Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 865: Color of medicine


For certain things, Yang Yu repeatedly confirmed with Ti Ke, and Ti Ke also patiently answered Yang Yu’s questions.

“If you want to avoid being controlled by others, the easiest way is to give yourself a layer of magical protection. However, this requires very high magical attainments and is only used by high-level magicians.

And there is no magic protection on it, a high-level magician can tell at a glance.

The second method is to drink special potions. Psychological counter-potions have been very successful in fighting against certain evil magicians or succubi in the past, and there are prescriptions in many places.

The library also records many effective prescriptions, which I just showed you.

The best potion is the dark blue [Strengthened Mental Intrusion Protection Potion].

As long as you drink it, you can guarantee that you will not be affected by mind control skills within a month.

It’s a pity that the materials for making that kind of potion are extremely precious. Let me follow your instructions and show you the distribution map of the materials…”

“It was really helpful.” He flipped through his notes and confirmed that the pictures he drew were not much different from the illustrations provided by Tico. Yang Yu closed the notes and said to Tico with a laugh: “Tiko, your kindness to us , I will remember it forever.”

Ti Ke blushed and said: “It’s really an exaggeration. I just did what I could. We are friends, this is normal.”

“I’m going to be busy next time, so I won’t be able to contact you for a while. I’ll definitely say thank you in person next time. If you need help with me next time, you’re welcome, just ask.”

Even if he felt a little lonely, Tico didn’t show it, he just said goodbye with a smile:

“Well. Goodbye, don’t forget to say hello to Ladis and me.”

After confirming what should be reconfirmed, it was already afternoon. After Yang Yu had lunch, he asked Bai Jin and the others to have a good rest and set off tomorrow, while he spent some time sorting out the contents in his mind.

Early the next morning, after Bai Jin and the others finished cleaning up, they informed their partners of the plan.

“…that’s it in a nutshell.

Next, we have to find out the real mastermind behind this war.

What their identities are, I can’t say yet.

The other party has the power to control people’s hearts. Every time a part of the plan is implemented, I will tell you the next step. ”

Ias crossed her arms, thoughtfully, and said: “In other words, have you included the situation where the two of us are being manipulated? If we are being manipulated, the one standing in the dark The mastermind behind the scenes will only interfere with part of the plan, but not the overall plan.”

Yang Yu did not deny: “If I am disturbed, I can also adopt other plans to remedy the situation. If it doesn’t work, I can adopt other plans.

As long as I am not manipulated, they will have no way of knowing all of my plans.

I also want to prepare potions for each of you that cannot be manipulated, but Tico also said it just now.

The medicinal materials for preparing psychotropic drugs are extremely precious. It is currently unknown whether the mastermind behind the scenes will form a monopoly on certain medicinal materials to prevent someone from preparing psychotropic drugs.

Don’t worry about ordinary medicinal materials. For precious medicinal materials, you may have to go there in person.

I don’t know how many medicinal materials I can collect. Maybe one bottle is the limit.

You two should be prepared to be charmed at any time.

You don’t have to worry too much. As long as I am not being manipulated, I will save you as soon as possible. ”

The memory of sneaking into the Yinlan Chamber of Commerce emerged in front of his eyes, Bai Jin nodded:

“I have personally experienced being seduced, and what I said at that time still makes me feel shy to this day.

If it is a normal charmed state, ordinary elixirs should be able to remove it. In order to ensure that I don’t get noticed, I can’t use the conspicuous magic protection, right?

Rather than being exposed to the enemy’s sight, you are still more worried about our true identity being exposed to the Luoze Empire. ”

“Exposed to the Luo Ze Empire, we are waiting for us, but the nationwide arrest must be made step by step.” Patting Bai Jin’s head, Yang Yu said with a smile: “When the time comes, even if I am stuffing it, I will stuff it with the medicine. In your mouth.

I won’t go into details.

The first step in the re-formulation of the plan is to collect medicinal materials and prepare potions.

We need to return to our original intention and become ordinary adventurers, while completing tasks and obtaining some medicinal materials.

I don’t know how long it will probably take. Let’s first see what medicinal ingredients can be obtained on the prescription.

Do you remember everything I said? ”

Bai Jin and Ias nodded, no longer having any doubts.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yu’s eyes fell on He Meng who was in a daze and said:

“He Meng, your identity is quite special and must not be exposed.

When the transformation is about to be released, find a place where no one is around to transform back into a slime and take a rest.

Sometimes you will encounter tasks that require you to act alone. I will talk to you alone when the time comes.

I’m going to call you and Lotlotkar by only half of their names. Your name is Moe, Lotkar is called Carl.

Remember, don’t give me a response when I call you. ”

He Meng patted her chest and made a promise:

“Of course I will remember it. You must also remember what I told you before. Before asking for help, you must abide by the rules. Let’s forget about the previous things. This is because we are partners. , I just gave it up. It’s definitely not because you gave me so many four-leaf clovers.”

In this way, there is another point that He Meng needs to pay attention to.

Yang Yu took out the pre-planted four-leaf clover from the system. He Meng’s eyes instantly became bright, and he jumped to Yang Yu’s side and took the four-leaf clover into his mouth in one bite. , chewed it with relish.

“He Meng, you have to pay attention to eating.

If you rush over to the four-leaf clover without hesitation and take a bite of the grass on the roadside, your identity will be exposed sooner or later.

When you are about to lose control of yourself, just think about what I am telling you now.

‘If you see a four-leaf clover and rush to it at all costs, I will not plant four-leaf clovers for you to eat for a month. ’

Also, common sense issues need to be left to you, especially table manners. ”

He Meng licked her lips, still not satisfied. The fat and tender four-leaf clover planted by Yang Yu was not comparable to the ordinary four-leaf clover on the roadside.

“Don’t underestimate me. My endurance is extraordinary. Let alone a month. If I pounce on a four-leaf clover when I see it on the roadside, you don’t need to offer me a four-leaf clover for half a year.” . In exchange for fulfilling my duties seriously, I need an all-you-can-eat four-leaf clover offered to me every day.”

Another four-leaf clover appeared in Yang Yu’s hand. He Meng’s eyes glowed again when he saw it. The four-leaf clover passed slowly in front of He Meng’s eyes and was taken into the system by Yang Yu.

“I hope you don’t make a promise in words, but show it to me with practical actions.”

He Meng curled his lips as if he was embarrassed: “Just say it once. I will keep it in my heart.”

With He Meng’s promise, Yang Yu packed up all his luggage and put it into the system.


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