Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 894: I will keep my grudge in my notebook


The dark clouds are like a curtain drawn by the **** of death. People under the curtain dare not act rashly for fear that the **** of death will come quietly.

They don’t know whether what Yang Yu just said is true or false, but they are willing to believe that what Yang Yu said is true.

What was in the memory crystal just now has explained everything.

In the center of the battlefield is a “demon” and “madman” who can take the lives of so many people without changing his expression.

The garrison in Liangcheng perished in the fire because they did not believe Yang Yu’s seemingly unbelievable words.

Now the soldiers under the dark cloud do not want to repeat the same mistakes and let that happen to them.

The generals of the Luoze Empire broke out in cold sweat and wet the lining under their armor. They no longer wanted to lose their well-trained troops.

General Luo Ze looked at each other, and finally elected a general who stepped forward to speak on his behalf:

“Please calm down, Deputy General Yang Yu…

You didn’t use magic to kill us directly, and you don’t want the situation to develop in that direction…

Didn’t you just say that?

I came here to stop this war.

You definitely don’t want to see rivers of blood…

If you have any requests, just ask. ”

Yang Yu said expressionlessly:

“I’m warning you again.

Whether it’s an orc soldier or a human soldier, figure out your position and don’t let me see any small moves.

And don’t do anything to try to anger me.

My trump card is beyond your imagination.

After all, I am a person favored by the ruins. It is easy to escape from here. ”

General Luo Ze frowned and made a promise to Yang Yu:

“I promise not to do any tricks.”

Marco also represented the troops of the Wansheng Republic and said: “We also promise not to engage in any small tricks.”

Yang Yu changed his seriousness and smiled, jokingly:

“If you two can unite to deal with me at this moment, you may still have a chance of winning.

But how can you, trapped in a prophecy that has already been fulfilled, unite under such circumstances? ”

After hearing Yang Yu’s words, both orcs and humans all thought of the ancient article and couldn’t help but mutter “The prophecy has been fulfilled long ago…”

Yang Yu did not continue this topic.

That’s not his job.

Without authoritative certification, I am wasting my time talking here. After all, my influence is limited and I cannot influence ordinary people who have read the report.

What Yang Yu needs to do is to complete his task:

“Now that you are all ready, let me tell you my request! Prick up your ears and listen!”

The scene was silent, everyone was waiting for Yang Yu to speak.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yu faced Marco and said:

“Marco, this war is over long ago.

You orcs should not step into this country, lead your troops back to the border, and return to your own country.

After such a long war, many soldiers should be homesick, so comfort them.

I know something about Wansheng Country…Wansheng Republic.

Maybe someone will stop your retreat…

I will deal with them for you. After returning to the border line, if you don’t worry, stay on the border and defend for a while.

But you must never step into this country again, let alone persecute civilians. ”

Marco nodded heavily.

Then, Yang Yu looked at the human troops aside,

“Luo Ze Empire, try waiting again.

You will take back all the lost territory, as long as you promise not to cross the border to attack the orcs again.

If the orcs don’t return the land, I will come to help you at that time.

However, if you dare to cross the border of Wansheng Kingdom, your enemy will be me.

Of course, people here do not have the right to make decisions.

Just pass my words to the higher-ups intact.

If the two countries can do what I ask, I will not take action again if you dare to challenge my bottom line.

I don’t know what dangerous things will be waiting for you.

If your respective countries raise some loyal dogs with high combat effectiveness.

Feel free to come over, as long as I am still alive, I will write down this grudge in a small notebook and pay it back slowly.

Raising his head and looking around, the hatred has not disappeared among the soldiers of the two countries. Yang Yu even saw the decisiveness of “retreat temporarily and plan for the long term” in the eyes of some people.

Some people don’t want to give up the war so easily, especially because this war was ended by an external force like Yang Yu.

Yang Yu doesn’t know how many people will really give up their hatred in the future.

But if most people can realize that what they do is ultimately meaningless harm to each other and start thinking, maybe something can be changed.

Of course, this cannot be changed overnight.

Yang Yu wants to see that day come.

Under Yang Yu’s pressure, after a brief discussion, the troops of Luoze Empire and Wansheng Republic agreed to Yang Yu’s request.

“We will convey it to Prime Minister Mindalak.”

“We will also convey it to Emperor Luo Hui.”

After receiving verbal commitments from the two armies, Yang Yu pretended to grin with satisfaction:

“Don’t forget what I said.

Now take your troops out of the black cloud and do as I say.

As for me…

I have something more important to do, and I must complete that thing before this war can truly come to an end. ”

Yang Yu took out a watch, pretended to check the time, and said:

“You now have two hours to evacuate.

Everyone, see you soon.

The next time we meet, I hope you can put aside your past grudges. ”

After saying that, the white hibiscus in the sky slowly fell on Lotkar, but the black clouds in the sky did not dissipate.

Climbing onto Lotkar’s back, Yang Yu directed Lotkar to walk away in full view of everyone without anyone stopping him.

After hearing Yang Yu’s two-hour time limit, all the soldiers present lost most of their fighting spirit. They just wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

The generals on both sides did not neglect and immediately organized their men to retreat as quickly as possible.

The Luo Ze Empire ran away so fast that they didn’t even notice that the water level of the Beijong River had dropped significantly.

There is no huge attack that can wrap up everyone. Yang Yu made it all up.

The black clouds in the sky are just super-large weather magic released by the water of the Beijong River.

This is all Yang Yu’s pretense.

Originally Yang Yu planned to let Bai Jin actually use super large magic to intimidate him, but Bai Jin was not proficient in super large magic. Using super large magic would take a lot of time and be easily interrupted.

Yang Yu didn’t know whether Bai Jin, who had just fully mastered [Dance in the Sky], could continue to fly in the magic-poor sky after using the super-large magic.

That’s why Yang Yu used this safer method of bluffing people.


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