Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 946: Dragon God Review Country


Taking the challenge letter and looking at the tasks that popped up on the panel, Yang Yu’s first reaction was…

Classic text? Who is this?

After thinking about it carefully, Yang Yu recalled that Dianwen seemed to be the person who served as his martial arts examiner.

Dianwen seemed to have served as a guard on the day Yang Yu first arrived at the Library of All Things…

When Yang Yu mentioned the day he first arrived at the Wanwu Library, Yang Yu became angry.

At that time, the old man really sold learning materials. Yang Yu thought he was selling that kind of thing, which made him happy in vain.

After adjusting his mentality and accepting the task, Yang Yu watched the last few magicians walk onto the round platform.

After confirming that everyone was present, the library elders on site started the transmission device together.

The majestic magic power spurted out from the library elders in an instant, filled the round platform, and spread upwards along the stairs.

Different magic powers merged together and became purer, weaving layers of magic arrays above Yang Yu and the others. In the end, a white beam of light engulfed them all.

Yang Yu felt that his body suddenly became illusory, his body was light and his vision turned pure white.

The next moment, Yang Yu and the others stepped firmly on the solid ground, and the white color in front of them gradually dissipated.

The surrounding scenery is similar yet different.

Around the round platform, a ring of stones extends upward step by step. However, the white stones are replaced by gray-brown rocks with some moss, making them look old and worn.

In just an instant, they came from the Library of All Things to Macuder, the capital of the Dragon God Council, thousands of miles away.

The magicians in the Library of All Things looked around and found a man wearing a cowboy hat on the edge of the teleportation platform, smiling at them.

“Welcome to the Dragon God Review Country, friends of the Library of All Things.”

Artest Roosevelt flashed and came to the magicians,

“I have made arrangements for the hotel.

Registration has begun.

At this time, the Dragon God Conference officials are still processing registration matters.

I will take you to sign up first, and then take you to the hotel to have a good rest.

Let me remind you again, it is midsummer over at the Library of All Things, and it is nearing the end of winter here…

Although the climate in Makudel is very cool in winter, as the seasons change, you still need to pay attention to keeping warm.

If you get sick during the game, the gains outweigh the losses. ”

Artest Roosevelt’s eyes wandered to Yang Yu for a while, without saying anything, he turned around and climbed the stairs one step at a time.

Barona followed with the team.

The teleportation platform that Yang Yu and the others are standing on is located on a high mountain in the city, and the edge of the teleportation platform is the mountain peak.

Standing on the mountain peak and looking around, they are all vast towns with no end in sight.

This place is larger than any city Yang Yu has ever seen before.

The city blurs the horizon, and it is completely unclear where the boundaries are.

Led by Artest Roosevelt, Yang Yu and the others went down the mountain and walked into the town.

What came into view were various races of people, orcs, humans, lizardmen, dwarves… They were coming and going on the streets, peacefully.

The roads in Macudel are spacious and smooth, and businesses are prosperous. Every time he walks a certain distance, Yang Yu can see a few demi-humans who look like soldiers patrolling to ensure the security of the town.

The levels of these demi-humans are not low. Each of them is over level 90 and possesses extremely impressive strength.

With such strength, they would be able to sit in the position of generals in ordinary countries, but they are willing to be patrolling soldiers here.

Because the city was too huge, Artest Roosevelt took out town maps and distributed them to everyone present, and taught them how to find their way in the city.

When he reached a certain street corner, Artest Roosevelt pointed to a certain erected sign.

That sign has a map on one side and different place names on the other side.

Are there bus stations in this world?

Just as Yang Yu was thinking this, not long after, a huge two-meter-tall lizard pulled a multi-section carriage and stopped in front of the platform.

Many people got off the bus one after another, and countless more people got on.

Under Artai’s instructions, Yang Yu and the others put in coins and got on the bus.

After sitting in the carriage, the interior decoration of the carriage cannot be said to be exactly the same as the bus that Yang Yu once took, but it can only be said to be completely consistent.

There was actually a magic broadcast in the car that announced the next destination that was about to be reached, and a punk atmosphere came to my face.

What surprised Yang Yu even more was that at the next stop, there was an old man checking in and getting on the bus.

His old brother smiled disdainfully, looked at Yang Yu and the others as if they were old haters, and sat on the chair as usual.

Yang Yu put his arm around the man’s shoulders maliciously on the spot, and with a half-smiling look in his eyes asked the elder brother who was riding in the car to introduce Makudel’s situation to them.

A passer-by looked at Baronaco and Artest Roosevelt on the spot and said, “Is your group so uncultured?”

Both of them cast helpless looks at the passerby.

After arriving at the Dragon God Council, Yang Yu and the others were just along the way and were not under their jurisdiction.

Yang Yu’s eyes became more and more terrifying. The passerby could only admit that he was unlucky, told Yang Yu some information, and hurriedly got off the car at the next stop.

The channel through which Yang Yu got the news also went from a passerby to Artest Roosevelt.

As one of the editors-in-chief of the All Things Library Newspaper, he also participated in the production of the annual magazine [Adventurer’s Peak] and formulated the so-called [Genius List]. After the release of the new issue of [Genius List], Artest Roosevelt has long been We arrived at the Dragon God Council and waited for the Dragon God Conference to begin.

He has been to the Dragon God Review Country many times.

Not only do I understand the situation of the Dragon God Review Country completely, but I also understand it vaguely.

The Dragon God Review Country, as the name says, is a country ruled by giant dragons.

The power of the dragon is almost unmatched, and few people will take action against this country.

The dragons treat all demihuman races equally, so they can live here peacefully.

Take Makuder as an example. It has suffered almost no attacks in the past thousand years, except for one…

That day, the expanding Sertis Kingdom extended its black hand to the Dragon God Council, and was eventually hanged in a square in Macudel.

The expansion of the kingdom of Sirtis was destroyed almost in an instant. Out of kindness, the dragons gave Sirtis a breath, and only then did the three human kingdoms stand side by side.

Of course, as long as the dragons’ reverse scales are not touched, the dragons will not interfere with the affairs of the outside world.

Yang Yu asked Artest Roosevelt why the dragon did not interfere with the outside world. Artest Roosevelt shook his head and said that this is not something that can be said casually. If you want to know, you have to work **** your own.

The bus stopped and stopped all the way, and finally stopped in front of the [Martial Arts Hall] station. Yang Yu also had a preliminary understanding of the Dragon God Council.


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