Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 879: We abide by our past agreements


It is very generous and allows bargaining, which is really inconsistent.

The dragon won’t be the kind of person who pretends to be generous and feels distressed when he pays for it at the critical moment, right?

Let’s see for yourself how big the dragon is.

Yang Yu just opened his mouth and said he didn’t want any wealth that could be used in his lifetime. The dragon was so generous, so he just gave everyone present a set of legendary equipment.

This request was naturally rejected by the dragons.

The legendary equipment of the giant dragons was not brought by the strong wind, how could it be so cheap for Yang Yu and the others.

Yang Yu was not surprised by this result.

He was not interested in drinking, so he took the opportunity to ask if there was anyone in the world who could make legendary equipment, and how to obtain legendary equipment and legendary-level props.

Aware of Yang Yu’s intention, Hei Luo did not directly answer Yang Yu’s question:

“This is our knowledge.

If you want to know this information, you must lower your requirements.

You seem to have a lot of questions.

How about simply treating the answers to these questions as part of your reward? ”

Yang Yu did not refuse: “That’s okay.

You dragons must know some extremely interesting information.

By the way, how many pieces of legendary equipment can you give me at most?

How many questions are you going to answer for me?

You may not be able to answer some questions…

No, maybe you don’t want to answer.

I have the right to ask questions you don’t want to answer, right? ”

Kuro Luo still put his hand on his forehead and shared what Yang Yu said with other people in the Special Countermeasures Committee.

After half an hour, the Special Countermeasures Committee came to a conclusion, which was conveyed by Heiro:

“We can only give you three pieces of legendary equipment, this is our bottom line.

Questions that need to be answered…

Equipment can be exchanged for the number of times you answer questions.

If we are unable to answer, of course you can ask again.

One piece of equipment can be redeemed for five questions. This is our bottom line. ”

Yang Yu frowned: “Three pieces of legendary equipment, one can only be exchanged for five questions. Isn’t it too few?”

He Luo said very plainly: “It’s quite a lot. If you don’t accept it, I will give you an inexhaustible treasure for your whole life.

Of course, this wealth is calculated according to ordinary people’s standards. If you take this money and invest it in the casino and lose it all, that is your business. ”

Yang Yu put his hands behind his head and sighed: “Sure enough, there is a standard. This can’t be considered generous, right?”

Yang Yu tried to use the provoking method, but his provoking method was completely useless.

He Luo said: “It is quite generous to give you legendary equipment.

How many legendary equipment do you have on hand? You should know how difficult it is to find a piece of legendary equipment.

Legendary equipment is basically priceless in this world.

Any adventure group that obtains a piece of legendary equipment will not sell it easily.

The linear benefits brought by a piece of legendary equipment are extremely huge.

More importantly, legendary equipment can save lives at critical moments.

The more people hold huge wealth, the more they will attach great importance to their lives.

They naturally refused to let go of the legendary equipment.

If you want legendary equipment, you can only conquer large and larger dungeons by yourself. ”

Yang Yu nodded, “I want legendary equipment to save my life. If I had a few legendary equipment just now, I wouldn’t have been so embarrassed.”

Hero said: “Stop complaining.

Ordinary people will not open their mouths like you when faced with a dragon.

Others only dare to ask for one or two pieces of legendary equipment, but if you ask, legendary equipment is like cabbage. You can buy it if you want, and you can get a complete set at will.

Just three pieces, no more.

You can try ordering something else, as long as it’s not too over the top, it should still satisfy your needs. ”

Hearing what Hei Luo said, Yang Yu started bargaining with Hei Luo.

After some talking, Yang Yu got three free questions in addition to the three legendary pieces of equipment.

He Luo said: “It’s settled. I’ll give you three pieces of legendary equipment and three free questions. No more changes can be made.”

Yang Yu spread his hands and said: “I am barely satisfied. Although it is far from what I expected, this situation is still within the acceptable range.”

“Then, please choose the legendary equipment you need.”

Hei Luo put his index and middle fingers together and emitted a light blue magic power, weaving a huge screen in front of Yang Yu.

There are countless legendary equipment listed on the screen. Touch one and you will enter the description of the equipment.

“There is a search function on it. You can search for equipment according to your needs. Select it and click it twice to lock it.”

Faced with this dazzling list of equipment, Yang Yu fiddled around and found the search interface, and then quickly searched for cost-effective and suitable equipment.

All Yang Yu got in the maze were some weapons, so this time Yang Yu chose two pieces of legendary armor and a functional accessory.

Seeing the legendary equipment selected by Yang Yu, Hei Luo looked calm, put his hand on his forehead again, and said: “You know the goods better than you think. After you have chosen them, I will ask someone to prepare the goods. During this time , tell me your problem.”

“Then I’ll ask you rudely.”

Yang Yu smiled, hiding a knife in his smile,

“Can you tell me…

What is the purpose of this world?

Who exactly created this magical world and for what purpose? ”

“It was a very pointed question at the beginning.” Hei Luo smiled, “The explorer has appeared again. I’m sorry, we are prohibited from answering this question.”

Yang Yu scratched his head and said helplessly: “I hit the wall as soon as I came here. Let me change the question, let alone the raging Goblin Emperor, why do you choose to stand aside every time the Demon King and the brave fight? ? Shouldn’t such foreign matter be removed? ”

Hero asked for other people’s advice on this question. After the opinions were unified, he replied: “This is all based on an ancient promise.”

“Ancient promises? I have heard that dragons keep their promises extremely well… What kind of promises have you made with others?”

Hero asked: “Is this your second question?”


“I’m sorry, I can’t tell you directly the content of the ‘agreement’.”

Yang Yu smiled again, “In this case, is there still a way for me to know the answer to the question?”

“If this counts as your second question, I can answer it.” Heiro said.

“Then how can I know the content of the agreement? This is my second question.”

Hero once again sought the opinion of the special committee and gave the reply: “If you want to know the content of the agreement, there are currently two main formal ways.

First, after obtaining the racial essence of the dragon, and then passing a round of tests, you will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge about the dragon.

The second is to find the ‘agreed’ content that was copied by someone before. ”


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