Demon King, Don’t Run Away Chapter 862: Thanks for the hospitality


After a series of ups and downs, each slime has grown in strength and met reliable partners. Finally, there is someone who can fight against the slime kingdom.

They found an underground passage to the Slime Kingdom, fought through obstacles along the way, defeated enemies one after another, exposed their conspiracies one after another, and finally helped the Slime Prince regain his kingdom.

The Slime Prince burst into tears of gratitude and made a statue of the first boy he met. He brought his whole family to him and eventually became a powerful force against the devil.

Yang Yu has always believed that the story will go like this. A simple slime kingdom cannot have an overly complicated storyline. Even if it does, it should not be much different from what Yang Yu thought.

As a result, reality gave Yang Yu a slap in the face. Slime did not have an overly complicated story line. They had no story line at all.

Yang Yu knocked on his head, forced a smile, and still had the last glimmer of hope:

“Then how do you explain that you will appear near my village, where there are ordinary slimes, not a place where royal slimes like you will appear.”

“For me, that place is just like the back garden. I can appear there if I want to, and you can’t control it.” He Meng stuck out her tongue at Yang Yu.

“Why do you want to come with me so quickly?

I admit that you were very strong at that time. After going through so many battles, you should have discovered that you are not infinitely strong in this world.

Even if you are wandering around your own back garden, there should be a slime to remind you that the outside world is very dangerous.

If you think about it this way, you wouldn’t just follow me. ”

As soon as he heard what Yang Yu said, He Meng, whose anger dropped slightly, became furious again: “I would follow you so simply, not because of you.

When you gave me a four-leaf clover at first, I thought you wanted to make friends with me, but instead you attacked me without saying a word.

At that time, you really wanted to kill me. If you hadn’t taken out the seven-leaf clover in the end, I thought you and I wanted to be friends, so I spared your life.

But instead of being grateful, you almost made the equality I established invalid. Fortunately, I reacted in time and replaced it with a blood contract, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

You would never stand here and talk to me so leisurely. ”

Recalling the first scene of the fight with He Meng, I really almost died at that time.

This world is real.

Coming to this world probably means that you are already dead in the original world. Speaking of which, what were you doing before you died?

…It seems like playing the same game for three days in a row.

Before that, my work and rest were irregular… There is nothing surprising about this result.

At first I really thought this was just a game, and I felt it all with the mentality of playing a game.

When he fought with Hemeng until the last moment, he never thought that he would miss death.

He Meng was merciful at that time and did not pursue him, which indeed saved his life.

“Well, I really thanked you then. At least, now I sincerely apologize to you.”

Perceiving the change in Yang Yu’s attitude, He Meng’s attitude also changed: “In short, the blood contract is a very complicated contract, if the two people are too far apart.

There will be a force that makes the contractee constantly think of the contractor, thus prompting him to seek the protection of the contractor.

If you are too far away from me, images of you will start to appear in my mind, buzzing.

I don’t want to be like that…

Also, the four-leaf clover you grow is delicious. ”

“In other words, you only followed me to satisfy yourself? No, you said you regarded me as a friend before…”

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Yang Yu seemed to see He Meng’s little face blushing: “Really, it’s so noisy. I followed you just to eat myself. Can’t I admit this? It’s rare that I just told you Changed, do you really want my good opinion of you to drop to freezing point?”

Yang Yu smiled, “Of course I don’t want to, it’s really great to be able to satisfy your appetite.”

The expression on He Meng’s face relaxed. She didn’t know what to answer for a moment, and finally she just answered: “Thank you for the hospitality.”

“Confirm again, you really don’t have any grudges? There are no problems in the Slime Kingdom?”

“We have always lived underground and have never competed with the world. We will not be like you humans and orcs, who fight all day long. Don’t think that if I simply leave the Slime Kingdom, just think that Slime The same changes happened in the kingdom as in the human world…”

After that, He Meng kept talking, as if he wanted to say everything he wanted to say to Yang Yu and the others in the past two years.

After talking to Yang Yu, talking to Bai Jin, talking to Bai Jin, and talking to Ias, in the end, because He Meng talked too much, he returned to the form of a slime, lifeless. Lying limply on Bai Jin’s lap, the noisy day came to an end.

Then, the next day came in the blink of an eye.

In response to He Meng’s reinforcement plan, Yang Yu made a good plan.

He Meng is smarter than expected. Perhaps, as long as she is taught some skills, she can master them.

After glancing at Yang Yu’s training list, He Meng suddenly felt creepy.

Although he had seen similar lists before, it was only when he came to see them that He Meng discovered that Yang Yu was particularly serious about improving his teammates.

He Meng asked herself depressedly, she would never be able to be like Yang Yu.

Despite being creepy, He Meng finally agreed to the plan on the list half-heartedly.

He Meng’s third transformation became smoother.

The first topic that Yang Yu raised for He Meng was endurance. Although there is no time limit for [Mimicry] and [Color Simulation], without enough experience, it is still difficult to maintain it all the time, let alone later. He Meng also needs to fight in a human form.

At least it must be ensured that Hemeng can still maintain his human form after being knocked down more than five times.

The best training method is of course actual combat.

Because He Meng had the risk of turning back into a slime at any time, Yang Yu simply spent a lot of money to book a hotel room and told the hotel that he liked to practice swordplay in the room. If he broke something, , compensation was made in advance at that time.

The hotel naturally smiled from ear to ear and let Yang Yu do whatever he wanted. Even if he demolished two or three rooms, there would be no problem at all.

After getting permission, Yang Yu was naturally not polite and gave Hemeng a small stove for one-on-one training.

As expected by Yang Yu, He Meng in human form is really weak, not even one-tenth of her slime form. She has many skills, which are quite troublesome to use in human form.

Fortunately, Yang Yu has already found a solution.

The days are like this, spent in training day by day.

In the blink of an eye, another five days passed.


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