Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 938: I don’t know how serious I am


After leaving the ruins, there are not many creations that can still repair themselves. They are all concentrated in several laboratories. It is not difficult for Yang Yu to see them.

Narrowing down the scope in one go, Ace and Yang Yu were recorded visiting four research laboratories respectively.

Yang Yu touched some touchable creations, but the panels were either full of question marks or displayed as experimental items XXX, and no useful information could be obtained.

After wandering around, Yang Yu and the others arrived at Research Room 114 for a final visit.

As soon as he arrived at the laboratory, Yang Yu’s eyes couldn’t help but be taken away by the irregular blue creation suspended in the center.

It was recorded that Ace handed a form to Yang Yu,

“This is the last thing.

After visiting here, it’s over.

Important parts, the final appearance makes it look cool.

Just looking at it feels magical.

Unfortunately, no matter how much we investigate, nothing can be found. ”

Yang Yu looked at the table that was handed over. There was no special information on the table, only weight, volume and other data.

Yang Yu walked around the irregular blue creation and made a request to touch the blue creation with his hand.

Of course Ace agreed and slowly put down the irregular blue creation.

Yang Yu didn’t have high hopes at first, so he stretched out his hand and touched a light yellow surface of the irregular blue creation.

Unexpectedly, a burst of yellow current flashed on the surface of this object, running along Yang Yu’s arm and into Yang Yu’s mind.

Everyone in the research room became nervous instantly, fearing that something might happen to Yang Yu.

However, Yang Yu not only did not feel any discomfort, on the contrary, he felt a little relaxed.

A voice sounded in Yang Yu’s mind:

[Identity verification is successful and meets the memory login conditions.

Warning, warning.

Object exception detected, object exception detected.


The identity verification is successful and meets the memory login conditions.

Memory copying…

Memory copy failed.

Copy again….

The memory copy is completed and the memory is being uploaded.

Memory upload completed.

Start now, transmitting the memories of the guides…

Warning, warning!

The memories of the guides cannot be implanted, the reason is wrong, and they are not the designated objects.

Error, error, error.


An unknown language sounded in his mind, and Yang Yu could accurately understand the meaning of a sentence.

I understand every sentence, but when these words are put together, Yang Yu doesn’t understand anything.

The suddenly glowing blue creation suddenly stopped radiating light, and fell silent as if nothing happened.

Seeing this scene, Ace came to Yang Yu in three steps and two steps, and grabbed Yang Yu’s shoulders excitedly,

“How about it, does this thing resonate with the relics on your body?

How are you feeling now? Do you know anything? ”

Now that things have happened, it is difficult for Yang Yu to say that nothing happened just now.

Yang Yu held his head and said with lingering fear: “I can feel that this thing has copied my memory, but I don’t know why it is copying my memory? I shouldn’t have had my memory modified, right?”

It was recorded that Ace had a serious look on his face. At least he had discovered part of the role of the creation in front of him. He quickly found a notebook and wrote down Yang Yu’s feelings.

Just when Yang Yu thought he could get away with it, he suddenly heard Ias shouting in a hurry:

“Yang Yu! Behind!”

Yang Yu looked in the direction that Ias was pointing without hesitation, and saw that he had a pair of cat ears reflected in the shadow on the wall.

Robbing his head back and forth, Yang Yu didn’t find cat ears growing on his head.

Yang Yu looked at the wall again, it was no longer Mao Er’s problem.

There was actually the shadow of a cat sitting on his shadow.

Patting the top of his head again, Yang Yu did not see any kittens on his head.

Yang Yu shook his head vigorously, and the kitten’s shadow jumped down from Yang Yu’s shadow’s head as if impatient, and rushed out of the door.

Yang Yu had an intuition that he must not let the shadow escape.

He immediately chased after him and shouted to his partner behind him:

“Follow me!”

Everyone said nothing and followed Yang Yu through the tunnel quickly, chasing the shadow cat.

Yang Yu was very fast and caught up with the shadow cat in a short time, but he didn’t know what to do with this invisible and intangible shadow cat.

The shadow cat sank into Yang Yu’s shadow, and the next moment, it reappeared above Yang Yu’s head.

Once Yang Yu stopped, the shadow cat would jump down from Yang Yu’s head and try to escape again.

As a last resort, Yang Yu could only chase the shadow cat all the way, and after chasing him, he unexpectedly returned to the dilapidated hotel where he entered without anyone noticing.

While chasing the shadow cat, Yang Yu noticed something.

He tried to stop, but the shadow cat also stopped and looked back to see if Yang Yu had followed.

Now Yang Yu is sure that the shadow intends to lure him somewhere.

In front of the dilapidated hotel, Yang Yu waited for his companions for a while, waiting for them to chase them out of the tunnel, and then followed the black shadow freely.

In the streets of a run-down town, Yang Yu saw a black kitten wearing a cowboy hat. What was different from this kitten was that its tail was bifurcated and turned into two tails.

The black cat shadow ran straight to the kitten’s feet.

Raising his head, the ominous black cat’s wild eyes emitted a burst of golden light, staring straight at Yang Yu.

Yang Yu looked at the panel and saw another owner with a question mark attribute.

After swallowing his saliva, Yang Yu asked the nine-life cat demon:

“Hello, are you the owner of the shadow just now? I want to ask you, what exactly do you want to do?”

The black cat lowered his mouth, mouthed human words, and asked back: “What did you see in the ruins just now?”

“I’ve seen so much…”

“Don’t pretend to be dead for me. What I want to ask is, after you came into contact with that thing, did you have any more memories that didn’t belong to you out of thin air?”

Yang Yu shook his head like a rattle, “After that thing copied my memory, it didn’t implant other memories into me. It said something about the transmission failure.”

“Transmission failed? It’s so possible…you must be hiding something!” Black Cat couldn’t believe the news.

“You are the ones. You are nine-life cat monsters. You are obviously a ghost. Why did you appear in the ruins immediately after I touched that thing and ask me questions?” Yang Yu said jokingly .

“This is just my job. I just want to know the truth and see if you know something special!” Black Cat said.

Yang Yu responded with a smile: “What special thing? I really want to hear this news from your mouth now.”

Black Cat snorted coldly, “Haha, stop pretending, time is precious.”


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