Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 936: “Luca”


Stepping through the white curtain, Yang Yu stepped firmly on a piece of ground that shone slightly with light blue light, and in front of him was a blue wall.

Ace was recorded saying in a low voice: “Don’t move yet, silently recite this word with me, ‘Luka——’.”

Yang Yu and the others followed suit, and countless light points gathered at their feet, forming a light platform.

Lord Ace continued to guide: “The ruins are huge. As long as you think about the direction you want to go in your heart, the light platform under your feet will lead you there. Follow me to avoid getting lost.”

As he spoke, Ace slowly rose into the air.

Yang Yu just thought in his mind “Follow me”, and the light platform under his feet carried him high into the air, and followed up with Ace.

Bai Jin can already use [Dance in the Sky], so the difficulty of manipulation is nothing to her.

He Meng lazily transformed into a slime, hiding in the hood of the white hibiscus robe.

It was obviously the first time for Ias and Lotkar, who had transformed into a human form, to experience flying. They were a little unsure, but they enjoyed it.

It was recorded that Ace told Yang Yu that the first person who explored the ruins did not know the password. It was someone who accidentally discovered the password after being drunk and talking nonsense.

With this password, they can move quickly in the ruins and get to where they want to go without spending too much time.

However, in order to quickly reach certain important locations, researchers still built several teleportation locations.

Yang Yu and the others came here for a visit. They spent most of their time just walking around and listening to Ace’s explanations, so there was no need for those special teleportation locations.

Tap a certain wall, and a long passage appears in front of Yang Yu and the others. Ace flies into it first, followed closely by Yang Yu and the others.

“I don’t know where to start, but the ruins are connected in all directions, so just take a look.”

The first thing Yang Yu and the others arrived at was a dormitory.

The hexagonal rooms form two “honeycombs” on two sides. The passage that Yang Yu and the others walked through was sandwiched between two honeycombs. It is roughly estimated that the passage is as wide as two kilometers.

After obtaining consent, Yang Yu was allowed to enter a room to find out.

Most of the rooms were locked with something and seemed to require some special rules to open. There were only a few destroyed rooms that Yang Yu could enter.

Unfortunately, although the room was very spacious, all the things inside had been evacuated. It was empty and there was nothing to see.

Such a situation also occurs in many other areas.

Yang Yu could only get a glimpse of the original appearance of those areas from Ace’s mouth, but Ace always used “novel things that he had never seen before” to describe those areas that had been moved out. thing.

Along the way, Yang Yu and the others saw many researchers. Some were transporting equipment, while others were squatting in front of the equipment and tinkering around aimlessly.

Seeing these people, Ace suddenly said:

“Research on ruins is very hard, and some people may continue to do so for decades, but in the end they may find nothing.”

“Won’t they regret it?” Yang Yu asked.

“Regret? Who knows? I think that rather than regret, they wish they could find the answers they want with their own hands during their lifetime. Human beings only have a life span of a few decades, which is really too short.”

Ace smiled helplessly. He didn’t know whether he would be able to see the true secret of the ruins revealed in his lifetime.

Record Ace smiled and said, “Not everything is difficult to study, just like the area we are going to next.”

The movement speed gradually accelerated, and Yang Yu and the others came to a strange and bizarre world.

That was a circular area with countless strange stones.

It’s more like bones than stones…

The bones have been arranged into the poses of various creatures.

Yang Yu knows what these things are.

It’s a fossil.

Yes, it’s a fossil.

Fossils are the remains, relics or relics left behind by ancient organisms that once lived, and are ultimately formed after geological changes.

Yang Yu never thought that he would see such a thing in this world.

“The things here have been thoroughly studied for a long time.

It’s just an ordinary stone, but it’s more than an ordinary stone.

There are two ways to say it:

One type is a work of art that was pieced together by the people who once lived here for recreation, using the bones of different creatures and then petrifying them.

The other is that these creatures are real, but for some reason, only the skeletons are left, and then, for unknown reasons, they all turned into stone.

Originally, the first theory prevailed, but a researcher remembered that he had seen similar things in the outside world and brought back the real thing. Now the second theory is louder.

No matter what, we cannot understand why people at that time placed all these stones here and occupied such a large circular area. ”

Yang Yu directed the light platform under his feet to rise slowly. Looking at the area from the dome, he saw several highly recognizable fossils…

Sabre-toothed tiger, mammoth, moa, tyrannosaurus, triceratops, Dunkleosteus…

Flying back to the ground, the light platform under his feet disappeared. Yang Yu officially stepped on this fossil area. As if he was attracted by something, he walked step by step from the edge of the ring to the center.

Where did people come from?

In some fantasy worlds, this question is either deliberately avoided or the answer is straightforward: humans were created by a certain god.

But in this ruins, Yang Yu saw another explanation.

With every step he took, Yang Yu felt as if hundreds of thousands of years were passing by him. His posture gradually changed, and the fossils around him gradually came to life.

He first turned into a hairy ape, with all kinds of giant beasts running rampant around him. He was single and weak. Friends who were the same as him gathered around him. Suddenly, a sharp saber tooth emerged from the The back penetrated his throat.

The next moment, he became a strange monkey jumping in the forest, jumping in the forest occupied by giant chocobos. He was just looking at the giant birds, accidentally hit a branch, and fell down the tree. The chocobo It stepped on his body with its huge claws, and stabbed straight at him with its huge beak.

The next moment, the giant bird turned into a dinosaur and bit the newly captured Triceratops. He became weaker and became a mouse hiding in a tree hole. A four-winged dinosaur found his nest. After launching an attack on his lair, he cowered into the corner of the cave, but still had no way to escape the fate of death.

Step after step, death flowed in front of Yang Yu’s eyes. The enemies changed one batch after another, and he was unable to defeat death every time.

His posture kept changing, he shed his hair and grew scales, his scales shed and his skin became moist, and then he grew scales again, plunged into the sea, swam and swam, his body became more and more primitive, losing limbs and rows. The fins in the water, lost their jaws, lost their notochord, lost their eyesight… became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a tiny thing that no one could see.

Raising his hand, everything returned to normal. Yang Yu seemed to have passed through billions of years and became the person he is now.

In front of him was an empty glass box placed on a pillar.

But Yang Yu knew what was inside.


The common ancestor of all living things.


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