadow blade cut off one of its front legs in one breath, and launched a powerful attack that was overwhelming.

This is not over yet, Ias draws the bow string.

A golden light arrow cut through the sky and pierced the black crocodile dog’s eyebrows.

Seeing that the black crocodile dog had not been knocked down, Ias opened her long bow again and fired several shining light arrows in succession, hitting the black crocodile dog’s long snout one after another, knocking it back.

The black crocodile dog was unable to parry the joint attack of Yang Yu and Ias, and it howled in pain and fell from the window.

At the same time, Bai Jin, He Meng, and Lotkar attacked from three sides, tearing the stunned mantis man into pieces, causing him to turn into a ball of black air and disappear silently.

The room was in a mess. Yang Yu cautiously walked towards the window where the black crocodile dog fell to confirm the life or death of the black crocodile dog.

The strange thing is that it is pitch black outside the window and there is no light at all.

Suddenly, the scenery around Yang Yu became distorted.

The whole room seemed to have gone back in time, and all the destroyed things slowly returned to their original state.

Countless shining lights also came from the originally dark window.

As I got closer to the window, people were coming and going on the street, as if no one noticed what just happened.

Ias looked at a loss. She approached the bed that had just been destroyed and stroked it carefully. The bed was intact. Hemeng jumped **** the floor, and the hole it had just drilled in the floor disappeared. .

Bai Jin silently put her hand on the wall of the room, sensing the traces of magic.

Pedestrians outside the window continued to come and go.

With such a big movement, not only pedestrians but also the people staying in this hotel should have heard about it and came here long ago.

However, until now, no one has visited Yang Yu.

Like, nothing really happened.

Yang Yu said: “Bai Jin, do you feel anything?”

Bai Jin shook his head, “There is no magic left, and… there is no obvious sense of being transferred. We should always be in this room.”

“Then Bai Jin, do you know any magic that can do such a thing?”

Bai Jin shook her head again. Although she knew a lot about the working principles of magic through study, the current magic system is extremely huge. The knowledge she learned was only the tip of the iceberg, and there were many others she had never heard of. , many magical existences that have never been seen before.


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