Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 840: If I had known better, I would also be able to select book pages…


Dark Cloud answered: “The specific method to go to the country of the Nine-Life Cat Demon…

You need to prepare some materials.

Then, you can go there only after you find a dead cat demon with nine lives left. ”

This method is not a secret among the nine-life cat demons who only have two or one life left.

The nine-life cat demon with only one life is not so easy to find.

Most of the materials used to open the passage are extremely valuable, and cannot be collected in a short time.

That’s why An Yun answered Yang Yu’s question without hesitation.

Yang Yu asked: “Then how many lives do you have left?”

“Don’t try to trick me!” An Yun glared at Yang Yu fiercely, “I don’t want to waste my life in vain, so I am answering your question now!

If you want to offend me and kill the donkey, force me to answer some questions that I am forbidden to answer…

After I am reborn, not only will I not be able to lead you, but other brothers and sisters will also not be able to lead you! ”

“I’m just asking a general question, don’t be nervous.” Yang Yu said: “I heard that the fewer lives the nine-lived cat demon has left, the more things he knows. You know a lot, so it shouldn’t be because you have less lives. That kind of… But what kind of manipulation was done before coming to this world?”


Dark Cloud took a breath of air, “How did you know?”

Yang Yu said with a smile: “Your job should be to protect this ruins and prevent anyone from knowing the truth about the ruins.

That’s why, when I might know the truth about the ruins, he suddenly appeared and quickly confirmed something with me.

In order to ensure that after you come to this world, you will come to the ruins as soon as possible to carry out work.

Do you have all the original memories from your first life? ”

How sharp, An Yun was speechless.

Indeed, if it were an ordinary nine-life cat demon, it would have to die many times before it could remember all its memories and complete its true mission.

But Dark Cloud is different…

The reason why it came to this world is to prevent anyone from completely inheriting the knowledge in the ruins.

As for when its work will end, there are only three situations:

1. He spent nine lives and died in this world. 2. The ruins were completely destroyed. 3…….

I thought that as time went by, my job would gradually become easier.

As a result, a group of miners who valued wealth first dug up the ruins, and then the Luoze Empire forcibly intervened in the ruins to study…

When the researchers took out that thing, Dark Cloud was really shocked.

But after seeing that the thing didn’t respond to anyone, Dark Cloud felt completely at ease again, realizing that there might no longer be anyone in the world who could use that thing.

No one can obtain the wisdom of the predecessors from that thing. It will take tens of thousands of years to fully interpret the ruins.

Even after deciphering the ruins, as long as they do not inherit the knowledge inside, their nine-life cat demons will be absolutely safe.

I thought the peaceful days would continue, but Yang Yu turned out to be a variable.

Sure enough, we can’t take it lightly.

“It seems that I was right.

You should know a lot of things, right?

Including what that civilization was like in the past.

But it seems like you don’t intend to tell me. ”

Looking at An Yun’s reaction, Yang Yu knew that he might have missed the biggest secret in the world.

Dark Cloud would surrender so simply because he must have figured out what he failed to get from the ruins.

An Yun said in a bad temper: “Yes, so what!

There are some issues that I will never tell you even if you kill me.

I will answer your last question, but the condition is that after I finish answering, let me go immediately!

If I answer and you don’t let me go, I will commit suicide in front of you.

Then…hate you forever.

When you die, I will dig up your grave and gnaw on your bones. ”

Yang Yu is fearless, “When I was alive, I didn’t dare to come. As expected, I still bullied the weak and feared the strong.”

“Stop talking nonsense, will you agree or not?”

Yang Yu tried to push **** Dark Cloud’s ribs. This time Dark Cloud held in his breath and exerted all his strength. He had the guts not to make any sound. It was obvious that Dark Cloud was serious.

Sitting down cross-legged, Yang Yu put down An Yun.

If the question is too difficult, this nine-life cat demon will probably not be able to answer it like the giant dragon; if the question is too simple, it will not be cost-effective.

Yang Yu folded his hands and fell into deep thought.

Dark Cloud raised his head and looked at Yang Yu, looking for any inhuman features on Yang Yu. However, after looking for a long time, Dark Cloud could not see any inhuman features on Yang Yu, and even the inhuman magic power was very weak.

Looking at it, Yang Yu suddenly raised his hand, placed a few pages in front of An Yun, and said:

“You should know this kind of writing. As long as you can translate the things on this page to me, I will let you go.”

Cat Claw fiddled with the pages of the book Yang Yu put down, and An Yun said in surprise:

“Where did you get these pages?”

“The labyrinth built by the brave men of previous generations.” Yang Yu replied neatly.

“The previous hero, Lox, I remember this name… Speaking of which, that guy Skagard was also with him… It shouldn’t be surprising to be able to decipher this thing. .”

An Yun murmured to himself and continued to tinker with the pages. After a while, An Yun pushed the pages back to Yang Yu and said awkwardly:

“These pages involve many sensitive topics. We are not allowed to mention those words without permission. Moreover, there are too many to translate, so I will only translate two.”

Dark Cloud swept out a few pages with his cat’s paw, expressing his determination not to translate the content on those pages.

Yang Yu looked serious, stretched out five fingers, and bargained: “Five. Otherwise, I will read the pages you scanned out.”

An Yun looked directly at Yang Yu, “Three. No more. Otherwise, why don’t you change the question?”

“It’s a deal. Three, three.”

Yang Yu gathered the pages, picked out three chapters with relatively consistent page numbers, and knocked them.

“Just these three pages!”

Dark Cloud confirmed: “Once selected, it can no longer be changed.”


An Yun sat in front of Yang Yu, with his two tails crossed,

“What I say next is all based on the translation of this ancient text. Please listen carefully.

Here we go.

‘June 13, 2009 in the GK calendar

It has been more than 9 years and 6 months since the beginning of the plan, and until now, I still don’t know whether our plan is correct and whether it can achieve results.

But we want to believe that we will succeed.

In the past few years, the people have shown signs of wavering. In order to prevent the plan from being shelved, I was ordered to lead people to clear the place.

Several of my former friends are among them.

Sorry, friends, you will eventually understand what we do in prison.

To put it lightly, plants have tamed the magic, which is a big step forward in our plan.

Sure enough, as the teachings say, life is a miracle.

The first plant to tame magic was alfalfa, which used magic to weave unique fibers and proteins…’”

As he listened, Yang Yu suddenly felt that some parts were very familiar.

Looking back carefully, damn, isn’t this something I heard from the Elf Queen…

Had I known…

Let Ias choose the pages to be translated.


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